Docket 4215 e 4220 - EMTN Program
Due docket molto interessanti, che riguardano chi possiede notes incluse nell'Euro Medium Term Note Program (emesse fra gli altri anche dalla filiale olandese).
Barclays e altri avevano mosso obiezione perchè per queste notes viene richiesto di presentare la proof of claim a LBHI come garante.
4215 la LBHI sostanzialmente risponde che non potendo conoscere in dettaglio la situazione delle oltre 4000 serie di Structured Notes, deve necessariamente ottenere le proofs of claim, che gli acquirenti erano a conoscenza della carenza dell'Identure Trustee e conclude con un inquietante:
"18. For all the foregoing reasons, the Debtors respectfully submit that
Objections with respect to the EMTN Program should be overruled.
The Debtors reserve their
right to challenge the validity of any claims asserted in connection with the EMTN Program,
including in connection with the Guarantee. "
Nel docket
4220 c'è una contro-risposta di un nutrito gruppo tedesco (1. The Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband (“DSGV”) is the umbrella
organization of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe and its 477 savings banks, 11 Landesbanken, 11
Landesbausparkassen, 13 public insurance companies and many other financial service
providers (collectively, the “DSGV Members”). Through DSGV’s organizational efforts,
45 DSGV Members and 10,000 of the retail customers of DSGV Members (each a “DSGV
Objector,” and collectively, the “DSGV Objectors”) that hold debt securities and other debt
instruments issued by the Debtors and their affiliates (the “Debt Instruments”) and, in most
cases, guaranteed by Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (“LBHI”), have joined together to
efficiently protect their rights and assert their claims).
Questo gruppo affronta nuovamente il problema delle difficoltà per le migliaia di piccoli risparmiatori stranieri di aderire alla proposta presentazione della proof of claim:
First, the revised proposed order contains the following language: “ORDERED
that each Proof of Claim must . . . be signed by the claimant or, if the claimant is not an
individual, by an authorized agent of the claimant . . . ” (Revised Proposed Order at 6.) Such
language would prohibit authorized agents from filing proofs of claim on behalf of individual
claimants. The DSGV Objectors submit that there is no rational reason for distinguishing
between individuals and other persons with respect to the ability to authorize agents to file proofs
of claim.
Second, the revised proposed order contains the following language:
“ORDERED that Proofs of Claims may only be filed by parties that are authorized to file such
claims in accordance with Bankruptcy Code and the Bankruptcy Rules . . . ” (Revised Proposed
Order at 12.)
Third, the DSGV Objectors submit that the order should expressly permit
authorized agents to file consolidated proofs of claim, as has been permitted in other cases.
In un certo senso, la decisione del giudice su questo argomento riguarda anche noi, perchè questa associazione di banche e assicurazioni tedesca potrebbe essere comparabile all'ABI nostrana.
Li allego entrambi, sono sicura che a Mauro piaceranno
PS Paolo, se vuoi cancello... stavo scrivendo e non mi sono accorta che avevi postato qualche minuto fa...