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Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 4 bis
British house prices rose by 1.6% in March compared with a year earlier, the fastest rise since December 2022 although a smaller increase than economists had been expecting, figures from mortgage lender Nationwide showed on Tuesday.
-- Aroundtown said Tuesday it launched a voluntary offer to exchange four series of outstanding perpetual notes with new subordinated notes. The real estate company said holders of the existing...
Rationale for the Offers Hybrid instruments are a key component of the Company’s long-term capital structure and help support its
credit rating and leverage metrics, which in turn remain important for the corporate strategy.
Following careful evaluation and taking into account cost and market conditions for a new issuance, the
Company has thus far elected not to exercise its option to call certain of the existing hybrid notes at their
respective first reset dates and thus lost the equity credit attached to these notes from the rating agencies.
Considering the interest of all stakeholders, and with the goal to regain equity credit on such hybrid notes and
support its rating matrix, the Company has decided to offer an alternative to investors in eligible outstanding
euro denominated hybrid notes.