Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (9 lettori)

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Forumer storico
It’s the second coming for the Greek economy

*By Costas Milas

Vatican City 1536. Michelangelo starts work on “The Last Judgment,” a fresco on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel which is considered to be one of his masterpieces.
The painting depicts Christ in the center, with his mother Mary on his right, as he announces the final and eternal judgment of all humanity. St Peter on the right holds a silver and a gold key, the keys to heaven. The souls of humanity rise and descend to their fates as judged by Christ, while Charon chases the damned from his boat into hell, where Minos, the judge of the underworld, is waiting.

Greece, 2011. It’s as if Michelangelo’s masterpiece has come to life as we seem to be witnessing the second coming, for the Greek economy at least. At the heart of developments, Eurogroup chief Jean-Claude Juncker and German Chancellor Angela Merkel weigh the prospects of the Greek economy after the so-called Memorandum II. At the same time, the European Central Bank holds the keys to Greece’s economic heaven by refusing to OK a radical restructuring of the Greek debt.

Meanwhile, the souls of Greek taxpayers, frustrated because of the burgeoning tax burden and successive wage cuts, appear ready to return to the good-old but greatly undervalued drachma in order to pay for their journey to the modern-day Hades, that unknown territory that lies outside the eurozone.

Greeks are frustrated for good reason. Nevertheless, they seem to ignore the fact that previous devaluations of the drachma (15.5 percent in 1983 and 15 percent in 1985) failed to bolster the competitiveness of the economy simply because the labor market was - as it remains today - one of Europe’s least flexible. This also explains why inflation remains high in spite of the steep recession.

Amid the political turmoil and increasing social tensions, it’s worth proposing a set of economic measures that could guide the economy to the gates of heaven.

First, the opening of closed-shop professions prepares the ground for a competitive economy. Second, the Education Ministry’s plans for the management of the country’s universities (such as the proposal to select rectors after the position has been advertised publicly) will bring the education system closer to the demands of the modern labor market and thereby also help curb youth unemployment, which now hovers over 36 percent.

Third, the privatization-or-drastic-tax-cuts dilemma is false. The economy needs a policy mix which will combine all of the above. However, these measures can only help reduce the deficit and pull the nation out of recession provided that we also put an end to vacuous partisan confrontation. For even if we wish to privatize state companies or reduce tax rates, no levelheaded investor is willing to put his money in a country wracked by political and social chaos.

*Costas Milas is professor of financial economics at the University of Keele.

ekathimerini.com , Friday August 19, 2011 (21:38)


Forumer storico
New measures may follow deep decline, hints Venizelos

By Sotiris Nikas

Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos admitted on Friday that the recession will be far worse than forecast this year - exceeding 4.5 percent - and did not rule out taking extra measures in view of the deteriorating situation. The only way to avoid this would be by moving the goalposts for the deficit after negotiations with Greece’s creditors.

The target for a budget deficit of 7.6 percent of gross domestic product now seems more distant than ever as the new data regarding the 2011 recession create a hole of 2.5-3 billion euros in the budget that takes the deficit to 8.5-9 percent of GDP.
The ministry’s latest recession estimates for the end of the year put it at between 4.5 and 4.7 percent, against an original target of 3.8 percent, while there are fears it may even reach up to 5.2 percent.

This will clearly have a negative impact on the execution of the state budget, while revenues are set to slip further away from the budget target. There is even going to be a problem with expenditures, particularly in covering the requirements of social security funds and the Manpower Organization (OAED).

Social security contributions have dropped, which means that the state will need to bolster the funds to avoid any problems in the payment of pensions and their general operation. The rise in unemployment is weighing heavily on OAED, as it remains unknown how high the jobless rate will be this year, after soaring to 16.6 percent in May.

Venizelos told Skai Radio on Friday that new measures are not unlikely, as the country needs to meet the targets of the midterm fiscal program. He did set a limit though, suggesting that “we are not going to put an additional burden on medium and low incomes.”

All the signs suggest the government will try to negotiate a change in the budget targets with low-level representatives of the country’s international creditors the European Union, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund on Monday.

The government’s argument will be that the blame for making a wrong estimate is shared by both Athens and its lenders’ higher representatives, known as the troika, in the hope that new measures will be avoided in the last quarter of the year.

ekathimerini.com , Friday August 19, 2011 (21:47)


Umile contadino
For even if we wish to privatize state companies or reduce tax rates, no levelheaded investor is willing to put his money in a country wracked by political and social chaos.

Tommy, condividi quest'ultima frase ? Certo conosciamo benissimo la situazione ma definire "caos politico e sociale" la situazione interna greca mi sembra esagerato...che dici ?


Umile contadino

Credo che non sia mai stata postata, questo è Venizelos che ha dato un gran impulso allo sblocco della situazione greca.


Forumer storico
For even if we wish to privatize state companies or reduce tax rates, no levelheaded investor is willing to put his money in a country wracked by political and social chaos.

Tommy, condividi quest'ultima frase ? Certo conosciamo benissimo la situazione ma definire "caos politico e sociale" la situazione interna greca mi sembra esagerato...che dici ?

Sino a questo momento la situazione interna è sempre stata sotto controllo, nessun incidente rilevante è stato registrato.
Le manifestazioni a dir la verità, non sono neanche troppo "partecipate". Prevale la stanchezza.
L'unico evento delittuoso, lo scorso anno, quando una bottiglia molotov lanciata all'interno di una banca provocò la morte a tre persone.
Questo provocò uno shock nel paese.

Il rischio reale, insito nelle privatizzazioni, non è la difficoltà degli investitori ad operare in un mercato tumultuoso (che non lo è) quanto nella possibilità di incassare il giusto prezzo da parte dello Stato.
Vediamo tutti le quotazioni delle aziende alla Borsa di Atene ...
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Oggi il 24 Ore cartaceo:

Pagg. 2-3

Intanto hanno detto per radio che il ministro delle finanze crucco ha categoricamente escluso gli eurobond finchè saranno al governo.



Faccio una domanda su una cosa che non mi è ben chiara:

se crolla l'€ e si torna alle lire, chi il patrimonio ce l'ha liquido ci "guadagna" (i prezzi e gli stipendi dovrebbero subire un lento/veloce tracollo) chi in TdS italiani ci rimette (vendite a man bassa a causa della sfiducia).

O sbaglio?


charlie non fa surf
se crolla l'€ e si torna alle lire, chi il patrimonio ce l'ha liquido ci "guadagna" (i prezzi e gli stipendi dovrebbero subire un lento/veloce tracollo) chi in TdS italiani ci rimette (vendite a man bassa a causa della sfiducia).

O sbaglio?

NON può succedere, è espressamente previsto dai trattati istitutivi dell'euro...non si torna indietro, non conviene a nessuno, neanche ai crucchi.

Le risorse economiche per tirare su la baracca ci sono, quello che sembra mancare è la lucidità/capacità utilizzarle.


New Membro
NON può succedere, è espressamente previsto dai trattati istitutivi dell'euro...non si torna indietro, non conviene a nessuno, neanche ai crucchi.

Le risorse economiche per tirare su la baracca ci sono, quello che sembra mancare è la lucidità/capacità utilizzarle.

sai quante cose non espressamente previste accadono?
Anzi, accadono tantissime cose espressamente proibite....


Valar dohaeris
Scusate la domanda un po' semplicistica, ma sto cercando di capire..
Il Ggb Mag12 Eur 5,25 quota 77,5 circa e dovrebbe rimborsare a maggio 2012

Questo prezzo significa che ci sono il 77% di possibilità che rimborsi,oppure che rimborserà circa il 77% del nominale? Oppure altro? :mmmm:
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