Otc la 6,625 ask 78 stamattina,sul Lux cè un 75
By Charles Daly
Jan. 28 (Bloomberg) -- A voluntary liability management
exercise (LME) of subordinated debt rather than coercive action
(a forced bail-in) is the likely first step in any potential
recapitalization of SNS REAAL (Baa3/BBB-/BBB+), says MUFJ credit
analyst Eva Olsson in an interview.
• LME route means bank could buy back tier 1 debt at a discount to par, in turn generating core tier 1 capital
• T1 debt issues paying coupons of 11.25% and 6.258% currently quoted at prices of 53.318 and 39.929 respectively, according to Bloomberg data
• Estimates if bank offered to take out these two bonds at 10% over current market price could generate ~EU200m of CT1 capital
• Alternative to LME is coercive action, so decision on next steps is binary and “high risk:” MUFJ
• Any bail-in could force bondholders to take a much worse haircut, depends largely on political decisions: MUFJ
• NOTE: SNS junior bonds stem decline on speculation it will sell stake
• NOTE: Earlier, Dutch Finance Minister said bank debt should be fully subject to bail-in
For Related News and Information:
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To contact the reporter on this story:
Charles Daly in Stockholm at +46-8-610-0717 or
[email protected]
To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Deborah L Hyde at +44-20-3216-4829 or
[email protected]
In tutto questo bailamme, a sorpresa i CDS restano abbastanza stabili : sui 380 per il senior 5y. Boh
Intanto ho provato ad acquistare la ASR 7,25% con IW. Impresa disperata Una sola controparte che espone lettera a 102 e che poi rilancia a 106,5. Naturalmente l'ho mandata a spigolare.
con un 10% sopra i prezzi attuali non credo raccolgano granchè, a meno che tenersele non sia l'opzione peggiore
Otc la 6,625 ask 78 stamattina,sul Lux cè un 75
Otc la 6,625 ask 78 stamattina,sul Lux cè un 75
By Charles Daly
Jan. 28 (Bloomberg) -- A voluntary liability management
exercise (LME) of subordinated debt rather than coercive action
(a forced bail-in) is the likely first step in any potential
recapitalization of SNS REAAL (Baa3/BBB-/BBB+), says MUFJ credit
analyst Eva Olsson in an interview.
• LME route means bank could buy back tier 1 debt at a discount to par, in turn generating core tier 1 capital
• T1 debt issues paying coupons of 11.25% and 6.258% currently quoted at prices of 53.318 and 39.929 respectively, according to Bloomberg data
• Estimates if bank offered to take out these two bonds at 10% over current market price could generate ~EU200m of CT1 capital
• Alternative to LME is coercive action, so decision on next steps is binary and “high risk:” MUFJ
• Any bail-in could force bondholders to take a much worse haircut, depends largely on political decisions: MUFJ
• NOTE: SNS junior bonds stem decline on speculation it will sell stake
• NOTE: Earlier, Dutch Finance Minister said bank debt should be fully subject to bail-in
For Related News and Information:
First Word scrolling panel: FIRST<GO>
First Word newswire: NH BFW<GO>
To contact the reporter on this story:
Charles Daly in Stockholm at +46-8-610-0717 or
[email protected]
To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Deborah L Hyde at +44-20-3216-4829 or
[email protected]
questo forse è il più piccolo dei problemi che ha
Non ha scambiato..di solito la lettera è molto simile a quella operativa in Otc,la guardo per quelloA Francoforte ha scambiato a 71,25 e il bid è a 72,25 però
ti riferisci alla senior 2016?
su ams last 102,71
Non ha scambiato.. di solito la lettera è molto simile a quella operativa in Otc,la guardo per quello
SNS BANK NV 08/18 MTN | Bond | A0VY01 | XS0363514893 | Börse Frankfurt (Frankfurt Stock Exchange)
No alla Lt2 6,625% 2018,la 2020 stà a 74,5.
Ps.Non compratela,il rischio è grosso