Titoli di Stato area non Euro ARGENTINA obbligazioni e tango bond

come parte interessata, metto anche qua la news sulle tasse argentine postata da Mikim sugli HY, se qualcuno ha aggiornamenti in merito è meglio metterli qua così è più facile vederli

Per me è sempre valida la Convenzione Italia-Argentina sulla doppia imposizione.

"art. 2
Imposte considerate.
4. La Convenzione si applichera' anche alle imposte di natura identica o
analoga che verranno istituite dopo la firma della presente Convenzione in
aggiunta o in sostituzione delle imposte esistenti.
Le Autorita' competenti
degli Stati contraenti si comunicheranno le modifiche importanti apportate
alle loro rispettive legislazioni fiscali."

"art. 11
1. Gli interessi provenienti da uno Stato contraente e pagati ad un
residente dell'altro Stato contraente sono imponibili in detto altro Stato.
2. Tuttavia, tali interessi possono essere tassati anche nello Stato
contraente dal quale essi provengono ed in conformita' alla legislazione di
detto Stato, ma, se la persona che percepisce gli interessi ne e'
l'effettivo beneficiario, l'imposta cosi' applicata non puo' eccedere il 20
per cento dell'ammontare lordo degli interessi.
3. Nonostante le disposizioni del paragrafo 2, gli interessi provenienti da
uno degli Stati contraenti sono esenti da imposta in detto Stato, se:
a) il debitore degli interessi e' lo Stato stesso o una sua suddivisione
politica o amministrativa o un suo ente locale
; o
4. Ai fini del presente articolo il termine "interessi" designa i redditi
dei crediti di qualsiasi natura, garantiti o non da ipoteca e portanti o
meno una clausola di partecipazione agli utili, e, in particolare, i redditi
dei titoli del debito pubblico
e delle obbligazioni di prestiti, nonche'
ogni altro provento assimilabile, in base alla legislazione fiscale dello
Stato da cui i redditi provengono, ai redditi di somme date in prestito.


Ultima modifica:
Troppo investito su Argentina. Ieri diminuito l'investimento vendute su tlx 100k argentina 2027 cedola 5,00% a 100,79 (acquistata a 93,50).
In questi ultimi giorni i titoli sono risaliti piuttosto velocemente e mostrano ancora una notevole spinta.
Acquistato pari lotto di Aldesa 2021 a 96,60 cedola 7,25%.
ritornando sull'argentina: ho vsito che moodys ha lasciato il 23 aprile un nuovo report sull'argentina .
qualcuno puo' entrare a leggerlo? Forse il mercato aspettava un up grade ...

Access Denied - Moody's

Credit Opinion: Government of Argentina – B2 Stable: Regular update
Venerdì la banca centrale argentina ha alzato bruscamente il suo tasso di interesse di riferimento dal 27,25% al 30,25%, con una mossa vigorosa volta a sostenere il continuo slittamento della moneta in crisi contro il dollaro USA.

L'aumento a sorpresa di 300 punti base arriva in mezzo a un forte calo del valore del peso argentino. La valuta ha perso quasi un terzo del suo valore rispetto al dollaro nell'ultimo anno, perdendo oltre il 10 per cento negli ultimi quattro mesi.

Ha toccato il minimo storico di 20,91 per biglietto verde all'inizio di venerdì e la debolezza ha alimentato la speculazione degli analisti che i funzionari sarebbero stati costretti a svalutare la valuta.

La valuta era scesa di un altro 1,7% questa mattina, ma ha ridotto le sue perdite a solo 0,4% a 20,63 dopo la mossa del tasso d'interesse.

Gli analisti di Capital Economics hanno detto che il rimbalzo del peso di venerdì è improbabile che duri, dato il crescente deficit del conto corrente e l'alta inflazione del paese, che attualmente si attesta a un tasso annuo intorno al 25%.

"L'aumento del tasso di emergenza non è venuto completamente dal nulla", hanno detto. "Un calo del 2% del peso rispetto al dollaro nelle ultime 48 ore sembra aver costretto la banca a intraprendere azioni più immediate. Il peso è stato sottoposto a forti pressioni dall'inizio dell'anno. E la banca centrale è stata costretta a intervenire in modo aggressivo sul mercato dei cambi per arginare il declino, soprattutto negli ultimi giorni ".

Gabriel Gersztein, capo della strategia LatAm a BNP Paribas, ha sostenuto in una nota all'inizio di questa settimana che una mossa del tasso d'interesse sarebbe in realtà controproducente peggiorando i conti fiscali del paese mentre fa poco per domare l'inflazione.

"Riteniamo che l'Argentina sia in una trappola: a causa del predominio fiscale, vediamo solo due modi di uscire: (a) un annuncio unilaterale di ulteriori aggiustamenti fiscali e / o (b) svalutazione considerevole [peso]", ha detto .

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Fitch Rates Telecom Argentina Proposed Sr. Unsecured Notes 'B+(EXP)'/'RR3'
27 APR 2018 11:13 AM ET

Fitch Ratings-Monterrey-27 April 2018: Fitch Ratings has assigned Telecom Argentina S.A. Long-Term Foreign (FC) and Local Currency (LC) first time Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) of 'B' and 'BB-', respectively. The Rating Outlook for the Foreign Currency Rating is Positive, and the Rating Outlook for the Local Currency Rating is Stable. Fitch has also assigned Telecom Argentina's proposed USD senior unsecured notes issuance a rating of 'B+(EXP)'/'RR3'.

Telecom Argentina's ratings reflect the company's strong business position as a leading integrated telecom operator in Argentina. The company benefits from a solid financial profile, underpinned by its robust operational cash flow generation and conservative capital structure. Telecom Argentina's ratings are tempered by intense competition in Argentina's mature telecom market, as well as the volatile macro-economic environment, which has led to high inflation and sharp currency movements.

The 'B' country ceiling of the Republic of Argentina, which limits the foreign currency rating of most Argentine corporates, has constrained Telecom Argentina's FC IDR at 'B'. The Positive Rating Outlook for the FC IDR is linked to the Positive Outlook of Argentina. Elections during November 2017 improved confidence in the durability of the policies being pursued by President Macri, which bodes well for investment and the sovereign's ability to maintain favourable financing access. The build-up in international reserves and a more flexible exchange rate have improved the country's ability to manage shocks. Country Ceilings are designed to reflect the risks associated with sovereigns placing restrictions upon private sector corporates that may prevent them from converting local currency to any foreign currency under a stress scenario and/or may not allow the transfer of foreign currency abroad to service foreign currency debt obligations.

The 'RR3' Recovery Rating of its proposed senior unsecured notes reflects above average recovery prospects in the event of default given the company's solid balance sheet and cash flow generation. Fitch believes that the company's default, should it occur, would be most likely driven by transfer and convertibility restrictions imposed upon the payment of foreign debt, and not as a result of a material deterioration of the company's business or financial profile. In this case, Fitch's criteria allows for recovery ratings to be assigned above the cap for Argentine issuances of 'RR4'. Fitch's Country-Specific Treatment of Recovery Ratings criteria allows for a one notch uplift for recovery whenever there is a two notch rating differential between a company's foreign and local currency ratings.

Telecom Argentina's proposed issuance of up to USD1 billion would rank pari-passu with existing senior unsecured notes. The tenor of the notes is expected to be up to 10 years and will be held at the parent company level alongside other Telecom Argentina notes. Uses of proceeds are expected to be for capital expenditures, refinancing of short-term obligations, as well as for general corporate purposes.


Merger with Cablevision Credit Positive: The ratings incorporate the merger between Cablevision S.A and Telecom Argentina S.A, which went into effect Jan. 1, 2018, with the latter being the surviving entity. The combined entity will benefit from increased operating scale, enhanced product offerings, cost reductions and a solid financial profile; all of which will support the merged entity's enhanced market position and cash flow generation. The merger with Cablevision also enhances the diversification of service offering and revenue, within Argentina, which lowers the company's business risk. The rating impact will be limited as the merged entity's ratings are constrained by the Country Ceiling of Argentina at 'B'.

Strong Business Position: Fitch expects Telecom Argentina's solid market position to remain intact over the medium term given its extensive network coverage, quality of service, and strong brand recognition. During 2017, Telecom Argentina's pay-tv market share remained stable at 38% while its merged broadband subscriber market share is expected to be 56%. Fixed and mobile market share is also viewed as strong at 48% and 32% within the country, respectively. The company's pay-TV network spans across 7.8 million homes-passed connecting 6.4 million revenue generating units (RGU). Its pay-tv subscriber base has remained relatively stable at 3.5 million subscribers, while its broadband customer base has grown to 4.1 million subscribers. The merged entity's subscriber base also includes 19.7 million mobile and 3.8 million fixed line subscribers. 38% of the combined entity's revenue came from mobile service, while 23% and 19% came from pay-TV and fixed broadband, respectively.

Mature Telecom Market: Argentina has among the highest penetration rates in Latin America; pay-TV represents a penetration rate of 79%, while mobile, fixed and broadband have penetration rates of 142%, 80%, and 61%, respectively. As a result, growth is limited going forward. Although Telecom Argentina is well positioned to cope with increasing competition given its entrenched business position, Fitch believes that competitive pressures amid market maturity will negatively affect its market shares and operating margins in the long term. Fitch expects Telecom Argentina's growth to come mainly from its broadband segment as the company focuses on cross-selling opportunities within its pay-TV and mobile customer base. The company's HFC network competitiveness is solid against telecom operators, and the broadband penetration rate in Argentina remained relatively lower, at 61%, compared to pay-TV and telephone services, which still offers some growth headroom.

Robust Financial Profile: Telecom Argentina's financial profile is among the strongest of regional Fitch-rated telecom companies across rating categories. The company has historically maintained a conservative capital structure to cope with operational and regulatory risks. Pending successful issuance, Fitch expects the company's pro forma gross and net leverage to be 1.0x and 0.6x, respectively. Fitch's base case is in line with the company's target to increase gross leverage to close to 2.0x in the medium term, which is still viewed as extremely strong for LC IDR rating of BB-. The company's capital intensity, measured as capex-to-sales, is expected to remain close to range from 22% to 24% over the next three years, as the company initiates a plan to invest up to USD5 billion for network upgrades and other corporate expenses. Post-dividend free cash flow during this capital expenditure cycle is expected to range from negative ARS14 billion to negative ARS21 billion.

Moderate Regulatory Environment: The regulatory environment has stabilized in Argentina with the establishment of its new regulatory agency, Ente Nacional de Comunicaciones - ENACOM (National Communications Entity) removing uncertainty for telecom and media operators, including Telecom Argentina. ENACOM was established to fairly regulate the industry. Nevertheless, the regulatory risk remains moderately negative as the changes included the elimination of certain restrictions and loosened regulations to promote market driven competition in an already highly saturated and competitive market, which could lead to the company's weaker market position going forward. Fitch believes that the regulatory framework is unlikely to change, given the already intense competitive landscape and high level of penetration in the Argentine telecom industry.
Qui il problema rimane l'inflazione .Non hanno molte soluzioni :svalutano la moneta,oppure danno luogo ad aggiustamenti fiscali rigidi e profondi.Si vedra' certo il rialzo del 3 per cento di ieri non e' assolutamente un buon segnale.
Argentina's sharp interest rate hike, which chose to raise interest rates by three percentage points to 30.25 percent, could be the beginning of more interest rate hikes. It reports Bloomberg News with reference to a series of statements.
Peson was heading for its worst weekly decline in almost a year when the central bank acted on Friday, and the 10 percent decline this year against the dollar causes peson to be one of the worst performing major currencies globally.
According to Barclay's economist with a focus on Latin America, Pilar Tavella, the pressure on peson is attributable to the absence of support for emerging markets in combination with negative local event developments. Continued pressure on peson can lead to further interest rate hikes from the central bank, Tavella estimates.
The central bank has insisted that the currency turmoil weakness has been temporary and that inflation will fall in the second half of the year after the effect of rising regulated price increases has passed. Soledad Lopez, a growth market strategy at UBS, estimates that inflation will fall after June.
Furthermore, Lopez believes that it is more optimistic that investors hoping that the country should be upgraded to emerging market status from the MSCI index company should not be concerned about currency volatility as it does not reflect anything structurally.
Argentina's sharp interest rate hike, which chose to raise interest rates by three percentage points to 30.25 percent, could be the beginning of more interest rate hikes. It reports Bloomberg News with reference to a series of statements.
Peson was heading for its worst weekly decline in almost a year when the central bank acted on Friday, and the 10 percent decline this year against the dollar causes peson to be one of the worst performing major currencies globally.
According to Barclay's economist with a focus on Latin America, Pilar Tavella, the pressure on peson is attributable to the absence of support for emerging markets in combination with negative local event developments. Continued pressure on peson can lead to further interest rate hikes from the central bank, Tavella estimates.
The central bank has insisted that the currency turmoil weakness has been temporary and that inflation will fall in the second half of the year after the effect of rising regulated price increases has passed. Soledad Lopez, a growth market strategy at UBS, estimates that inflation will fall after June.
Furthermore, Lopez believes that it is more optimistic that investors hoping that the country should be upgraded to emerging market status from the MSCI index company should not be concerned about currency volatility as it does not reflect anything structurally.

...bisogna capire a chi credere...
Ma magari salissero i rendimenti ...
I titoli in euro che ho in ptf hanno registrato delle perdite di un certo peso; per il momento non mi preoccupo tanto del loro valore quanto di sapere con sicurezza se per noi vale la ritenuta di cui si parla del 15%.
Se questa fosse applicata anche a noi cercherei altre soluzioni di investimento.

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