Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 3 (5 lettori)


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Vienna, 08 January 2014. Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) is currently reviewing options to
comprehensively strengthen its capital base and to redeem the outstanding EUR 2.5 billion
participation capital in full or in part in the near future.

The strengthening of the capital base is intended to prepare RBI for the implementation of Basel III
rules and is expected to include a capital increase of EUR 2.0 billion to EUR 2.25 billion. The
timing and size of any transaction will remain subject to Management and Supervisory Board
approval, as well as to market conditions. The transaction may be implemented in the next six
months. It is expected that a potential transaction would significantly increase RBI’s free float.

In addition RBI intends to complement the strengthening of its capital structure through the potential
issuance of subordinated capital instruments over the next twelve months.

Over the last few weeks, RBI carefully reviewed the offers it received for its Hungarian subsidiary,
Raiffeisen Bank Zrt. After comprehensively reviewing the last offer, RBI decided, at present, not to
pursue the sale of the Hungarian subsidiary under the current conditions

:D se gurdi vedi che è in forte rialzo pure l'irs..come diceva Slv un aumento di capitale da 2,25mld,fà bene ai sub

Questi vogliono ripagare lo stato perchè gli aiuti non sarebbero più conformi con basel 3,vogliono emettere debito sub conforme con basel 3,e lasciano sul mercato la step up già fuori dai parametri?

Raiffeisen Bank International AG

Mi sembra di ricordare che Rott aveva scritto in un post che con opportuni aggiustamenti (stile Intesa per capirci), la 862 poteva qualificarsi come T2 secondo B3. Infatti il tema era capire se una T2 di RZB rendeva più o meno della cedola della 862 per valutare la probabilità di una call. Quindi non darei per scontato il richiamo anche se l'auc e la dichiarazione aumentano significativamente la probabilità


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Raiffeisen Bank International RBIV.VI may increase its equity capital by up to EUR2.25bn(USD3.06bn) in the next six months, it said on Wednesday, mirroring Austrian rival Erste Group's move to shore up capital and repay state aid, writes Reuters Michael Shields.

Central and eastern Europe's second-biggest lender has long said it could sell more shares to bolster its relatively weak balance sheet and a statement after the market close was the most detailed yet on what the Vienna-based bank has in mind.

Strengthening its equity would help RBI implement new Basel III rules "and is expected to include a capital increase of EUR2bn to EUR2.25bn", it said, or around 40% of its current market worth of nearly EUR5.4bn.
The timing and size of any transaction was subject to board approval and market conditions, it added.

A potential transaction would significantly increase RBI's free float, it said, a signal that unlisted parent Raiffeisen Zentralbank - itself owned by regional banks - was ready to see its 78.5% stake diluted. Institutional and private investors own the rest.

RBI also plans to issue subordinated capital instruments over the next 12 months, it added.

It was looking at redeeming EUR2.5bn in non-voting
participation capital "in full or in part in the near future", it said, referring to money it raised from the state and private investors to help weather the financial crisis. Austria provided EUR1.75bn of the total.

The capital counts as core Tier 1 capital under international and Austrian rules only until the end of 2017. At the end of September 2013, the bank's core Tier 1 ratio was 10.1%.

Expectations that Raiffeisen could take such a step rose after Erste last year raised around EUR660m via a rights issue to help repay state aid.


Mi sembra di ricordare che Rott aveva scritto in un post che con opportuni aggiustamenti (stile Intesa per capirci), la 862 poteva qualificarsi come T2 secondo B3. Infatti il tema era capire se una T2 di RZB rendeva più o meno della cedola della 862 per valutare la probabilità di una call. Quindi non darei per scontato il richiamo anche se l'auc e la dichiarazione aumentano significativamente la probabilità

Di sicuro dicono ci sia solo la morte e le tasse..;) Cmq quello scritto nel comunicato,non l'ho scritto io..

Se vogliono mettersi nei parametri di Basel 3,col capitale e debito sub,sarebbe un controsenso lasciare sul mercato una step up già out,e per soli 44 milioni..

Poi nessuno ha la palla:-o

Ps.Guarda dovè arrivata la British airways,,,:)
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