Titoli di Stato area non Euro ARGENTINA obbligazioni e tango bond (16 lettori)


Downgrade di Fitch ... a "restricted default" per il debito a lungo termine.

e i titoli salgono ancora
molta parte del sell off delle ultime settimane era chiaramente dovuto, per simpatia, alla discesa venezuelana

vediamo che ci riservera' il futuro

complessivamente negli ultimi tempi, ho ridotto l' esposizione argentina, venduto le global e alleggerito di 1/8 le baires
Ultima modifica:


Forumer storico
Se qualcuno ha il bond argentina 2024 8,75% (ararge03h413), può cortesemente segnalare l'avvenuta riscossione della cedola? Grazie.


Forumer storico
Se qualcuno ha il bond argentina 2024 8,75% (ararge03h413), può cortesemente segnalare l'avvenuta riscossione della cedola? Grazie.

Dal 17 ottobre data del pagamento della cedola ararg 2017 ,che come sai é arrivata, non é successo niente che possa mettere in dubbio il pagamento dellla cedola dell'ararg 2024 quindi non c'è da preoccuparsi.


low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
Fitch Downgrades Argentina's Par Bonds Ratings to 'D' Ratings Endorsement Policy
31 Oct 2014 11:06 AM (EDT)
Fitch Ratings-New York-31 October 2014: Fitch Ratings downgrades Argentina's ratings as follows:
-- Par Bonds issued under Foreign Law to 'D' from 'C'.

In addition, Fitch has affirmed the following:

-- Foreign Currency Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at 'RD';
-- Local Currency IDR at 'CCC';
-- Short-term Foreign Currency IDR at 'RD';
-- Country Ceiling at 'CCC'.
-- Performing Foreign Law Exchanged Securities (Global 17) at 'C';
-- Local Currency exchanged bonds under Argentine Law at 'CCC';
-- Foreign and Local Currency non-exchanged securities under Argentine Law at 'CCC';
-- Discount Bonds issued under Foreign Law at 'D'.

The ratings on all of Argentina's Fitch-rated securities have been simultaneously withdrawn as these are no longer considered to be relevant to Fitch's coverage.

Argentina has not been able to cure the missed coupon payments on its par bonds issued under foreign law after the expiration of the 30-day grace period on October 30. According to Fitch's criteria, this constitutes an event of default and Fitch has downgraded the affected securities to 'D'. The only exchanged FC bond under foreign law that remains performing is the Global17 bond, which has a coupon payment scheduled for December 2. Moreover, cross-default provisions allow for holders of exchanged bond series currently not in default to declare the acceleration of bond payments.

Fitch's affirmation of the foreign currency IDR at 'RD' reflects Argentina's inability to cure the default. Fitch's affirmation of the local currency IDR at 'CCC' reflects the agency's view that the economy will continue to suffer from higher uncertainty and financial volatility following the sovereign default, especially as the duration of default is unpredictable. The Argentine economy is already in recession and this is likely to worsen as the default event affects confidence and potentially further constrains foreign exchange flows to the country, leading to exchange rate volatility (official as well as parallel market rates). Potentially higher fiscal deficits and monetization of those deficits could further weaken Argentina's economy. Moreover, pressure on foreign reserves is likely to resume, especially next year as there are sizeable maturities falling due on some of these bonds (e.g. Boden 2015).

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