Rating Action:
Moody's assigns (P)Caa1(hyb) to Banco BPM's Additional Tier 1 non-viability securities
10 Apr 2019
Paris, April 10, 2019 -- Moody's Investors Service today assigned a (P)Caa1(hyb) rating to the expected issue of Additional Tier 1 non-viability contingent capital instruments by Banco BPM S.p.A. (Ba1 Stable/Ba2 Negative, b1).
The (P)Caa1(hyb) rating assigned to the notes is based on (1) the standalone creditworthiness of Banco BPM as expressed by the bank's b1 baseline credit assessment (BCA); (2) the high loss-given-failure under Moody's Advanced Loss Given Failure (LGF) analysis, resulting in one notch downward adjustment from the BCA; and (3) the higher payment risk associated with the non-cumulative coupon skip mechanism, resulting in a further two notches of downward adjustment. The LGF analysis takes into consideration the principal write-down feature, in combination with the Tier 1 notes' deeply subordinated claim in liquidation.