06-06-2011 - Minutes from a General shareholders meeting Company: Petrol AD-Sofia (5PET)
At the extraordinary GMS of Petrol AD-Sofia (5PET) held on June 2, 2011, the following decisions were adopted:
- The Management Board and the Executive Director of Petrol AD were authorised to organise the attraction of a debt through a loan, debt instruments, mezzanine funding, sale and repurchase of assets or by other means, where the total value of the said funding shall be up to EUR 100 million, having a maximum repayment time period of up to 7 years, and at interest rate costs not exceeding the current annual interest profitability under the issue of euro bonds issued by Petrol AD, having an ISIN Code: ХС 0271812447 as of the date of the GMS, increased by 500 base interest points. The current annual interest profitability is calculated as a ratio between the amount of the annual coupon payment due and the current net market price of the euro bonds, as quoted in the Bloomberg system. The GMS authorises the Management Board to fix the remaining parameters of the above funding, inclusive of; however not limited to: the interest percentage rate and the fees under the funding, the type and the amount of the security provided, if any, the timeframe, as well as any other remaining terms and conditions to be specified under the loan contract or the contract for funding, whilst also authorising the Executive Director to conclude the respective contract;
- Did not review and vote on the Agenda item regarding the authorisation of the Management Board and of the Executive Director of Petrol AD to perform transactions under Art. 114, para. 1 of the POSA;
- Amendments to the Company's Statute.
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