Ciao a tutti,
Mi piacerebbe avere la vostra opinione (gipa, alan...) su questo furto autorizzato....
![Sono confuso :-? :-?](/images/smilies/icon_confused.gif)
"What's bizarre is that stocks and metals are going up and down at the same time."
Yes Paul you're absolutely right. The reason is LIQUIDITY, better known as "the central banks printing money". When the central banks print money (now done by pushing money into the system by lending it out, rather than actually running a printing press), that money flows like water into every market. When the central banks do the opposite (which they have been doing in the last few weeks), money flows out of every market. The central banks are, effectively, playing with the amount of money in circulation, which you can think of as "the unit of measure."
What's amazing is that since the Fed was formed in the 1910's, the US Dollar has lost 95% or more of its purchasing power, due to the monetary inflation that has been used at every time since the Great Depression to try and "hide" economic downturns. If things get tough, prices start to drop. So the banks churn out cheap money, which pushes prices back up. But this is all just a huge illusion. By printing money, the central bank devalues every single dollar, euro, yen, pound, franc (or whatever) that you own. It's the biggest con ever perpetrated on mankind, it's a giant, hidden tax, it robs you of your savings and keeps pushing the price of everything up. If they crank the money-press, asset prices rise, but your salary and savings don't, so they're basically robbing you.
It's this cranking that causes prices to go up, the process that the media call "inflation". Thing is, inflation is always a monetary phenomenon, i.e. the result of central banks printing money. But the general public has no understanding of this. We all just "accept" that prices inevitably go up over time. (A nickel cigar stayed a nickel through all of the 1800's and early 1900's.) And what's even more incredible is that inflation statistics have been re-jigged by successive governments and central banks so that they don't reflect the prices that people in the street are paying! It means they can deny the very inflation that they're creating. Have you ever thought "if there's no inflation, why does the price of everything I buy keep going up?" Well, now you know. If you're interested, look into Hedonics and related issues. John Williams on does an excellent job of seeing past all the smoke and mirrors. It's a huge, sick con, it's artificial economics on the grandest scale - and yet nobody seems to care. They might start caring once the cost of Chinese goods starts to go all the way back up.
The huge irony is that the Fed recently started getting "worried" about inflation. But if they've been printing dollars at a near 20% annualised rate (although they have recently stopped report M3 so they can hide what they're up to), what do they expect? More dollars chasing the same number of things can only make prices go up. So, they recently been "mopping up liquidity", to "stop inflation" (which they caused in the first place) and - hey presto - all the markets puke in tandem. And then everyone scratches their heads!!! Like, HUH?? Once you understand the above, your view and understanding of the markets changes completely.
Tell all your friends! Write to your politicians! I reiterate, nobody seems to care! Why not???
More on my theme of fiat currencies. The venerable Richard Russell writes today on the following. Please, use this piece as a reason to subscribe to the living legend's service. The Russell Is The Man.
"The papers are full of articles regarding what the Fed might do or not do with short rates. But how is it that nobody ever questions the very worth or non-worth of the Federal Reserve itself. The Fed has never been audited. It's legitimacy, it's worth, is NEVER questioned -- the Fed appears immune to questions. One problem is that nobody understands what a monstrous fraud the Fed is.
When the US government needs money, it doesn't just issue United States Federal Notes (dollars), which it certainly could do. In other words, incredibly, the US government does not issue its own money. Instead, the government issues bonds, thereby loading itself with ever-increasing interest-bearing debt. Here's how this disgrace works --
The US government issues a billion dollars of interest-bearing US government bonds. It takes the bonds to the Federal Reserve -- the Fed accepts the bonds and places one billion dollars in a checking account.The government then writes checks to the total of a billion dollars against the checking account -- a billion dollars that has been created "out of thin air."
Meanwhile, the debts of the US grow and grow. And the government pays interest on the bonds. Yet that isn't enough for the US government. It taxes its citizens, taking away a percentage of their passive and active earnings. And as if that isn't enough, it robs its citizens via inflation, so that as their living costs rise, simultaneously their savings are whittled away.
The Fed has been in existence for 93 years. In those 93 years the Federal Reserve Notes that the Fed issues have lost 98% of their purchasing power. To cover up this monumental scam, we hear the Fed blather and bluster about how worried they are about the current inflation rate. The current inflation rate, is the cover-up, what kills us is the systematic year-after-year loss of purchasing power of those billions of fiat Federal Reserve Notes.
So the system allows this semi-private banking system to create money out of absolutely nothing (all of it a loan to our government) and charge interest on this debt forever. Thus, the Fed collects interest on the government's own money. It's a system that is beyond belief, but one that runs the life blood of the nation -- the life blood of a nation is its money.
A communique sent from the Rothschild investment house in England to its associates in New York noted, "The few who understand the system. . . will either be so interested in its profits or so dependent on its favors that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending . . will bear its burdens without complaint."