Obbligazioni bancarie MONITOR Principali banche mondiali (2 lettori)


Forumer attivo
Alla fine i veri colossi bancari ( con relative funzioni )
saranno principalmente le Banche Centrali delle varie aree macroeconomiche
( anche se in pratica già lo stanno facendo da almeno 3 mesi ),
altrimenti torniamo al baratto.


Forumer storico
Alla fine i veri colossi bancari ( con relative funzioni )
saranno principalmente le Banche Centrali delle varie aree macroeconomiche
( anche se in pratica già lo stanno facendo da almeno 3 mesi ),
altrimenti torniamo al baratto.

Stanno cercando di non nazionalizzare tutto, altrimenti si ritorna al sistema bancario pubblico (che fu, a ben pensarci, uno degli esiti della grande depressione in molti paesi).


Forumer storico
07. Moody's cuts J.P. Morgan's rating, hints dividend at risk
10:38 AM ET, Jan 15, 2009 - By Sue ChangSAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Moody's Investors Service on Thursday lowered J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.'s senior debt rating to Aa3 from Aa2 and the ratings on its subsidiaries to Aa1 from Aaa. The downgrades are in response to a dim outlook on J.P. Morgan generating capital which in turn may prompt the financial firm to cut dividend. "JPM's capital ratios, and especially its tangible-equity ratio, are relatively high, and as a consequence, JPM is in a more manageable position than are its major U.S. bank competitors to deal with the dual problems of revenue reductions and increased credit costs. To the extent these pressures become more extreme, we expect JPM would defend its capital ratios by reducing expenses and by cutting its common dividend," said Sean Jones, Moody's senior vice president. The outlook is stable.

57. J.P. Morgan's investment bank lost $2.4 billion
7:08 AM ET, Jan 15, 2009 - By Greg MorcroftNEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- J.P. Morgan Chase said Thursday that its investment banking operations lost $2.4 billion in the fourth quarter. "The weaker results reflected a decrease in net revenue and a higher provision for credit losses, partially offset by lower noninterest expense," the firm said. Net revenue was negative $302 million, down from $3.5 billion last year, as investment banking fees and advisory fees fell 17% and 10% respectively. Credit loss provisions at Morgan' investment bank rose to $765 million in the quarter, compared to $200 million last year.JPM

58. J.P. Morgan adds $4.1 billion to loan loss provisions
7:02 AM ET, Jan 15, 2009 - By Greg MorcroftNEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- J.P. Morgan Chase said Thursday that it added $4.1 billion in loan loss reserves in the fourth quarter to cover rising defaults across its loan portfolio. During the year, the firm increased its total allowance for loan losses to $23.2 billion. Chief Executive Jamie Dimon, in a press release, said Thursday that, "If the economic environment deteriorates further, which is a distinct possibility, it is reasonable to expect additional negative impact on our market-related businesses, continued higher loan losses and increases to our credit reserves."JPM

59. J.P. Morgan net falls sharply, but tops Wall Street view
6:43 AM ET, Jan 15, 2009 - By Greg MorcroftNEW YORK (MarketWatch) - J.P. Morgan Chase said Thursday that a $1.1 billion benefit from merger-related items helped the firm post a $702 million, or 7 cents a share, fourth-quarter profit, compared to a profit of $3 billion, or 86 cents a share, in the year -ago period. Total net revenue dipped to $17.23 billion in the quarter, from $17.38 billion last year. Analysts at ThomsonReuters had expected the company to break even on revenue of $18.83 billion. J.P. Morgan had originally planned to report earnings next week, but moved that date up, making it the first of the major banks and S&P 500 financial stocks to post fourth-quarter earnings. Rival Citigroup will report its fourth-quarter earnings Friday morning.C, JPM

60. Stock futures off lows following J.P. Morgan Chase results
6:37 AM ET, Jan 15, 2009 - By Steve GoldsteinLONDON (MarketWatch) -- Stock futures moved off session lows Thursday following J.P. Morgan Chase's announcement that it earned $702 million, or 7 cents a share, in the fourth quarter. While that's down from the $3 billion that the bank earned in the fourth quarter of 2007, the New York giant managed to meet analyst predictions. Still, the decision by Steve Jobs to relinquish day-to-day control of Apple kept tech futures well under water. In


Forumer attivo
Stanno cercando di non nazionalizzare tutto, altrimenti si ritorna al sistema bancario pubblico (che fu, a ben pensarci, uno degli esiti della grande depressione in molti paesi).

In effetti la disamina è calzante, ed è probabile che così sarà,
anche perchè la mole di garanzie/aiuti inizia ad assumere dimensioni
da " valanga ",
e perchè l'ex Pres. Fed Volcker
( che è e sarà probabilmente voce assai influente nell'Amm.ne Obama)
lo sconsiglia e lo sconsiglierà a gran voce.

Ma comunque COLOSSALI garanzie e denari ulteriori vanno trovati,
pena un sicuro meltdown delle imprese :

"If banks aren’t willing to lend, then that spells trouble for corporates," said Andrea Cicione, a strategist at BNP Paribas SA in London. "Right now banks are short of capital and if they take more losses they’ll need more capital. Banks are the most important challenge to the corporate sector."

Fonte Bloomberg


Senior Member
stavo uscendo dal casino di milano:D
ma ho capito che uscirà in perdita per il 08 e che stava perdendo il 20% l`azione:rolleyes:

Si, quello riguardo BofA, poi prima di chiudere ha detto che era uscita un'agenzia che riportava voci (??????) su una possibile nazionalizzazione di Citigroup.

Altro non so.

Cmq Wally si è calmata...altra dose di morfina? :help:

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