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Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinateTutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 3
non so nulla, tengo e incremento la 2015 (già comprata anche a 97.7).
I miei target restano invaiati, i livelli di Opa 2012.
Son tentato di vendere le Generali 10.125% , 120 è un bel vendere direi
The Issuer shall give not more than 25 but not less than 15 days prior notice to the Paying Agents and
to the Step-Up Noteholders in accordance with Condition 15 (Notices) of any Interest Payment Date
on which, pursuant to the provisions of this Condition 5(a), it elects not to pay interest and such notice
shall include a confirmation of the Issuer’s entitlement not to pay interest, together with details of the
amount of interest (if any) to be paid on such Interest Payment Date.