Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2

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proverò a dirottare i 200 k che ci volevo mettere oggi sul BANCO...non ne sono convinto perchè con il banco ho sempre fatto cattivi affari, la mia bestia nera :wall: se qualche anima compiacente riporta uno straccio di prezzo....tks
[Reuters] No reason for Greek debt swap to affect Alpha-EFG merger - govt
[ACBr.AT EFGr.AT] ATHENS, Jan 30 (Reuters) - There is no reason for Greece's debt swap to affect a planned merger between Alpha Bank <ACBr.AT> and EFG Eurobank <EFGr.AT>, the country's finance ministry said after trade in the two banks' shares was suspended over talk of a delay in the deal. EFG Eurobank's exposure to Greek government bonds is about twice as big as Alpha Bank's, meaning it will be more affected by losses from the sought debt swap to reduce Greece's debt load. "The management of the two banks has been following the negotiations between Greece and its private creditors very closely," the finance ministry said in a statement. "Therefore they know the PSI (debt swap) framework, which is not new and hasn't changed from what the two banks have already taken into consideration," it said.

news su alpha e efg, io non ho nessuna perpetua greca peró a qualcuno puó essere utile.
[Reuters] No reason for Greek debt swap to affect Alpha-EFG merger - govt
[ACBr.AT EFGr.AT] ATHENS, Jan 30 (Reuters) - There is no reason for Greece's debt swap to affect a planned merger between Alpha Bank <ACBr.AT> and EFG Eurobank <EFGr.AT>, the country's finance ministry said after trade in the two banks' shares was suspended over talk of a delay in the deal. EFG Eurobank's exposure to Greek government bonds is about twice as big as Alpha Bank's, meaning it will be more affected by losses from the sought debt swap to reduce Greece's debt load. "The management of the two banks has been following the negotiations between Greece and its private creditors very closely," the finance ministry said in a statement. "Therefore they know the PSI (debt swap) framework, which is not new and hasn't changed from what the two banks have already taken into consideration," it said.

news su alpha e efg, io non ho nessuna perpetua greca peró a qualcuno puó essere utile.

Probabilmente ho fatto male a vendere EFG, ma ho preferito così.
Ci sono anche senior a rendimenti superiori al 6% per il momento basta P,l'euforia è molto pericolosa..
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