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Titoli di Stato ItaliaTrading Titoli di Stato "volume V" (Gennaio 2013 - Dicembre 2013)
The upcoming ECB meeting should be a non - event as far as rates are concerned but it will renew focus on the political situation in Italy where it is crucial that the ECB is still prepared to provide support if necessary
. What is important is that a new government behaves in such a way that investors can remain confident that the ECB’s OMT programme will remain in place. However, in the current situation, the progress of asking for help and agreeing on the content of a Memorandum of Understanding could prove lengthy and compl icated. If Italy were to need help, there is a real risk that while Italy and the EU engage in lengthy discussion on their
terms, the debt crisis could return with a vengeance.
Qui si che possono essere le mani forti che sorreggono le quotazioni.
QUalcuno che ha interesse che le quotazioni non scendano.........................banche ma anche BCE anche se ufficilamente impossibile