Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1 (9 lettori)

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cerco informazioni sulla GOL FINANCE - USG3980PAB16- su che piazza quota e solvibilità. Grazie a chi mi può informare

Lo farà fra 6 mesi

Lussemburgo e di solito è abbastanza liquida

quota intorno a 95-96

Grazie della segnalazione. Ma nel settembre 2016 c'è la scadenza definitiva o la call ? :)

Qui direbbe 03/04/2017


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Moody's declassa rating Piaggio a Ba3 da Ba2.
Le obbligazioni come stanno reagendo?

LE HO in PF da anni....mai viste sotto la pari eccetto il giorno in cui le ho prese a 100 nel nov 2011...
averne di belle obbligazioni come queste ...
in passato sconsigliata perche' poco liquida.

Veramente poco volatile ....sempre


Forumer storico
Alliance Bank JSC and Temirbank Joint Stock Company are negotiating the sale of Samruk-Kazyna National Welfare Fund JSC (SK) with potential investors. The banks have signed non-disclosure agreements with potential buyers. Currently, the banks are collecting necessary information for potential investors," Bank said. "SK is disposing of its share in the bank's capitals to increase the chances of returning state investments under the anti-crisis program, as well as to improve economic feasibility and the prospects of selling each institution. Price parameters will be discussed individually with a particular investor," press release said. Deputy Prime Minister Kairat Kelimbetov said earlier that Kazakhstan's government would not sell Alliance Bank and TemirBank separately and would look for a common strategic investor for the two banks.

Uno spaccato di JSC Alliance Bank 10,50% 2017 :help:

direi il momento perfetto x entrare :D


Forumer attivo

Tra questi 3 titoli secondo voi quale è il meno rischioso?

BOMBARDIER 7,25% XS0273988393 scadenza 15/11/2016

PIAGGIO 7% XS047194367 scadenza 01/12/2016


Sono gradite tutte le considerazioni



low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
Petrobras Sells $1.8 Billion in Assets to Esteves’ BTG, Cemig

Petroleo Brasileiro SA, the world’s most indebted oil company, sold $1.83 billion in assets to billionaire Andre Esteves’ Banco BTG Pactual SA (BPAC3) and to Cia. Energetica de Minas Gerais as it seeks to raise cash.
Petrobras, as the state-controlled Brazilian oil producer is known, sold 50 percent of a unit holding African assets to BTG for $1.53 billion, the company said in a statement today. The unit, which includes Petrobras’ operations in Angola, Benin, Gabon, Namibia, Nigeria and Tanzania, will work as a joint venture between the the Brazilian investment bank to explore and produce oil and gas in the region, it said.
“The operation represents an important step for Petrobras’ divestment program,” the Rio de Janeiro-based company said in a statement after the close of trading. The partnership with BTG will allow “the expansion of its operations in Africa and the sharing of investments required.”
Petrobras is selling lower-return assets and raising funds to develop as much as 31 billion barrels of oil deposits. The company in May sold $11 billion of bonds, increasing total debt to $97.4 billion, more than any other publicly traded oil company, data compiled by Bloomberg show.
Petrobras said in a separate statement it sold a 49 percent stake in hydroelectric generator Brasil PCH SA to Cemig, as the country’s second-biggest power utility is known, for 650 million reais ($302 million). Brasil PCH operates 13 small hydroelectric plants with an installed capacity of 291 megawatts.
Shares of Petrobras lost 3.9 percent to 18.06 reais in Sao Paulo trading today, the biggest decline since April 15. The stock fell 7.5 percent in 2013, outperforming the 19 percent decline of the Brazilian Ibovespa index.
To contact the reporter on this story: Juan Pablo Spinetto in Rio de Janeiro at [email protected]
To contact the editor responsible for this story: James Attwood at [email protected]

Joe Silver

Forumer storico

Tra questi 3 titoli secondo voi quale è il meno rischioso?

BOMBARDIER 7,25% XS0273988393 scadenza 15/11/2016

PIAGGIO 7% XS047194367 scadenza 01/12/2016


Sono gradite tutte le considerazioni


In aggiunta a quanto detto dal nostro Qquebec :bow: volevo farti notare che il bond presenta un'insidia, rappresentata dal possibile (secondo me anche probabile) richiamo il prossimo 15/11/13 al prezzo di 101,208 (ora costa sui 103-104).
Per questo più di un anno fà io l'ho scambiato col fratello maggiore, scadenza 2021 e cedola 6,125%, che però ha taglio doppio di 100k ed ora costa sui 106.
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