Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate, vol.3

Sunnova Energy, one of the country’s largest residential solar companies, is preparing to engage with creditors to explore options including a potential bankruptcy filing over its roughly $8.5 billion in debt, according to people familiar with the matter.
The company, working with law firm Baker Botts and investment bank JP Morgan, is putting together financial information and could begin negotiating with lenders and bondholders about ways to cut its debt and address near-term maturities, either in or out of bankruptcy court, said the people. (WSJ)
Sunnova Energy, one of the country’s largest residential solar companies, is preparing to engage with creditors to explore options including a potential bankruptcy filing over its roughly $8.5 billion in debt, according to people familiar with the matter.
The company, working with law firm Baker Botts and investment bank JP Morgan, is putting together financial information and could begin negotiating with lenders and bondholders about ways to cut its debt and address near-term maturities, either in or out of bankruptcy court, said the people. (WSJ)

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E visto che siamo in tema di ciofeche e non c’è due senza tre, permettetemi di citare il titolo azionario NEW STRATUS ENERGY, si lo so che siamo OT ma è una roba molto cara ad alcuni utenti blasonati che addirittura la davano a 4 dollari canadesi “a breve”, agendo quasi da insider MILLANTANDO POSIZIONI RILEVANTI nel capitale sociale (peccato che sin da principio sapevo fosse una cazzata perché mai riportato nell’elenco soci) salvo poi dileguarsi nell’ombra

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