Docket 2726 - Fundo de Investimento
Opsss... ci siamo sbagliati... possiamo uscire dal ch11?
Fundo = Fundo de Investimento Multimercado Credito Privado Navigator Investimento No Exterior
Il Fundo entra in ch11 il 5 ottobre, insieme ad altre sussidiarie della LBHI; nella fretta, si ritiene che sia una filiale del Delaware


e si cerca di proteggerla dalle "pretese" delle banche...
Circumstances Of Filing
9. On
October 5, 2008, Ten (10) of the Debtors, including Fundo, a wholly
owned subsidiary of chapter 11 debtor Lehman Brothers Special Financing Inc. (“LBSF”),
undertook an emergency filing of chapter 11 petitions with this Court.
The filing was
precipitated by the Debtors’ belief that certain banks were, or might be, planning to seize assets
of the Debtors. Fundo was listed on a schedule of Lehman entities holding bank accounts with
substantial cash balances. The Debtors reviewed the information on Fundo in their database and,
based on an inaccurate notation, concluded that Fundo was a U.S. entity incorporated in
Delaware. As a result, Fundo was included in the group of entities for whom the Debtors filed
chapter 11 petitions in an effort to protect assets, for the benefit of all stakeholders, from
unilateral action by the banks. "
quasi 5 mesi dopo, ci si accorge che:
"10. Subsequent to the filing, the Debtors have become aware of several facts
that inform their current decision to seek dismissal of Fundo’s chapter 11 case, including the
Fundo is an investment fund organized in Brazil, not a Delaware corporation. The
Debtors have been advised that, under Brazilian law, Fundo does not have a separate
legal personality, except that it can, through its manager (administrador in Portuguese),
enter into contracts and engage in other actions as if it were a legal entity. The Debtors
have been further advised that
under Brazilian law, a fund is not eligible for bankruptcy.
On March 17, 2008, Fundo de Investimento Multilercado Credito Privado Navigator
changed its name to Fundo de Investimento Multilercado Credito Privado Navigator
Investimento No Exterior.
• Fundo is managed by BNY Mellon Serviços Financeiros Distribuidora de Titulos e
Valores Mobiliários S.A., an affiliate of The Bank of New York Mellon, as manager and
administrator, but
has no creditors or assets in the U.S. save for an LBHI guaranty of a
claim that Fundo has against a non-U.S., non-debtor affiliate (the “LBHI Guaranty”)."
E allora che ci fanno nel ch11??? Avrebbero perfino trovato chi si comprerebbe qualcosa, ma il potenziale acquirente non si sente sicuro se il Fundo è coinvolto nel ch11 del secolo...
The pendancy of its chapter 11 case has, and is likely to continue to,
impair Fundo’s ability to fully implement its current objective, which is to wind-down its
business in a manner that will maximize recovery for all of its stakeholders. For example, as part
of its winding-down, Fundo has explored the market for certain of its assets in Brazil. Potential
sale partners, however, are reluctant to enter into substantive negotiations because of the
uncertainty surrounding the effect of the U.S. case on Fundo’s assets in Brazil.
In sum, the
chapter 11 case has placed Fundo in a bind: it receives none of the protections of the Bankruptcy
Code, since all of its creditors and assets, save for the LBHI Guaranty, are located abroad; under
Brazilian law it may be ineligible for bankruptcy; and it is subject to many of the burdens of
bankruptcy, such as cumbersome administration and the possible triggering of ipso facto
provisions. "
E allora, per cortesia, possiamo farlo uscire?
" Relief Pursuant to Section 305(a)
18. Section 305(a) provides that:
(a) The court, after notice and a hearing, may
dismiss a case under this title or may
suspend all proceedings in a case under this
title, at any time if –
(1) the interests of creditors and the
debtor would be better served by
such dismissal or suspension…. "