Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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come si và .................
tranquilli adesso ???????

ps: tommy .....
come fai a reggere sti ritmi quotisdiani davanti al pc ?????

sempre complimenti:up::up::up:

.......E SEMPRE A 100;)
come si và .................
tranquilli adesso ???????

ps: tommy .....
come fai a reggere sti ritmi quotisdiani davanti al pc ?????

sempre complimenti:up::up::up:

.......E SEMPRE A 100;)

Sono abituato a lavorare 10/12 ore al giorno.
Oltre al computer seguo soprattutto il mio lavoro. Certe volte non so come faccio :lol::lol::lol:.
Con voi mi rilasso ... ;).
ECB Pares Spanish, Italian Bond Purchases, AFME’s Schol Says

May 13 (Bloomberg) -- The European Central Bank has trimmed purchases of Spanish and Italian bonds after a government-led financial lifeline for the euro region shored up investor confidence in debt markets, said Sander Schol, a director of the Association for Financial Markets in Europe.
Central banks are buying less Spain and Italy today than yesterday, that might mean that they think that the markets in these countries have stabilized enough that they don’t have to intervene,” Schol, whose division represents the region’s 20 primary dealers, said in a telephone interview. “They’re narrowing their focus.”
The central banks of Germany, France and Italy intervened in debt markets on May 10 as part of a $1 trillion rescue package after a rout in bonds across the euro region’s periphery last week sparked concerns about the currency’s future. Bonds have since stabilized across the euro region, indicating that the plan is working and will give governments more time to cut their budget deficits.
Schol said most of the ECB’s bond purchases seem to have been made on May 10, the first day the rescue plan was in force, and buying has diminished since then. Executive Board member Jose Manuel Gonzalez-Paramo said today the ECB will explain next week how it plans to sterilize its purchases. An ECB spokesman declined to comment on Schol’s remarks.
Purchases today are “pretty quiet” because there’s a holiday in many European countries and market conditions are better, said Schol.
Call With ECB
“The levels of distress we saw on the market last week have clearly improved because of the ECB,” he said.
Schol said his members told the ECB on a May 7 conference call that central bank purchases of debt were vital to stemming the crisis. As a representative of primary dealers, his members had been informing him during the week that strains in the market were spiraling out of control, said Schol, who was on the ECB call.
“From around Tuesday and Wednesday last week we started hearing feedback from our members that the situation was getting out of hand, that what started in Greece spread to Portugal then to Spain, Ireland and Italy,” he said. “These were the markets where the concerns were, and there just were no buyers, everyone was selling.”
His organization informed national finance ministries of the situation by emailing their debt management offices on May 5 and 6. In the late afternoon of May 7, he and a colleague had a call with a European Commission official to make the EU’s executive arm aware of the problem.
Solution Meeting
At 5:30 p.m., Schol, some colleagues, and representatives of the 20 primary dealers arranged a call with about five ECB officials to make them aware of the turmoil and to discuss a solution.
“We made clear to them that it was really necessary to step into the markets,” he said. “There were no buyers at that point. We felt that if the ECB would announce that they would operate as a buyer, the markets would know there was a floor to the prices.”
Central bank officials were receptive to the comments, without revealing their plans, he said.
“They were really open, but these guys made it clear from the outset, we will listen very carefully, but we will not give any hints on the direction of policy,” Schol said. “If they did, then people on the call could make use of the information.”
The group discovered that their request had been put in place on May 10, when the ECB said announced it plans in a press release published at 3:15 a.m. Frankfurt time.
Shut Out
Soaring yields threatened to shut Spain and Portugal out of debt markets and sparked a weekend of talks with euro-region finance ministers and central bankers. The result was a 750 billion-euro ($940 billion) financial aid package.
The extra yield that investors demand to hold 10-year Spanish bonds over German bunds has narrowed 74 basis points to 99 basis points since touching a euro-era high on May 7. Spreads on Italian debt have narrowed 67 basis points to 92 points.
Some investors nevertheless argue that European governments need to take more action to cut budget deficits before the crisis abates. Mohamed El-Erian, chief executive officer of Pacific Investment Management Co., said in an interview with Bloomberg Radio today that the euro won’t reverse a decline in value until there is a “sustainable solution” to Europe’s debt burden.
The euro has declined 12 percent this year and has dropped below its level before last weekend’s agreement. It slipped 0.3 percent to $1.2583 today.
Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero yesterday announced the biggest round of budget reductions in 30 years. In Portugal, Finance Minister Fernando Teixeira dos Santos says he’s prepared for “social tension” and announced additional steps to cut the country’s budget deficit today.
Come nelle giornate precedenti si sente la pressione delle Banche Centrali nelle manovre di sostegno ai titoli.
Le aperture e le chiusure tendono ad allargare mentre durante la giornata restringono gli spread.
Il nostro greco oscilla parecchio sul decennale anche di 50/70 punti intraday, comunque il recupero è evidente: siamo passati dai 1256 pb di venerdì ai 503 pb di questa mattina.
Il progresso lo leggiamo dai numeri: venerdì 1256 pb, lunedì 1038, martedì 654, mercoledì 582, giovedì 561, questa mattina 503. Resterà da vedere il punto di arrivo.

Grecia 503 pb. (561)
Portogallo 175 pb. (183)
Spagna 107 pb. (113)
Italia 101 pb. (119)
UK 92 pb. (90)
USA 60 pb. (62)
Grecia/ Atene, ordigno esplode davanti al carcere, un ferito

07:38 - ESTERI- 14 MAG 2010

Atene, 14 mag. (Ap) - Un potente ordigno è esploso ieri sera ad Atene, in Grecia, all'esterno del carcere Kordyallos, il più grande del paese. Una donna è rimasta ferita, ha riferito la polizia, mentre sono andate in frantumi le finestre e le vetrine delle case e dei negozi situati nei pressi della prigione. La donna, rimasta ferita dalle schegge di vetro, non è grave. Una telefonata a un giornale di Atene aveva avvertito dell'imminente esplosione, e la polizia ha avuto circa 20 minuti di tempo per isolare la zona. Al momento non sono giunte rivendicazione.
Borse Europa viste in calo per timori su crisi debito zona euro

venerdì 14 maggio 2010 07:49

LONDRA, 14 maggio (Reuters) - Le borse europee sono attese aprire aprire in calo riflettendo le perdite di Wall Street e delle borse asiatiche, con i persistenti timori sui problemi debitori della zona euro che hanno spinto gli investitori a vendere nell'ultimo giorno della settimana.
Gli spreadbetter finanziari stimano che l'indice britannico Ftse 100 .FTSE apra in calo tra i 25 e i 29 punti, pari allo 0,5%, che il tedesco Dax .GDAXI scenda di 27-33 punti, ossia lo 0,5%, e che il Cac 40 francese .FCHI perda 31-38 punti, pari all'1%.
Ieri l'indice paneuropeo FTSEurofirst 300 .FTEU3 ha chiuso in rialzo dello 0,13%.

I soliti timori ...
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