Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 2

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vero.. ma possono "cambiare intenzione".

Comunque.. alla fine della fiera.. con ogni probabilità.. CACCANO i GGB domestici,
cercano di caccare i Greece "esteri".. e rinunciano a CACCARE gli svizzeri
(come avevo ipotizzato qui)

Carib, un favore:

This announcement is only being distributed to and is only directed at, and an invitation
memorandum may only be distributed directly or indirectly (i) in Austria to qualified investors, (ii) in
Belgium to qualified investors acting for their own account, (iii) in France to persons licensed to
provide portfolio management investment services for the account of third parties and qualified
investors investing for their own accounts, (iv) in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to qualified
investors, (v) in Spain to qualified investors, (vi) in the United Kingdom to investment professionals,
high net worth companies and any other person to whom this announcement may lawfully be
communicated under the laws of the United Kingdom.
The distribution of this announcement in certain other jurisdictions may also be restricted by law.
Persons into whose possession this announcement comes are required by the Hellenic Republic to
inform themselves about and to observe any such restrictions. This announcement does not constitute
an offer to buy or a solicitation of an offer to sell securities, and tenders of securities pursuant to this
announcement will not be accepted by or on behalf of the Hellenic Republic.

Questa è la solita storia che riguarda l'Italia?
Tipo quella che ha interessato i sub Irish, per intenderci.
oltre il 90 "possono rinunciare" ad applicare le CAC.
tra il 75 e il 90.. hanno bisogno del consenso dell'UE per non cancellare la proposta di scambio (si immagina che in tal caso applichino le CAC ai GGB.. ma non abbiano i numeri per applicarle ai "foreign law".)

io leggo che oltre il 90% fan la festa a tutti i GGB :(
ma magari interpreto male
Carib, un favore:

This announcement is only being distributed to and is only directed at, and an invitation
memorandum may only be distributed directly or indirectly (i) in Austria to qualified investors, (ii) in
Belgium to qualified investors acting for their own account, (iii) in France to persons licensed to
provide portfolio management investment services for the account of third parties and qualified
investors investing for their own accounts, (iv) in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to qualified
investors, (v) in Spain to qualified investors, (vi) in the United Kingdom to investment professionals,
high net worth companies and any other person to whom this announcement may lawfully be
communicated under the laws of the United Kingdom.
The distribution of this announcement in certain other jurisdictions may also be restricted by law.
Persons into whose possession this announcement comes are required by the Hellenic Republic to
inform themselves about and to observe any such restrictions. This announcement does not constitute
an offer to buy or a solicitation of an offer to sell securities, and tenders of securities pursuant to this
announcement will not be accepted by or on behalf of the Hellenic Republic.

Questa è la solita storia che riguarda l'Italia?
Tipo quella che ha interessato i sub Irish, per intenderci.

be' cosa ti cambia?! :-?
Carib, un favore:

This announcement is only being distributed to and is only directed at, and an invitation
memorandum may only be distributed directly or indirectly (i) in Austria to qualified investors, (ii) in
Belgium to qualified investors acting for their own account, (iii) in France to persons licensed to
provide portfolio management investment services for the account of third parties and qualified
investors investing for their own accounts, (iv) in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to qualified
investors, (v) in Spain to qualified investors, (vi) in the United Kingdom to investment professionals,
high net worth companies and any other person to whom this announcement may lawfully be
communicated under the laws of the United Kingdom.
The distribution of this announcement in certain other jurisdictions may also be restricted by law.
Persons into whose possession this announcement comes are required by the Hellenic Republic to
inform themselves about and to observe any such restrictions. This announcement does not constitute
an offer to buy or a solicitation of an offer to sell securities, and tenders of securities pursuant to this
announcement will not be accepted by or on behalf of the Hellenic Republic.

Questa è la solita storia che riguarda l'Italia?
Tipo quella che ha interessato i sub Irish, per intenderci.

direi che questo spiega.. perché é pericoloso "far banca" in Italia.
x Tommy

Ti chiedo una grossa cortesia, oggi non ho avuto tempo di leggere...

è successo qualcosa di rilevaante per noi?

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