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Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinateTutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2
Rising revenues: net interest income in the nine months to September rose 16% to €11.22 billion and gross income was up 13.6% to €17.1 billion Contained risks: at the end of September the BBVA Group’s NPA ratio stood at 4.8% after including Unnim. The coverage ratio improved to 69% Solid capital position: Oliver Wyman’s stress test showed that BBVA would have more than €11 billion in surplus capital under the most adverse scenario. At the end of September the core capital ratio exceeded 9% according to EBA criteria and 10.8% under current Basel regulation BBVA Group’s net attributable profit in the first nine months of the year came to €1.66 billion (down 47.3%) after completing two-thirds of the provisions identified in the requirements of the financial reform related to real estate exposure in Spain. Operating income, which determines the bank's ability to set aside provisions, reached €9 billion for the first nine months, up 16.1% over the same period last year.
BBVA president and COO Ángel Cano pointed to the solid nature of the quarterly figures. He said, “They reflect a comprehensive and balanced management of the four fundamental levers of banking: earnings, risks, capital adequacy and liquidity.”
New this time, BBVA third-quarter results include recently-acquired bank Unnim’s activities. Net interest income came to €11.22 billion (up 16%) in the first nine months, supported by good performance in all regions where the Group operates.
During the same period, gross income rose 13.6% to €17.10 billion. Recurring gross income, which excludes net trading income and dividends, increased 14% to €15.56 billion. The increase in revenue was supported by a balanced diversification between emerging and developed economies. These contributed 57% and 43% of gross income, respectively. Furthermore income rose faster than cost and this enabled the bank to maintain its leadership in efficiency.
Ma da prendere ???
Io la poszione sulle 2 ucg l'ho presa.
Bpce l'ho venduta @ 98.50 nei gg. scorsi.
Mi manca la RZB, la 5.89% per intenderci.
Appena riesco
Kündbar zum 06.06.2017 zu 100%. Weitere Kündigungstermine immer zum 06.06. jeden Jahres, ab 2017 Floater. Kupon: 3 Monats Euribor + 213 Basispunkte Zinsanpassung zum 06. März/Juni/September/Dezember. Tier-1-Anleihe
taglio 50k