vi dispiace ripostare il link da cui scaricare il form prestampato per la rinuncia all'adesione. grazie.
andate a questo link builds on a library of cases spanning two decades - the largest repository of such data in the industry outside of the federal court system.
Quindi consultate il docket
Docket #
Filed May 28 2021
Motion to Approve / Notice of Presentment of Motion of the Plan Administrator for an Order Authorizing a Voluntary Final Distribution for Certain Creditors of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and Granting Related Relief filed by Garrett A. Fail on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. Responses due by 6/25/2021,. (Fail, Garrett)
Quindi cliccate su view
Si aprono molte pagine : a pagina 27 del totale / 8 del parziale leggerete :
if you wish to continue to receive distributions over time in accordance with LBHI’s chapter 11 planand not receive a Final Distribution, you must complete the OptOut Form attached hereto (which may be submitted online) and returnit to the Plan Administratorby no later than6:00 pm (ET) on September 10, 2021. Your response must be receivedby that time and date.
Arriviamo quindi a pag 36 di 45:
If you wish to receive a Final Distribution in October 2021, you do not need to do anything upon receipt of this notice.
If you wish to opt out of the Final Distribution and to continue to receive distributions over time from LBHI in accordance with LBHI’s chapter 11 plan, you must complete and submit the OptOut Form using one of three methods below so that it is received by no later than 6:00 pm (ET) on September 10, 2021.
Quali sono i tre metodi di con cui attivarsi?
Online (preferred method): You may complete the Opt Out Form electronically on a secure site at:
Epiq 11 using the following logon credentials: Creditor Name: «Name»Your User Access Code: «User_Access_Code»
(2) Via Email: You may scan a complete and executed copy of this Opt Out Form and email it to
[email protected];
(3) Via Mail, Overnight Mail or Hand Delivery: You may send a complete and executed copy of this Opt Out Form to one of the addresses below:
Attenzione alla diversità tra If by First-Class Mail/ If by Hand Delivery or Overnight Mail.
A questo punto segue a pag. 37/45 il vero e proprio OPT OUT FORM
Spero di essere stato sufficientemente chiaro.
Al di là di qualsiasi altro quesito, necessario a comprendere la materia ed attivarsi in merito, consiglio vivamente tutti gli interessati di rivolgersi alle banche che detengono i titoli e non procedere da soli a fare alcunchè, in ragione ( come più volte sottolineato ) dell'insinuazione collettiva fatta a suo tempo dalle banche italiane.
Come sempre IMHO