מגן ולא יראה
Una cosa e' certa. Molte assicurazioni stanno svelando S2 ratio molto bassi senza le misure transitorie. Che e' quello a cui guardano gli investitori. E anche potenzialmente molto volatili. I piagnistei per come mai la Groupama non salga hanno una loro risposta.
Ciao Cat,
grazie per il tuo contributo.
Io non mi accodo nè ai piagnistei, nè ai ridistei.
Sarebbe interessante sapere come sono gli S2 depurati dai transitional di altri emittenti.
Es : Vivat, Axa, Generali, Delta
Intanto il 14 Ottobre JPM (il mondo è bello perchè è vario) è uscito con un Overweight su Groupama :
We are currently OW mutual French insurer Groupama, considering attractive trading levels and improving fundamentals. The
company is well established in France, and also has a reasonable presence in Italy, but lacks scale/presence elsewhere. While
small in size the company has good market positions in its chosen niches including agricultural insurance (no. 1), individual
health (no. 1) and local authority insurance (no. 1). In May, the company announced its intension to re-mutualise Groupama
S.A. to better align governance and strategy, and simplify group structure. Furthermore the company is now able to issue
‘Certificats Mutualistes' (qualifying as tier I instruments), directly to policyholders which we believe the company will do
iteratively over the next few years to improve the capital position. While we believe Groupama warrants a ratings upgrade we
believe it will be some time before any ratings action is taken by Fitch. H1 16 results were soft with flat premium income
(€9.2bn), while the net result was €69mn vs. €266mn y/y reflecting lower capital gains and the negative impact of low rates.
The reported solvency II ratio remains high (albeit down -24pts YTD) at 239% although stands at 113% ex. transitional factors.
The CCAMA 6.375% sub perps are offered at an attractive yield, in our view, of 7.80% (Z-spread of 769bps) representing
compelling compensation for a less well known, but vastly improved insurer. CCAMA € 7 ⅞ 10/27/39 notes currently yield
5.23% mid (Z+541bps)
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