Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 3 (8 lettori)


Negusneg Fan Club
In onore di Top, direi sicuramente TS= twin spark :up:

P.s. Mi aspettavo qualcosa in più per le Gazprom post signature. Vediamo domani.

Ci ho pensato anch'io e tu giustamente gli hai reso omaggio:

Twin Spark - Wikipedia

Per quanto riguarda Gazprom le ho anch'io, ma vorrei tenerle sino al 2034 (sempre che non le convertano in rubli :D illazione puramente personale per fare a tutti i costi una "battuta").


Ma sei una cavalletta :lol: salta di qua e di la :lol:......... Ma non ti innamori mai ...di una greca una tedesca .....certo non di una olandesina :lol:....si scherza top ....sappiamo che sei un grande ma a volte mi chiedo quanti occhi hai per seguire tutto ....:bow:
Solo 2...in questi giorni solo pilota automatico,tra una visita al dentista e l'altra..:lol::D

Domanda per Top: come sta il tuo TS?

per chi non sapesse cos'è il TS di Top, un link a wikipedia (tanto per confondere ancora di più le carte :D):

TS - Wikipedia

Nessuna Nuvola Importante in Vista,orizzonte temporale 2015,fin troppo ottimista a parer mio,ma lui non sbaglia mai..(Non aveva sbagliato neppure con Sns)

In onore di Top, direi sicuramente TS= twin spark :up:
Sulla Mia Gtv gira che è una Meraviglia,anche se l'altra che ho monta un Boxer 1,3 che ha un Suono Unico

per il TS, volendo ci sarebbe anche Torno Subito
visto che è sparito dall'altro thread :lol::lol::lol:

ahahahah scherzo!! ciao Top!! :up::up:
Io sono contento cosi,nessuna lite ,ognuno al suo posto,lasciamo fare il lavoro che devono ai Mod e via..
Ultima modifica di un moderatore:


low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
CoCos Become Rating Lever as Nordic Banks Adjust Buffers
By Peter Levring May 21, 2014 12:02 PM GMT+0200 0 Comments Email Print
Nykredit Realkredit A/S, Europe’s biggest issuer of mortgage-backed covered bonds, is planning to use its first sale of contingent convertible notes to bolster its rating after meeting capital requirements.

The Copenhagen-based lender, which is preparing a 500 million euro ($685 million) issue of Tier 2 CoCos that will be written down and canceled if a 7 percent capital adequacy requirement is breached, will use the securities “to get the best possible issuer rating relative to costs,” Chief Financial Officer Soeren Holmsaid in an interview. He said the lender may opt not to replace all of the 1.5 billion euros in hybrids maturing next year.

Nykredit is set to become the second major bank in Denmark to issue CoCos after Danske Bank A/S (DANSKE), the country’s largest lender, sold additional Tier 1 convertible debt in March. Investors bid 17 times the 750 million euros sold, as early issuers of the new securities benefited from pent-up demand.

Standard & Poor’s upgraded the Danske note a month later, giving it the lowest investment grade of BBB-. Fitch Ratings said this week Nykredit’s Tier 2 issue will probably get a BBB rating, pending final documentation for the note.

‘A Balance’

“It’s always a balance to see how high you need to go on capital before it pays off on bond ratings,” Holm said. “We’re not legally obligated to issue more and may only be compelled to do so due to market and rating conditions.”

Since Danske sold its CoCo in March, the yield has dropped to trade at about 5.5 percent yesterday, versus a March high of 5.72 percent, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The spread relative to the government yield curve was 466 basis points yesterday, compared with a March high of 517 basis points, based on bid values.

Nykredit, which has a stable issuer rating of A at Fitch, a negative A+ rating at S&P and an unsolicited stable Baa2 rating at Moody’s Investors Service, won’t have the same coupon deferral option that Danske’s additional Tier 1 note carries.

“We don’t know how much more we’ll issue,” Holm said. “It all depends on how much capital strength we want to show as we actually don’t need to issue and could let the hybrids just expire.”

Fitch said Nykredit’s CoCo rating will mainly depend on the lender’s credit worthiness as an issuer.

“The notes’ rating is also sensitive to a wider notching if Fitch changes its assessment of the probability of the notes’ non-performance risk relative to the risk captured in Nykredit Realkredit’s Viability Rating.”

To contact the reporter on this story: Peter Levring in Copenhagen at [email protected]

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Tasneem Hanfi Brogger at [email protected]; Jonas Bergman at [email protected] Jonas Bergman


low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
Barclays’ Offer to Exchange Tier1 for Additional Tier1 Is Credit Positive
On 15 May, Barclays Plc (A3 negative) and Barclays Bank Plc (A2 negative, C-/baa2 stable4
) announced an
offer to exchange up to £3.7 billion of its existing Tier1 securities for new Additional Tier1 (AT1) securities
to be issued by the holding company. A successful exchange would be credit positive for Barclays because it
would accelerate the transition to its targeted capital structure, enhance the quality of its regulatory capital
by replacing securities that will no longer qualify for Tier 1 after the transitional rules and improve the
group’s leverage ratio.....


low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
Deutsche Bank €8 Billion Capital Raise Is Credit Positive
Last Sunday, Deutsche Bank AG (A2 review for downgrade, C-/baa2 review for downgrade5
) announced an
€8 billion equity capital raise to complement a previously announced issuance of €2.5 billion of Additional
Tier1 capital. Strengthening Deutsche Bank’s key capital ratios, which have been at the lower end of its peer
group, is credit positive.
The planned actions will boost Deutsche Bank’s fully qualifying capital under the European Union’s
Capital Requirements Directive IV (CRD IV), with the bank’s CRD IV core equity Tier1 ratio rising to
11.8% from 9.5% at 31 March and its CRD IV leverage ratio improving to 3.1% from 2.6% during the
same period (see exhibit).

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