Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 3

Brussels reporters have got hold of the statement from the eurogroup, following today’s meeting of finance ministers.
And it shows that Greece needs fresh financing of up to €86bn over the next three years:

The statement floats the possibility of restructuring Greece’s debt pile, but this wouldn’t be considered straight away. Full haircuts on the face value of Greek bonds isn’t an option.

"bond" aveva risvegliato il mio interesse ma in realtà parlano sempre e solo dei debiti OS (ultima frase):
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* Muscat (Malta): #EuroSummit breaks for consultations. #Eurogroup document is most significant step so far. Need to focus on key points -JM
BRRD subito: si preparano a chiedere il bail in delle banche greche?

Visto che il bail in è già previsto dalla legge greca (http://www.iflr.com/Article/3440384/2015-Bank-Capital-Report-Greece.html), ma non include il "taglio" ai creditori senior (inclusi i c/c), la necessità di approvare subito la BRRD farebbe pensare alla volontà di coinvolgere (eventualmente) anche questi nel salvataggio delle banche, che dite?

A bail-in tool is also available under Greek law but in a different context. In 2010, as part of Greece's fiscal adjustment programme under the EU, IMF and ECB, the Greek government established the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (HFSF), a private law entity mandated exclusively with the recapitalisation of Greek banks. The law establishing the HFSF was amended in early 2014 to provide for a bail-in process as a prerequisite to inject further HFSF funds into Greek banks. The bail-in perimeter entails common shares, preference shares and other tier 1 instruments and subordinated instruments. Those instruments may be written down or converted into common equity.
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devono in tre gg fare tutte le riforme non fatte in 5 mesi di discussioni utili e costruttive con le istituzioni. più quelle non fatte dA samaras in anni. azz
* Trasmette l'inviato di "Kathimerini" in Bruxelles Regali Anthony fermato temporaneamente il vertice per consultare, e durante le pause Alexis Tsipras può avere incontri con Merkel, Hollande e Juncker.

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