Quale movimento aspettarsi ora ?...
seguendo un 4h da stasera o domani dovrebbero presentarsi le prie divergenze RSI con indicazioni rialziste...
si entrerebbe con cautela , tenendo presente e consapevli di dover ritoccare ... a fine mese
per un prossimo trimestre rialzista+
Shorter-term, the Sun will enter Scorpio on October 22, the same day Venus will make a favorable trine
with Jupiter. This is followed by another trine, this time involving the Sun and Saturn, on October 24.
These signatures may provide some short-term relief from the horrors and brutality of the past two
weeks. But right afterwards, on October 28, Mars will start a series of new hard aspects, first with its
opposition to Jupiter. These continue through November 25, a period which finds six Level 1 signatures
unfolding (Level 1 signatures have the highest correlation to primary cycles in stock indices, +/- 10
trading days). This means geopolitical tensions that result in sharp swings in several financial markets.
On a personal level, it means many people will tend to behave erratically and possibly be given to rash
and disruptive actions. It is a time when one is advised to take the time to think things out clearly before
overreacting with rage, for the consequences may be hard to undo
The Sun approaching Mars in Scorpio, while near the same time being in opposition to both Jupiter and
Uranus and headed to a square of Saturn (now through November 25, and especially November 11-25),
is an aspect consistent with conflict and threats of war. It is naïve to not think the world could be on the
verge of war as Pluto is moving back and forth into Aquarius (2023-2025), Neptune approaching its
entrance into Aries (2024-2025), and Uranus heading towards Gemini (2025) when the last time each of
these ingresses happened singly coincided with the three greatest wars in American history
(Revolutionary War, Civil War, and World War II).