Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (23 lettori)

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Fast Track Assessments Followed By Reduced Subsidies

The Greek government promotes a new development law that avoids direct state subsidies but offers tax exemptions, depreciations and guarantees low-interest-rate loans especially for young entrepreneurs.

After several postponements and alternations, the Minister of Development, Michalis Chrisochoidis, is presenting the new law on Thursday.
According to the ministry’s plan, it will be fully operative in early 2011.

The delay has been criticized by the business world. Sources from the ministry claim that the main reason for this delay has been developments regarding the Memorandum between the Greek government, the European Union and the IMF, which led to the reduction of direct subsidies.

The new law will have a "ceiling" for each project regarding the direct subsidies, which will be combined with indirect support schemes. The main scheme will be tax exemptions aiming to support "sustainable investment projects with proved profit outlook", according to the Minister.

Increased depreciation for leasing machinery and equipment is expected to be included, along with guarantees for low-interest loans for young entrepreneurs. In this case, there will be a cooperation between the Ministry and the Credit Guarantee Fund for Small and Very Small Enterprises.

Direct subsidies will be drastically reduced as the Public Investments Program has been heavily affected by the Memorandum. According to the latter, there will be a shift from massive to targeted subsidies for research and innovation.

The new law aims in transparency in order to reduce “suspicious” cases of the past which had to do with applications’ assessment.

It also establishes a new rapid procedure of assessment of non-monetary subsidies (eg tax exemption) within a month after the application has been lodged, linking incentives to new investment and jobs.



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Germania, problemi legali ed economici per bond zona euro

mercoledì 8 dicembre 2010 14:28

BERLINO, 8 dicembre (Reuters) - La Germania ritiene che ci siano ostacoli legali all'introduzione di bond governativi congiunti della zona euro che richiederebbero cambiamenti fondamentali al trattato alla base dell'Unione europea.
Il portavoce del governo tedesco Steffen Seibert ha detto che l'avversione del suo paese all'idea, sostenuta prevalentemente dal capo dell'Eurogruppo Jean-Claude Juncker, non cambierà nelle prossime settimane, sebbene abbia ribadito l'impegno della Germania nei confronti della moneta unica.


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Grecia: traffico in tilt per sciopero trasporto pubblico

ultimo aggiornamento: 08 dicembre, ore 11:11

Roma, 8 dic. - (Adnkronos/Dpa) - Traffico in tilt in Grecia per lo sciopero di 24 ore del trasporto pubblico ad Atene e Salonicco. I lavoratori protestano contro i tagli operati nel quadro del piano di austerity varato dal Governo per ottenere gli aiuti per 110 mld di euro da Ue, Bce e Fmi. La mobilitazione di oggi e' solo il primo passo verso lo sciopero nazionale del 15 dicembre. A sostegno dell'agitazione, oggi saranno anche interrotte le transazioni nelle banche per tre ore, a partire da Mezzogiorno. Intanto, tonnellate di immondizia si stanno accumulando nelle strade della Capitale, dopo diversi giorni di agitazione da parte degli addetti della discarica principale, che chiedono il rinnovo di 100 contratti a termine.


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Greece's NBG says to focus on liquidity in 2011

ATHENS | Wed Dec 8, 2010 7:18am EST

ATHENS Dec 8 (Reuters) - Greece's biggest lender National Bank (NBGr.AT) will focus on boosting liquidity and cutting costs next year, its chief executive said on Wednesday.
"Ensuring high liquidity, expanding our funding sources and further squeezing costs are among the key challenges in 2011," CEO Apostolos Tamvakakis told reporters.
NBG's 1.8 billion euro ($2.38 billion) capital raising in October has helped it to pry open the interbank funding market. The group has credit lines with foreign lenders of more than 5.5 billion euros.



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Samaras meets IMF chief

ANA-MPA/Main opposition New Democracy (ND) party leader Antonis Samaras met in his office in Parliament on Tuesday evening with visiting International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn, to whom he outlined his position on the memorandum that Greece has signed with the troika of EU/ECB/IMF.

Samaras explained why the memorandum, apart from socially unfair, is also economically ineffective. He said that it does not lead to results and insisted on the need for a change in course with recovery and growth because if these do not exist greater deadlocks will result which neither society nor the economy can stand.

The ND leader further said that these deadlocks cannot be prevented by the extension of the repayment of the loan alone. ND agrees with the extension provided that it includes the entire amount of the loan of 110 bilion euros and not contains new burdensome measures.

The meeting with Strauss-Kahn was attended by ND vice president Stavros Dimas, the relevant economy sector chiefs Christos Staikouras and Mitarakis, ND spokesman Panos Panayiotopoulos, and the director of his office Constantine Arvanitopoulos.


L'opposizione di destra.


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Opposition on Strauss-Kahn's visit

ANA-MPaCommunist Party of Greece (KKE) Secretary General Aleka Papariga commenting Tuesday on International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn's visit to Athens called for a "frontal counter-attack against the policies of the government and the troika," because it is still possible to overturn things.

On his part, Radical Left Coalition (Syriza) parliamentary group leader Alexis Tsipras said "the IMF and all those who represent it are responsible for the misery of millions of people all over the planet, since with their political options are driving peoples into bankruptcy, social impoverishment and social exclusion."


L'opposizione di sinistra.


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Greece backs independent Palestinian state

ANA-MPA/Greece steadfastly backs the creation of an independent, viable and democratic Palestinian state that will coexist peacefully with Israel, within internationally-recognised borders based on the pre-1967 line, prime minister George Papandreou reaffirmed on Wednesday after talks with visiting Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas, adding that Greece remains dedicated to a comprehensive solution to the Arab-Israeli dispute.

Papandreou, in statements to the press after the meeting, said that Abbas was actively showing the way to peace and security in the region, "which is, precisely, the creation of a Palestinian state".

Greece, he added, will continue to stand by and aid the efforts of Palestine and the Palestinian people for a just and viable solution that will facilitate a comprehensive settlement of the Middle East issue.

The Arab peace initiative continues to be an important tool for achieving that goal, Papandreou said, stressing that Greece, which maintains friendly relations with all the countries of the region, is prepared to contribute to the peace process both now and in the future.

Papandreou also announced that Greece will undertake an initiative for the creation of a regional firefighting force in the region of the Eastern Mediterranean, in agreement with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Abbas, adding that the relevant authorities of Egypt, Jordan, Turkey and Russia, in addition to Palestine and Israel, will be invited to join the initiative.


La Grecia gioca molto bene sullo scacchiere mediorientale.
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