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G20 manterrà impegno per politiche espansive, dice fonte
Giovedì 27 agosto 2009 18:18

(Reuters) - Ministri e banchieri centrali del Gruppo dei 20 paesi più industrializzati confermeranno settimana prossima a Londra l'impegno a mantenere politiche economiche accomodanti fino a quando sarà necessario.
Lo riferisce una fonte del G20 a Reuters.

La fonte rivela che probabilmente non saranno apportate modifiche al linguaggio utilizzato dai leader G20 nel comunicato di aprile scorso riguardo allo stimolo economico. Il messaggio che sarà emesso al termine del meeting il prossimo 5 settembre ricalcherà le parole di aprile.

La scorsa primavera il comunicato del G20 recitava: "le banche centrali hanno promesso di mantenere politiche espansive fino a quando sarà necessario e di utilizzare l'intero spettro degli strumenti di politica monetaria, inclusi quelli non convenzionali, in coerenza con la stabilità dei prezzi".

Allo stesso modo, il G20 confermerà la formulazione di aprile sulle strategie d'uscita, provando a rassicurare i mercati sul fatto che esistono piani credibili per ridurre gli stimoli, sottolineando che non è ancora arrivato il momento di passare all'azione.

"Qualsiasi altra cosa farebbe pensare che sta per succedere qualcosa" ha riferito la fonte.

In aggiunta la fonte rivela che non ci si attende a Londra una discussione significativa nè sullo status del dollaro Usa come valuta di riserva né sullo yuan cinese.
che dire doppio test dei 1016 il secondo in rialzo sul primo e poi ripartenza... ottima seduta per i day traders come detto oggi pomeriggio
Usa, 416 banche con problemi
Record degli ultimi 15 anni, 111 in piu' in secondo trimestre

(ANSA) - ROMA, 27 AGO - Sale a 416, record da 15 anni, il numero delle banche Usa nella lista degli istituti con problemi, dopo le 111 in piu' del secondo trimestre. Queste 416 banche non hanno superato i parametri di valutazione della Federal Deposit Insurance. Il settore e' ritornato in passivo con un rosso di 3,7 miliardi di dollari contro un attivo di 7,6 miliardi di dollari nel primo trimestre. La causa principale di questo passivo sono la svalutazione degli asset delle banche e l'aumento di perdite sui prestiti.
By Charles Payne, CEO & Principal Analyst

8/27/2009 1:46:06 PM Eastern Time

Okay, so this is the long-awaited pullback, right? I could live with it for sure. To be honest, I actually prefer a major pullback to get this out of the system. What I don't look forward to is the kind of drip, drip, drip pullback that germinates fear and angst. On the topic of fear, I need to reach out to my VIX friends again (not to be confused with my Michael Vick friends, although I'm intrigued at how he'll play real goal is to get over and see Tiger Woods play in the flesh...okay I'm way off topic now) to find out why the index is still slipping. Supposedly, investors are afraid and the pros are loading up on put options.

I've been a wide-eyed optimist so many times in my life and gotten burned a few of those times until I swallowed a healthy dose of skepticism. If I only had to watch the tape this week without knowing how far the market has come from the lows I would be inclined to applaud it and want to jump on the bandwagon. If somehow stocks turn it around today I'll be even more impressed. Too bad I'll also hear a million experts say "this is too much and it has to stop".


Afternoon Notes from WSS Research Desk

Brian Sozzi

* Moving forward, there are going to be decisive winners in the retail sector. Once the consumer comes back to the mall consistently, apsirational luxury will do well. One company that sticks out is Abercrombie & Fitch (ANF). When the consumer does return to the mall in force, a company such as Aeropostale (ARO) will have invested in the assortments and tweaked its prices during the recession. The odd man out I see is American Eagle (AEO); its merchandise is priced below Abercrombie & Fitch's but well above Aeropostale's. Its product quality has almost been caught by Aeropostale, and can't touch Abercrombie & Fitch's.
* Quiksilver Inc. (ZQK) shares are surging today on no definitive news. I am seeing renewed takeover chatter as the driver of the trading activity; I can't completely dismiss the rumblings as Quiksilver has viable global brands and has secured access to liquidity. We recommended the stock as a long idea on this morning's Hotline service.
* Expect more news headlines on the Blackberry on Friday evening saying that another bank has been shuttered. Today, the FDIC issued a new "problem list" of banks; what was reported wasn't pretty. The agency lifted the number on the list to 111, bringing the total to 416 banks that have some sort of liquidity or asset quality issues. It's going to be a case of the strong getter stronger and the weak disappearing from the bank sector. Having stringent capital requirements (per yesterday's announcement) on private equity firms seeking to invest in a bank (10.0% of Tier 1) does not help matters.

David Urani

The FDIC gave the market a spook when it released its quarterly list of "problem banks." From the first quarter to the second, the list jumped from 305 banks to 416 while the assets controlled by these banks increased to $300.0 billion from $220.0 billion. The figures are the highest since 1994 during the savings and loan crisis. The market was probably already prepared to see a jump in the numbers, although it did give us a reminder that the nation is still mired in massive financial troubles. Bloomberg estimates that more than 150 publicly traded U.S. lenders hold portfolios consisting of at least 5.0% nonperforming loans.


David Silver

The much anticipated (and long delayed) first flight of Boeing's Dreamliner 787 has been rescheduled again for the fourth quarter of the current year. The company indicated on the morning of August 27 that its maiden voyage for its 787 Dreamliner will take place sometime during the fourth quarter of 2009, and that its first delivery to All Nippon Airways, will be during the fourth quarter of 2010. The first plane was supposed to be delivered in May of 2008, but strikes, part shortages, and operational problems caused delay after delay. To view the remainder of this column please go to

Conley Turner

The price of crude oil is moving lower today on concerns that the near-term demand in the U.S. for the commodity is beginning to falter. In addition, the U.S. dollar today is trading higher when compared to a basket of other international currencies and the British pound. Since crude oil bears an inverse relationship with the value of the U.S. dollar at this point, the current rise in the greenback's value is putting some degree of pressure on the commodity.

From the recent trading action, it is clear that there is a significant amount of price volatility in the commodity. The constant news flow regarding the economy is causing investors to enter and exit the oil trade as they determine future demand. Nonetheless, it has become clear that the mid-$70s price-point has become an important psychological level of resistance.

As it stands, the fundamentals in the oil market do not support any near-term sustained bullishness, and there are still historic levels of inventory. In its most up to date release on this issue, the Department of Energy conveyed that U.S. crude oil stockpiles in the U.S. rose by 200,000 barrels for the week that ended August 21. This serves to shore up the bearish sentiment as least for the near-term. For the long-term, however, crude oil demand will increase as the economic activity in the U.S. and the rest of the world improves.

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