Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 2 (5 lettori)

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Com'è che la chiamavo io ?
La grande "Mattanza dei Creditori" ?
Certe idee sono pericolose e creano precedenti....
e ora circolano voci ufficiose pure sul Portogalo.
Paradossale che dopo l'uteriore impennata dello spread a seguito della perdita di due liveli portandolo sotto l' Inv.Grade, nei giorni scorsi si cominciava pure a voler diffondere un certo ottimismo e più di un analista si era espresso dicendo che il fatto che quoti dove quota non doveva far presagire esiti con hc e coinvolgimento dei privati.
Ora invece vogiono mettere a pulce nell'orecchio...

LONDON, Feb 6 (IFR) - Portugal has been discreetly
sounding out advisers on options to restructure its debt.
Although the government has yet to formally appoint any firm,
IFR has learnt that ministers have been watchingdevelopments in
Greece closely with a view to replicating elements of any final

Some of those consulted are understood to have advised
Portugal to follow a similar path to Greece's private sector
involvement (PSI) plan, to persuadeprivate sector bondholders
to take a voluntary haircut on their bonds, if the latter proves
successful over the next six weeks.
"If there is success with PSI in Greece, then it could open
the eyes of some governments," said one sovereign debtadviser
involved in such preliminary discussions. "It would show that
after all debt reduction is possible and not the end of the
world. That could create an interesting precedent."

Advocates of a Portuguese debt restructuring urge that a
decision be taken swiftly. Such procrastination has made the
Greek experience far more complicated than it needed to be.

"The lesson from Greece is that getting money from the
official sector and letting the financial sector escape, with at
least 40 billion euros in bond repayments (made by the official
sector to investors), means you have fewer restructuring
options," said Mitu Gulati, a professor at Duke University
specialising in sovereign restructuring.

Concerns have mounted that Portugal might have to revise its
78 billion euro bailout from the EU and IMF because it would be
unable to return to the market after the three-year programme
finishes in mid-2014. An 11-year 6 billion euro bond maturing
that June is currentlyyielding about 20 percent.
Other countries in peripheral Europe have seen
their bond yields come down since the introduction of the ECB's
three-year liquidity scheme in December. But Portugal's have
remained at elevated levels, even afterGermany's Chancellor
Merkel said PSI only applied to Greece.
Over the next two years, Portugal has two other longer-term
bond issues maturing with a combined par value of 18.9 billion
euros. However, the adviser said that, as with Greece, the
country also had a revolving series of shorter-term paper to
keep rolling over.
For example, over the rest of this year 16.4 billion euros
of such paper, with maturities of less than three years, comes
"It's a misconception thatPortugal is out of the market
until 2013. It has to be in the market regularly through issuing
short term and it's hurting," said the adviser.

The situation eased slightly last week with a 1.5 billion
euro auctionof three and six-month paper, each yielding less
than 5 percent. However, that still represents a significant
spread over Italy, which can currently get two-year money at 3.2

Portugal has also made progress with its privatisation
programme, unlike Greece. At the end of December it agreed to
sell a 21 percent stake in Energias de Portugal <EDP.LS> to
China Three Gorges for 2.7 billion euros, putting German energy
utility E.ON's <EONGn.DE> nose out of joint.
"The deal shows that Portugal can resist pressure from the
EU and Germany," said one Lisbon-based lawyer.
And last week Portugal also sold a 40 percent stake in its
power grid company REN <RENE.LS> to China State Grid and Oman
Oil for 592 million euros.
In a speech in London last week finance minister Vitor
Gaspar said that three transport-related deals were due to be
agreed in the first half of this year. He did not respond to
requests for comment on talks he may have had with advisers.
Lazard isbelieved to be speaking to the government.

(([email protected]; +44 20 7369 7850; Reuters
Messaging: [email protected]))
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Forumer storico
Grecia, nessuna scadenza oggi su bailout - funzionario

lunedì 6 febbraio 2012 10:46

ATENE, 6 febbraio (Reuters) - Il governo e i leader dei partiti greci devono raggiungere un accordo sui termini del secondo pacchetto di aiuti con gli ispettori del Fondo Monetario Internazionale e dell'Unione Europea prima del prossimo incontro dei ministri delle finanze.
Non è vero invece, secondo un funzionario del governo greco, che i tre partiti della coalizione entro oggi debbano comunicare all'Ue l'accettazione in principio degli aiuti e l'impegno a proseguire con le riforme.
Panos Beglitis, portavoce del partito socialista PASOK partner nella coalizione di governo, ieri ha detto che i leader dei tre partiti avrebbero dovuto dare la loro risposta in merito entro mezzogiorno di oggi. Un'affermazione smentita dal funzionario del governo, che ha chiesto di non essere citato.
"No, non c'è nessuna scadenza", ha detto aggiungendo, tuttavia, che la Grecia deve raggiungere un accordo sui termini con i creditori internazionali prima del prossimo Eurogruppo.
"La sola scadenza è di avere un accordo interno al governo per il secondo salvataggio e l'accordo dei leader politici prima dell'Eurogruppo", ha detto.
Per il momento non è stata fissata nessuna data per il prossimo Eurogruppo, anche se dovrebbe tenersi questa settimana.

Timing: il punto della situazione.


Forumer storico
Primato negativo in UE

A 159,1% del PIL è stato del debito pubblico greco nel terzo trimestre del 2011

Pubblicato il: Lunedi 6 febbraio 2012

Alla fine del terzo trimestre del 2011, per quanto riguarda il rapporto debito PIL, la Grecia ha il debito più alto tasso (159,1%) e Italia (119,6%), a seguire il Portogallo e la terza con 110 , 1%.

Seguita dall'Irlanda con un tasso di 104,9%, mentre il contrario è l'Estonia con il 6,1% e Lussemburgo con il 18,5%, secondo i dati Eurostat riportati oggi.

(Ta Nea)


Forumer attivo
[Reuters] Deadline for 2nd Greek bailout deal already past -EU Commission
BRUSSELS, Feb 6 (Reuters) - Greece has already gone
beyond the deadline for finalising talks on the second financing
package from the euro zone and the International Monetary Fund,
and Athens needs urgently to take decisions, the European
Commission said on Monday.
"We have gone beyond the deadline already," Commission
spokesman Amadeu Altafaj told a regular news briefing.
He said the Greek authorities had still to take the
necessary decisions.

(Reporting by Jan Strupczewski; editing by Rex Merrifield)
(([email protected])(+32 2 287 68 37)(Reuters
Messaging: [email protected]))

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