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Obbligazioni societarieHIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate, vol.3
Metalcorp: a voi le Nco Investle hanno caricate a 100? Ora mi risulta una notevole plusvalenza su titoli che sappiano bene valgono poco o nulla. Se non modificano la cosa mi toccherà pagarci tasse
Senior unsecured, guaranteed by The Platform Group GmbH & Co. KG (the “Guarantor”),
a wholly owned subsidiary of the Issuer
Use of proceeds
(i) Financing of acquisitions, (ii) refinancing of debt, (iii) investments in software development as well as general corporate purposes, including transaction costs
Interest Rate
8.875% fixed coupon, payable semi-annually in arrears
Trade Date
1 July 2024
Issue Date
11 July 2024
Maturity Date
11 July 2028
Issue Price
Call Structure
Make whole 24 months, then callable at 104.438/103.106/101.775/100.444/100.000% after 24/30/36/42/45 months, respectively