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Sul profilo di responsabilità della banca nella prevedibilità del default Lehman Brothers
“Stante l’adempimento degli obblighi informativi, la non prevedibilità del default della Lehman Brothers al momento della stipula del contratto (luglio 2017) e lo specifico profilo di rischio della Cliente, non v’è spazio per l’accoglimento della domanda di risarcimento degli interessi contrattuali attivi non percepiti – non imputabile alla Banca convenuta – né per la mancata percezione degli utili netti”. Questo il principio espresso dal Tribunale di Patti, sezione civile, con sentenza n. 224 pubblicata il 31 marzo 2022.
Transfer Agreement FRBP. (See PDF for Amount) Transfer Agreement 3001 (e) 2 Transferors: Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd. (Claim No. 42069) To Ayesha Suresh Sawlani filed by Ayesha Suresh Sawlani. (Lopez, Mary)
Debtor 08-13555 Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
How are creditors’ and sureties’ claims dealt with in an insolvency of the principal?
The case of Lehman Brothers Holdings Scottish LP 3 v Lehman Brothers Holdings Plc (in Administration) [2021] EWCA Civ 1523 offers useful insight into how creditors’ and sureties’ claims are dealt with in an insolvency of the principal.
Adversary proceeding: 08-01420-scc Lehman Brothers Inc.
Omnibus Hearing
Adversary proceeding: 08-01420-scc Lehman Brothers Inc.
Doc #15357 Trustees Motion for an Order Authorizing the Trustee to Enter into a Liquidating Trust Agreement and Transfer Certain Estate Assets to the Liquidating Trust and Granting Related Relief
Adversary proceeding: 08-01420-scc Lehman Brothers Inc.
Doc #15360 Trustees Motion for an Order Authorizing the Trustee to Abandon Certain Property and Granting Related Relief
Transfer Agreement FRBP. (Transfer of Claim Other Than For Security) Transfer Agreement 3001 (e) 2 Transferors: Union Bancaire Privee, UBP SA (Claim No. 545221, Amount $30,000.00) To Lussich, Santiago a/o Rachetti, Maria filed by Union Bancaire Privee, UBP SA. (Cantrell, Deirdra)
Debtor 08-13555 Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.