Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 3

Top come e' possibile che la RZB floater stia sotto di 3 pts rispetto alla BACA in offer? va bene la crimea etc etc.. ma non e' possibile..

Sicuramente dovuto alla crisi Ucraina..Io ne ho un pò e le tengo tranquillamente..Ricordi le Mutuel a 70?Prima o poi il mercato capirà..e la farà risalire,ha sempre quotato 3 punti sopra baca..
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benvenuto nella società petrolifera più indebitata del pianeta...adesso che non c'è l'ho più posso pure spomparla :lol:
indebitata ma direi tranquilla, però meglio questa emissione

più o meno a 102 pigli pure questa Arcelor

Anleihen | Disclaimer Open Market | Börse Frankfurt

sperando però che non mi vada in upgrade sennò ogni tacca di apprezzamento ti costerà lo 0.25% di cedola in meno
Grazie, Arcelormittal ce l'ho, ho preso da poco la 2041 per 50k nominali, ho visto anche la clausola con lo 0,25% per ogni notch in su o in giù.
Ciao, qualcuno la conosce: PETROBRAS GBL FIN. 13/43, ISIN US71647NAA72, cercavo qualcosa in dollari con rating accettabile e rendimento decente, cedola 5,625%, rating BBB, prezzo OTC intorno a 87. Ho dato uno sguardo al prospetto (pbra20130513_424b2.htm - Generated by SEC Publisher for SEC Filing) ma di Petrobras so poco perchè non mi sono mai interessato.

Petrobras (PBR +0.2%) is experiencing serious problems, as its oil production has stagnated, its employees have been accused of taking bribes, and its debt is surging, according to a NYT profile of the company.Analysts warn that the company could face problems in international bond markets: As U.S. interest rates creep up and as Brazil’s finances come under greater stress, PBR’s top creditors - which include mutual fund giants like Pimco, Fidelity and BlackRock - may view their exposure as too risky and begin to unload their bonds."We are just waiting for this thing to blow up,” says one emerging market investment consultant who worries that a PBR selloff could ignite a broader emerging market pullback.
Petrobras (PBR +0.2%) is experiencing serious problems, as its oil production has stagnated, its employees have been accused of taking bribes, and its debt is surging, according to a NYT profile of the company.Analysts warn that the company could face problems in international bond markets: As U.S. interest rates creep up and as Brazil’s finances come under greater stress, PBR’s top creditors - which include mutual fund giants like Pimco, Fidelity and BlackRock - may view their exposure as too risky and begin to unload their bonds."We are just waiting for this thing to blow up,” says one emerging market investment consultant who worries that a PBR selloff could ignite a broader emerging market pullback.
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