TBOND BUND (VM 1984) 2012: la profezia dei Maya o la rinascita

stamane Vi informo su l'effetto leva: Oggi con 100 euro è possibile speculare su un'operazione in titoli o valute fino a 20.000 euro.Cioè' si depositano 100 euro e si scommette al rialzo o al ribasso,avendo come riferimento 20.000 euro.l'utilizzo della leva è pericolosissimo: il broker che uso io ti da la possibilità di scegliere la leva: puoi decidere di usare una leva 200 (200 * 100 Euro = 20.000 Euro) ma puoi puntare anche su leve molto piu' basse 25, 10. Vedrete molti siti di finanza che invitano a fare queste operazioni, pericolosissime, ma che sono di moda nel mondo tanto è evro che i Derivati sono ben 19 volte la capitalizzazione delle borse del mondo e 9 volte il PIL mondiale.C'è interesse da parte delle banche a far avvicinare a queste operazioni anche i piccoli perchè lucrano commissioni e comandando il mercato posson portarlo dove vogliono.-SE QUESTA SPIRALE NON SI FERMA ,LA DISTORSIONE SUI MERCATI E SUI DEBITI SOVRANI,continuerà.
prova di intermarket

sssà sssaà prova prova

daily- today as yet
Ftsemib debole
euro in salita
titoli di sato in salita

dax e cac deboli


ok ok ....alza i bassi ....si ok
abbassa gli alti
bene così...ok ok

no, meglio: :D

ok ok ....abbassa i tassi ....si ok
alza i collateral
bene così...ok ok

SignalPeakPeakLowLow%DateDatePriceDatePriceCorrection7/24/2012?????10/18/2007Oct-071576Mar-09667-57.6Major Top...S&P falls 58%7/11/2007Jul-071556Aug-071371-11.9Precedes Major Top by 3 Months4/17/2006May-061327Jun-061219-8.1Minor Correction12/6/1999Dec-991476Feb-001325-10.2Precedes Major Top by 3 Months...S&P falls 50%9/24/1987Sep-87322Oct-87216-32.9S&P drops 36% in 9 Weeks3/23/1972May-72111Jul-72106-4.5Precedes late 1972 Top...S&P falls 48%5/17/1971May-71104Nov-7190-13.5Minor Correction 5/26/1969May-69106May-7069-34.9Major Top...S&P falls 35%10/13/1967Oct-6798Mar-6888-10.2Minor Correction2/1/1966Feb-6694Oct-6673-22.3Major Top...S&P falls 22%
This week the criteria for a Hindenburg Omen occurred based on the old methodology however some have adjusted the rules to limit the number of false signals.

I use the following criteria to justify a signal:

1. The Number of new 52 Week Highs and Lows much be at least 2.5% of the number of issues traded on the NYSE.
2. The number of new 52 Week Highs must not be more than twice the number of new 52 Week Lows.
3. The McClellan Oscillator must be negative.
4. The NYSE 10 Week Moving Average must be rising.

Also there must be a second occurrence of the above mentioned criteria to get a confirmed Hindenburg Omen Signal within 30 trading days. Furthermore if we add a few additional rules shown below this narrows down the number of actual occurrences to 11 since the mid 1960's.
5. Shiller's PE Ratio is above 16
6. The S&P 500 must be above its 10 Month Moving Average.
The chart below shows Shiller's PE Ratio (red) vs the S&P 500 (blue) along with the confirmed Hindenburg Omens (purple squares). As you can see confirmed Hindenburg Omen Signals occurred near the 2007 Top, 2000 Top, the 1987 Crash, the early 1970's Top, 1969 Top and the 1966 Top.​
SignalPeakPeakLowLow%DateDatePriceDatePriceCorrection7/24/2012?????10/18/2007Oct-071576Mar-09667-57.6Major Top...S&P falls 58%7/11/2007Jul-071556Aug-071371-11.9Precedes Major Top by 3 Months4/17/2006May-061327Jun-061219-8.1Minor Correction12/6/1999Dec-991476Feb-001325-10.2Precedes Major Top by 3 Months...S&P falls 50%9/24/1987Sep-87322Oct-87216-32.9S&P drops 36% in 9 Weeks3/23/1972May-72111Jul-72106-4.5Precedes late 1972 Top...S&P falls 48%5/17/1971May-71104Nov-7190-13.5Minor Correction 5/26/1969May-69106May-7069-34.9Major Top...S&P falls 35%10/13/1967Oct-6798Mar-6888-10.2Minor Correction2/1/1966Feb-6694Oct-6673-22.3Major Top...S&P falls 22%

This week the criteria for a Hindenburg Omen occurred based on the old methodology however some have adjusted the rules to limit the number of false signals.

I use the following criteria to justify a signal:

1. The Number of new 52 Week Highs and Lows much be at least 2.5% of the number of issues traded on the NYSE.
2. The number of new 52 Week Highs must not be more than twice the number of new 52 Week Lows.
3. The McClellan Oscillator must be negative.
4. The NYSE 10 Week Moving Average must be rising.

Also there must be a second occurrence of the above mentioned criteria to get a confirmed Hindenburg Omen Signal within 30 trading days. Furthermore if we add a few additional rules shown below this narrows down the number of actual occurrences to 11 since the mid 1960's.
5. Shiller's PE Ratio is above 16
6. The S&P 500 must be above its 10 Month Moving Average.
The chart below shows Shiller's PE Ratio (red) vs the S&P 500 (blue) along with the confirmed Hindenburg Omens (purple squares). As you can see confirmed Hindenburg Omen Signals occurred near the 2007 Top, 2000 Top, the 1987 Crash, the early 1970's Top, 1969 Top and the 1966 Top.​

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