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" Resolution of the intercompany
accounts. After we get the assets squared
away and we get the identified outside
claims cleared away, work through the
derivative problems and understand what
those claims are, then there has to be a
final day of reckoning, the intercompany
accounts. All the intercompany accounts
will have to be adjusted with the plusses
and the minuses and figure out who owes
what, the time it went and then, obviously
when a plan of organization is to be done,
and that resolution is really the final
Però più avanti, in risposta a domande precise riguardo alla filiale olandese:
" Since, the other question is since
there are some, for example, bonds issued
by European entities which are guaranteed
by Lehman Brothers Holding Incorporated,
for example, some bonds issued by treasury
in Netherlands, the question is, as far as
creditors are concerned, the creditors of
the bondholders, for example, which who
have bonds issued by those European
entities, do they have to provide claims
both under this Chapter 11 claim case and
in the case of, you know, bankruptcy
situation of Netherlands or United
MR. WAISMAN: All persons who believe
they have claims against these entities
will need to file claims against these
entities to protect them. So each
creditor has to decide who the direct
obligor is and who the guarantor is, if
there's a guarantor.
THE SPEAKER: So if there's a
guarantor, then the creditor should claim
under it.
MR. WAISMAN: If the creditor is a
creditor of these entities, directly or
under a guarantee, it will have to file a
claim, absolutely."
E ancora:
" THE SPEAKER: The structured notes
were issued by Lehman Brothers Treasury
and guaranteed by Lehman Brothers
Holdings, Inc., and we're wondering, as
custodians for our customers, whether the
Chapter 11 debtors have a view as to the
appropriate entity to file a claim on
account of guarantee here in the Chapter
11 case, and if the answer is no, whether
it would be consistent with whatever
determination was made by the
administrator who's administrating the
process for LBT.
MR. WAISMAN: If you have a guarantee
issued by Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc.
or any of the other debtors, you will need
to file a claim against that debtor. As
to BV issues, specifically, we are aware
and we have met with the Trustee, and we
will try to make it as easy as is possible
to coordinate and make sure that claims
are properly disposed."
Quindi sembrerebbe che stiano ancora decidendo come procedere per la Treasury BV, ma che indicativamente il claim vada presentato al garante dei bond, quindi alla LBHI

Qui Waisman traccheggia, riguardo alle precedenze dei debiti (pag. 90)
" Can you tell me if they're a priority
in the bankruptcy for senior debt
MR. WAISMAN: I'm not familiar with
that security.

THE SPEAKER: You're not familiar.
What does that mean, you're not
MR. WAISMAN: I've not heard of it.
THE SPEAKER: You've not heard of it
in terms of any priority?
MR. WAISMAN: We have not, as of yet
we have no bar date. We have not looked
at the entire waterfall of claims to
analyze where in the waterfall of the
capital structure things fall. So we have
not analyzed that product or others.
THE SPEAKER: Well, I'm sure it's a
pretty common product.
When do you expect to do that, and
where do you know where you fall in line
with the waterfall?
MR. WAISMAN: Ultimately, the
schedules are filed, the bar date needs to
be established, the claims need to come
in, and then you drive towards
understanding the entire capital structure
as to where things fall, the capital
structure as each of the, you know, 18, 19
filed entities throughout the
organization. It will take some time."