Certificati di investimento - Cap. 1 (28 lettori)

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Direi un'altra buona notizia per Aberc..se non altro è nella giusta direzione e lo dice Moody mica pizza e fichi..
Moody's: Abercrombie's Q2 results are step in right direction; a credit positive

Global Credit Research - 26 Aug 2015

New York, August 26, 2015 -- Moody's Investors Service today said that Abercrombie & Fitch Co.'s second quarter results were a step in the right direction and are a credit positive. The ratings on its indirect subsidiary, Abercrombie & Fitch Management Co. (B1 Positive) are unaffected. While it appears that turnaround initiatives are beginning to take hold, further sustained improvement is needed in order to improve ratings. Significant execution risk remains as the company's initiatives are still in the early stages.


It's time to play the game
Direi un'altra buona notizia per Aberc..se non altro è nella giusta direzione e lo dice Moody mica pizza e fichi..
Moody's: Abercrombie's Q2 results are step in right direction; a credit positive

Global Credit Research - 26 Aug 2015

New York, August 26, 2015 -- Moody's Investors Service today said that Abercrombie & Fitch Co.'s second quarter results were a step in the right direction and are a credit positive. The ratings on its indirect subsidiary, Abercrombie & Fitch Management Co. (B1 Positive) are unaffected. While it appears that turnaround initiatives are beginning to take hold, further sustained improvement is needed in order to improve ratings. Significant execution risk remains as the company's initiatives are still in the early stages.

Adesso la lettera è molto più in basso... certificato strano a dir poco...


It's time to play the game
PBoC: immette altri 150 mld yuan di liquidita'

MILANO (MF-DJ)--La Banca centrale cinese (PBoC) ha immesso altri 150 miliardi di euro, pari a circa 23,4 miliardi di dollari, nel sistema finanziario attraverso contratti pronti contro termine inversi.

Lo stesso ammontare era stato collocato anche martedi'. Nelle ultime due settimane la liquidita' netta immessa dalla PBoC e' stata pari a 210 miliardi di yuan. Le mosse della Banca centrale sono volte a sostenere il sistema bancario.
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