Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2

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Prese altre 125k a 81,25.

Prezzi OTC Binck:

MPS 5,75%£ Ask 89.
Hsh LT2 17 Ask75
IKB LT2 16 Ask 77.

A fronte di questi prezzi ho preso le RBS che rendono lordo 6,8%.

be' pure questa è salicchiata, anche se l'euro ha preso un 1-2% su GBP
Ultima modifica:
New Issue- Banco Sabadell prices 1.0 bln euro 2018 bond
January 11(Reuters) -Following are terms and conditions
of a bond priced on Friday.

Borrower Banco Sabadell
Issue Amount 1.0 billion euro
Maturity Date January 23, 2018
Coupon 3.375 pct
Issue price 99.508
Spread 250 basis points
Underlying govt bond Over Mid-swaps
Payment Date January 23, 2013
Lead Manager(s) Saba, Credit Agricole CIB, Deutsche Bank,
JPMorgan & Santander
Ratings A3 (Moody's)
Listing AIAF
Full fees Undisclosed
Denoms (K) 100

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>> sabadell torna su mercato emettendo a tassi ridicoli ben 1 miliardo!

sabadell rating BB tra le peggiori banche al mondo !
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