Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (3 lettori)

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Forumer storico
Me ne volevo liberare, accantonare, metterli lì e rivederli fra 20 anni... nn pensavo mi sarebbe presa la paura del default...

Beh, tra vent'anni, o giù di lì, riavrai i tuoi cento.
Prima della fine dell'anno dubito molto ritorneranno a 100 ... comunque non sia mai detto...
Il default "Italia" è un'opzione che non esiste ;).
Ultima modifica:


Il mito, la leggenda.
Me ne volevo liberare, accantonare, metterli lì e rivederli fra 20 anni... nn pensavo mi sarebbe presa la paura del default...

Se fai uno switch con Grecia agosto 2012...riavrai 100 in 12 mesi...

ma non è per tutti....:-o

basta crederci...;)

in Grecia almeno si sa già che il default è "protetto"...ma molti ancora non ci credono ....:lol:...a giudicare dai prezzi del 2012....:rolleyes:

chi vivrà vedrà...:D
Ultima modifica:


Forumer storico
Trichet: Betting Against Greece After EMU Summit Sure To Lose

By Market News International || July 27, 2011 at 15:25 GMT

BRUSSELS (MNI) – Speculators positioning themselves to profit from
a possible Greek default are sure to lose money after the measures
agreed on last week by Eurozone leaders, European Central Bank President
Jean-Claude Trichet said in an interview with French magazine Le Point,
released on Wednesday.
“Such a speculation would be a sure-fire way of losing money given
the decisions taken last Thursday,” Trichet said.
At the emergency summit in Brussels last week, the 17 leaders of
the Eurozone, along with the ECB and the International Monetary Fund,
pledged E109 billion euros to help reduce Greece’s debt problems and
agreed the broad outlines of a plan to involve private investors in a
restructuring of Greece’s debt, through bond swaps, rollovers and debt
buy backs.
New flexibility for the EU’s emergency bailout fund, the European
Financial Stability Facility, was also agreed.
“The proposals from the private sector and the decisions of the
European governments, i.e. lowering interest rates and extending the
duration of the loans, will ease Greece’s debt service burden
considerably. Furthermore, the outstanding debt will decrease through
bond swaps and debt buybacks,” the ECB chief said.
“But what is important is that Greece carries out the adjustment
itself, helped by this very important decrease of the yearly service of
the debt,” Trichet added.
Greece, he said, “needs to return to a path of sound governance as
quickly as possible, i.e. it needs to restore its budget to health,
implement a rigorous privatisation programme and carry out essential
structural reforms,” the ECB President said.
Trichet rejected suggestions that the EU was simply bailing out
Greece. “The Europeans are not subsidising Greece to never see their
money again. They are investing in its recovery. Of course, they need to
monitor their investment closely,” he said.
“Greece is committed to doing everything, and will do
everything — under the strict surveillance of Europe, which is
something we have always called for — to restore confidence, regain
stability and pay back its loans from Europe,” he stressed.
Trichet also dismissed the idea that Greece and other
heavily-indebted EU governments were a risk to the stability of the
common currency.
“The pressure observed on sovereign risks is not solely a European
problem, it is also a global problem. The United States and Japan also
have major fiscal problems,” he said.


Forumer storico
Greece’s ATEbank Won’t Take Part in Writing Down Government Debt

By Christos Ziotis and Marcus Bensasson - Jul 27, 2011 5:25 PM GMT+0200 Wed Jul 27 15:25:44 GMT 2011

Agricultural Bank of Greece (ATE) SA, a state-controlled lender, won’t follow European proposals that would make it write down the value of its 7.9 billion euros ($11.4 billion) of Greek government debt.
The lender, one of eight European banks to fail European Union stress tests on July 15, won’t take part in the private sector involvement, or PSI, initiative while efforts to boost its weak capital position are under way, Chairman Theodoros Pantalakis said yesterday in a telephone interview.
Athens-based ATEbank, as Agricultural Bank is also known, “is not allowed by EU rules to participate in the PSI for as long as its restructuring program is on,” Pantalakis said. “That means that ATEbank cannot participate until the end of 2013.”
EU leaders on July 21 reached an agreement on a rescue package for Greece valued at 159 billion euros, including 54 billion euros in contributions from private investors through bond exchanges and buybacks. The Institute of International Finance, which lobbies on behalf of banks, is pressing members that hold Greek government debt to support the package with the aim of securing 90 percent participation.
Greece hired BNP Paribas (BNP) SA, Deutsche Bank AG and HSBC Holdings Plc (HSBA) to be joint dealer-managers responsible for private-sector involvement in the process, the Finance Ministry said in a statement today. Deputy Finance Minister Filippos Sachinidis told Mega TV in an interview yesterday the process will start in August.


Forumer attivo
Beh, tra vent'anni, o giù di lì, riavrai i tuoi cento.
Prima della fine dell'anno dubito molto ritorneranno a 100 ... comunque non sia mai detto...
Il default "Italia" è un'opzione che non esiste ;).

Grazie grazie. Sono queste notizie ti tirano su. Tommetto pure te vuoi venire alla cena per festeggiare la parità del valore o spread sotto 200 (quando ci saremo :D) che ho offerto a 500 dollari e Stefanuzzo???


Forumer storico

(ASCA) - Roma, 27 lug - Gli speculatori che scommettono su un default della Grecia sono destinati a perdere i loro soldi dopo le decisioni adottate al vertice europeo della scorsa settimana. Lo ha detto il presidente della Banca Centrale Europea, Jean-Claude Trichet, in un'intervista alla rivista francese Le Point.

''Questo tipo di speculazione e' destinato ad essere un modo sicuro di perdere soldi viste le decisioni prese giovedi' scorso'' ha detto Trichet.

''Le proposte avanzate dal settore privato - ha aggiunto - e le decisioni dei governi europei, come ad esempio l'abbassamento dei tassi d'interesse sui prestiti e l'estensione della loro durata, alleggeriranno considerevolmente il costo sul debito greco.

Oltre a questo, il debito scendera' attraverso scambi di obbligazioni e riacquisti''.


Forumer storico
Grazie grazie. Sono queste notizie ti tirano su. Tommetto pure te vuoi venire alla cena per festeggiare la parità del valore o spread sotto 200 (quando ci saremo :D) che ho offerto a 500 dollari e Stefanuzzo???

Allo spread (Italia) sotto i 200 ci arriveremo ... per il semplice motivo che a 300 non ci possiamo stare.
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