Status of the Control Tower Project at the New Mexico City International Airport
Today, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, President-elect of the Government of Mexico, who will take office in December this year, has made statements in which he intends to cancel the construction of the New Mexico City International Airport (NAICM) but the government will fulfill the obligations assumed with the contractor companies.
Of the different works to be carried out for the construction of the NAICM, Grupo Aldesa jointly with Jaguar Ingenieros is executing the contract for the construction of the air traffic control tower building. This contract was signed on February 27, 2017, for a total amount of 1,246 million pesos (equivalent to approximately 55 million euros to date).
Currently, this contract represents only 2% of our total backlog.
Grupo Aldesa continues with the diversification of its backlog and in Mexico more than 80% of the backlog is made up of private clients.
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