BRRD subito: si preparano a chiedere il bail in delle banche greche?
Visto che il bail in è già previsto dalla legge greca (
2015 Bank Capital Report: Greece |, ma non include il "taglio" ai creditori senior (inclusi i c/c), la necessità di approvare subito la BRRD farebbe pensare alla volontà di coinvolgere (eventualmente) anche questi nel salvataggio delle banche, che dite?
A bail-in tool is also available under Greek law but in a different context. In 2010, as part of Greece's fiscal adjustment programme under the EU, IMF and ECB, the Greek government established the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (HFSF), a private law entity mandated exclusively with the recapitalisation of Greek banks. The law establishing the HFSF was amended in early 2014 to provide for a bail-in process as a prerequisite to inject further HFSF funds into Greek banks. The bail-in perimeter entails common shares, preference shares and other tier 1 instruments and subordinated instruments. Those instruments may be written down or converted into common equity.