per essere noiosino:
As mentioned, no bar date has been
12 set. In the Chapter 11 cases, the bar
13 date is the last date to file claims in a
14 Chapter 11 case that is generally set
15 after the schedules and statements are
16 filed. If you maintain frequent vigilance
17 over the web site, you
18 will see information regarding the Lehman
19 bar date.
Schedules and statements are due to
be filed by March 16th, 2009, and the
22 debtors have been diligently working to
23 meet the filing deadline.
Subsequent to
24 t
he filing of the schedules, the debtors
anticipate setting a bar date.
dopo i primi schedules e statements (situazione attivi...), il giudice deciderà le date entro le quali insinuare il passivo. E' compito suo e si decide in corte, non nelle riunioni creditori, extra dibattito processuale...
La data di marzo era citata anche nella nota ai creditori della Treasury BV, del 22 dicembre 2008:
Beneficial holders of notes issued by LBT are therefore not required to file claims
with the Bankruptcy Trustee at this time.
2.4 As of the date of this notice, the District Court has not set dates for (i) the filing of claims
in the bankruptcy of LBT and (ii) for the claims admission meeting. The Bankruptcy
Trustee will inform noteholders and other creditors timely in advance by means of a
notice when a date for the filing of claims is determined by the District Court.
It is not
expected that the date for the filing of claims will be set before March 2009.
The Bankruptcy Trustee aims to coordinate with LBHI the process of filing claims by
holders of notes with respect to the LBHI guarantee in the Chapter 11 proceedings of
LBHI. More information on the insolvency proceedings of LBHI can be found on (under “Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc Chapter 11”).
As far as the Bankruptcy Trustee is aware, as of the date of this notice, no bar date has
been set for the filing of claims in the Chapter 11 proceedings of LBHI. Noteholders are
advised to regularly visit the aforementioned website for updated information on LBHI
since the information that the Bankruptcy Trustee will provide to noteholders is primarily
limited to the bankruptcy of LBT. The Bankruptcy Trustee will not issue a notice if a bar
date for the filing of claims is set in the Chapter 11 proceedings of LBHI."
Cercano di coordinare le varie presentazioni.
Nel frattempo,
docket 2855, il giudice ha approvato il
piano di lavoro di Valukas, che allego.
Nel piano, l'Examiner fa riferimento alle difficoltà che incontra a reperire le informazioni, sia per la mole enorme delle stesse (200 miliardi di pagine in dati elettronici, centinaia di migliaia di documenti stampati

), sia per il fatto che non sono tuttora completamente disponibili.
Procede con i contatti con le varie parti in causa e ritiene di poter produrre i risultati della sua analisi entro 9 mesi, se non avrà ulteriori difficoltà nel reperire i documenti che lo interessano:
Preparation of Examinerʹs Report
30. The scope of the Examiner’s investigation is quite broad, the issues are
both subtle and complex, and the potential witnesses include persons of such significant
public stature that interviewing them may present unusual challenges. Despite that, if
there were no issues with respect to immediate access to documents and financial data,
the Examiner believes that a realistic time frame for the preparation of a Final Report is
9 months. But because, as explained in paragraph 17 above, there are significant
document issues, the Examiner
may need to advise the Court of the need for an
expanded schedule. "