Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 3

(ANSA) - BRUXELLES, 16 DIC - ''Chiedo caldamente di
organizzare un forte meccanismo di risoluzione bancaria'', che
abbia ''un sistema unico, un'autorita' unica e un fondo unico''.
Cosi' il presidente della Bce Mario Draghi in un'audizione
all'Europarlamento. ''Sono preoccupato che la procedura
decisionale si faccia troppo cavillosa'
', ha aggiunto.(ANSA).

-0- Dec/16/2013 14:36 GMT

Serve l'interprete ufficiale del Draghi-pensiero su IO per illuminarmi su che cosa voglia dire. :mmmm:

Forse il FT risponde alla questione qui
Rules for failing banks raise prospect of eurozone red-tape burden - FT.com

A Financial Times analysis of the full banking union resolution process for a lender operating in three countries reveals the labyrinthine procedure that would still be required to wind up a bank. In a worst case scenario, where key officials disagree, this could involve nine panels and up to 143 votes being cast, from its supervisor raising a warning flag to the final wind-up decision.....Jörg Asmussen, an outgoing ECB executive board member and early champion of banking union, said he has “some concerns” about decision-making. “It has to be guaranteed that a bank can be wound down over a weekend,” he said.
Ultima modifica:
Forse il FT risponde alla questione qui
Rules for failing banks raise prospect of eurozone red-tape burden - FT.com

A Financial Times analysis of the full banking union resolution process for a lender operating in three countries reveals the labyrinthine procedure that would still be required to wind up a bank. In a worst case scenario, where key officials disagree, this could involve nine panels and up to 143 votes being cast, from its supervisor raising a warning flag to the final wind-up decision.....Jörg Asmussen, an outgoing ECB executive board member and early champion of banking union, said he has “some concerns” about decision-making. “It has to be guaranteed that a bank can be wound down over a weekend,” he said.

Risposta esatta ! :up:

Dedicato a chi afferma che la "politica" (lato sensu) nel nuovo sistema di risoluzione bancaria non conterà più.
[Reuters] Legge Stabilit?, arriva regime di favore per bond ibridi banche
ROMA, 16 dicembre (Reuters) - Dal 2014 le banche potranno
rafforzare pi? facilmente il patrimonio di vigilanza emettendo
obbligazioni ibride.
? questo l'effetto di un emendamento che il governo ha
presentato alla legge di Stabilit?.
"I maggiori o minori valori che derivano dalla attuazione di
specifiche previsioni contrattuali degli strumenti finanziari
[in materia di adeguatezza patrimoniale] non concorrono alla
formazione del reddito imponibile degli emittenti ai fini" Ires
e Irap, prevede il testo.
L'emendamento si applica "agli strumenti finanziari emessi
dalla data di entrata in vigore" della manovra, il primo gennaio
del prossimo anno.
Francesco Bonichi, tax partner di Allen and Overy, dice che,
"se approvato in questa forma, l'emendamento rimuover? gli
ostacoli regolamentari e fiscali che fino ad oggi hanno impedito
alle banche e alle assicurazioni italiane di utilizzare gli
strumenti ibridi per rafforzare il patrimonio di vigilanza".
Il testo del governo massimizza infatti l'effetto che le
obbligazioni ibride, titoli finanziari a met? strada tra debito
e capitale, hanno nel rafforzare il patrimonio di migliore
qualit?, il Common equity tier 1 (Cet1).
Gli ibridi sono strumenti che la banca, al verificarsi di
determinate condizioni, deve convertire in capitale.
Dal primo gennaio in Italia entrer? in vigore il regolamento
Crr (Capital requirement regulation) su Basilea III. L'articolo
54 prevede che le banche debbano iscrivere a patrimonio core gli
strumenti di Additional tier 1 (AT1), cio? gli ibridi, in base
al valore dei titoli di capitale Cet1 che si generano con la
La conversione produce una riduzione del debito e di
conseguenza una "sopravvenienza attiva", cio? un provento di
natura straordinaria.
La sopravvenienza oggi ? tassata. La conseguenza ? che il
prelievo fiscale riduce l'apporto degli ibridi al patrimonio di
L'intervento del governo rende la conversione neutrale ai
fini fiscali e accoglie una richiesta che l'Abi, l'associazione
delle banche italiane, ha fatto al Parlamento in un'audizione
del 28 ottobre scorso.
Le banche hanno interesse a emettere ibridi per adeguarsi ai
requisiti di Basilea III. Gli aumenti di capitale sono in genere
pi? costosi e diluiscono gli azionisti che non partecipano
(Giuseppe Fonte e Francesca Landini)
General Shopping

Fitch Affirms General Shopping Brazil's IDR at 'BB-'; Outlook Stable

Fitch Affirms General Shopping Brazil's IDR at 'BB-'; Outlook Stable Business Wire NEW YORK -- October 24, 2013
Fitch Ratings has affirmed the ratings of General Shopping Brazil (GSB) and its fully owned subsidiaries as follows: General Shopping Brasil S.A. (GSB): --Foreign currency Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at 'BB-'; --Local currency IDR at 'BB-'; --National scale ratings at 'A-(bra)'. General Shopping Finance Limited (GSF): --Foreign currency IDR at 'BB-'; --USD250 million perpetual notes: at 'BB-'. General Shopping Investment Limited (GSI): --Foreign currency IDR at 'BB-'. --USD150 million subordinated perpetual notes at 'B'. The IDR's of GSF and GSI have been linked to their parent company GSB through Fitch's 'Parent and Subsidiary Rating Linkage' criteria.
The Rating Outlook for GSB, GSF and GSI is Stable. The ratings reflect GSB's important position in the shopping markets in the southern and southeastern regions of Brazil, its stable and predictable cash flow generation, as well as its low working capital requirements with leases responsible for most maintenance expenses, adequate liquidity position and manageable debt amortization schedule. The ratings also consider a positive view on the Brazilian mall industry in the medium to long term based on its fundamentals, which include Brazil's positive demographic changes, and the upward migration of economic classes that has resulted in a growing middle class. Positive retail consumption trends coupled with still low penetration levels for the retails industry also support the ratings. GSB's credit ratings are constrained by its high leverage due to large capital expenditures during the past few years. GSB's limited geographical and revenue diversification also are credit factors that constrain the ratings. In the short term, a slowdown of the Brazilian retail environment could result in more moderate revenue growth rates for the shopping mall industry. The sector has demonstrated resilience to past slowdowns, however, due to its revenue and rent-contract structures that incorporate fixed and inflation adjusted components, which reduce the volatility in revenues and cash flow generation. The Stable Rating Outlook reflects the expectation that GSB will continue to deliver positive operating results based upon its business position and the high quality of its assets. KEY RATING DRIVERS: Important Regional Market Position: GSB's ratings reflect the company's important regional business position as one of the largest shopping center operators in Brazil's southeastern and southern regions with participation in 16 shopping centers and a total owned gross leasable area (GLA) of 255,000 square meters (m2) by the end of June 30, 2013. Occupancy trends have been positive and occupancy rates have been at about 96% during the past 24 months. Stable Margins and Growing EBITDA: Fitch expects GSB to maintain stable EBITDA margins of around 70%. The company's stable margins reflect a lease structure that is primarily comprised of fixed rent payments and tenant reimbursements, which cover costs associated with property management and taxes. GSB's EBITDA for the latest 12 months (LTM) ended June 30, 2013 was BRL142 million, a 30% increase over the LTM ended June 30, 2012. The EBITDA growth was driven by investments of BRL391 million during the LTM June 2013. Net capex levels for 2013 are projected to be approximately BRL187 million. GSB's ratings incorporate expectations that the company's EBITDA will grow to around BRL165 million during 2013. Deleveraging Expected: The rating affirmation factor in an expectation that GSB's management will focus on deleveraging during the next 12-month period. GSB's total debt increased to BRL1.4 billion as of June 30, 2013 from BRL1.1 billion as of June 30, 2012. The company's net leverage ratio, as measured by net debt/EBITDA, was 6.3x as of June 30 2013. This represents a modest increase from 5.9x as of June 30, 2012. Fitch's base case rating scenario is that GSB's net leverage will be at approximately 6.0x at the end of 2013. Adequate Liquidity: As of June 30, 2013, GSB had BRL531 million of cash and marketable securities, which comfortably covers scheduled debt payments of BRL233 million during the 12 month period ended June 30, 2014. GSB maintains approximately 33% of its total GLA as unencumbered assets. The estimated market value of these assets is approximately BRL900 million, which provides an additional source of liquidity. GSB's total investment property value is estimated at about BRL1.42 billion as of June 30, 2013. RATING SENSITIVITIES: The Stable Outlook for GSB's ratings incorporate the view that the company's liquidity will remain adequate with a cash position of about BRL350 million and that the company's net leverage will trend toward 6.0x by the end of 2013. A negative rating action could result from a deterioration of the company's leverage due to project delays, lower cash flow generation (EBITDA) by existing malls, and/or incremental debt associated with acquisition activity. A weakening of the company's liquidity position would also hinder credit quality and could result in a negative rating action. Considering the company's high leverage, GSB's ratings are unlikely to be upgraded during the next 12 months. Additional information is available at 'www.fitchratings.com'.

siccome ne ho messo un pò su questa ;) cerco di postare piu info possibili

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