ETC Natural Gas (145 lettori)

foo fighter

Forumer storico
ciao foo mi sa che ho perso il treno mannnnnn

ciao Acetrato.

per me c'è n'è ancora per un 7 giorni e fino a 4,7 o 4,8 dollari. Non direi che hai perso il treno almeno non del tutto.

Potresti entrare con un primo lotto sul minimo di domani.
E se dovesse ritracciare un po (mi aspetterei un 1 o 2 giorni di ritracciamento, dato che siamo andati su veloci) compri il secondo e ultimo e aspetti mettendo delle stop sempre più alte


Forumer storico
Natural gas futures gained for a second day as forecasts showed hotter-than-normal weather in the U.S. East and South, boosting demand for the power-plant fuel to run air conditioners.
Gas advanced 2.7 percent as forecasters including Commodity Weather Group LLC in Bethesda, Maryland, said temperatures will be higher than normal through June 6. The East was cooler than normal last week, according to AccuWeather Inc. in State College, Pennsylvania.
“We get a little bit of heat out there and you are going to see things run up,” said Brad Florer, a trader at Kottke Associates Inc., an energy trading firm in Louisville, Kentucky. “In the short term, we just can’t get outside of this range between $4 and $4.50.”
Natural gas for June delivery rose 11.6 cents to settle at $4.346 per million British thermal units on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Prices are up 7.7 percent from a year ago.
Temperatures in the East will be about 4 degrees above normal next week, while Texas may see higher temperatures in the upper 90s, according to MDA EarthSat Weather in Gaithersburg, Maryland.
The high in New York on May 27 may be 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 Celsius), 6 degrees above normal, according to AccuWeather Inc. in State College, Pennsylvania. The high in Dallas may be 88 degrees.
Scheduled natural gas deliveries to U.S. electricity generators rose for an eighth day on forecasts of warmer weather that may boost air conditioner use. Shipments to the Northeast advanced for a second day.
Pipeline Deliveries

A sample of scheduled gas deliveries to power plants in the U.S. and Canada shows shipments gained 1.5 percent to 14.9 million dekatherms (14.5 billion cubic feet), according to data compiled by Bloomberg as of 2:44 p.m. Shipments to power generators in the Northeast rose 16 percent to 1.7 million dekatherms.
Power plants use about 30 percent of the nation’s gas supplies, according to the Energy Department.
Gas advanced 3.3 percent on May 20, the most since April 28, as data showed the number of U.S. drilling rigs fell for a second week.
The rig count declined 8 to 866 last week, the lowest level since the week ended Jan. 29, 2010, according to Houston-based Baker Hugh Inc.
“Although we believe that gas drilling activity should have support at current levels from hedges that cover production and from rigs targeting ‘liquids-rich’ gas, the risk is for further reductions,” said James R. Crandell, an analyst with Barclays Capital in New York, said in a note to clients today.
Cheniere Energy Inc. (LNG), the Blackstone Group LP-backed owner of a U.S. liquefied natural-gas terminal, said on May 20 that it won government approval to export the fuel to more countries.
LNG Exports

The Energy Department will allow Cheniere’s Sabine Pass terminal in Louisiana to export as much as 803 billion cubic feet a year of U.S. gas. The decision expanded on a September 2010 ruling that permitted Cheniere to ship gas to 15 countries with Free Trade Agreements.
The decision “paves the way for the approval of exports from other terminals,” said Crandell.
Companies including Freeport LNG in Texas have also applied to export LNG.
Gas stockpiles gained 92 billion cubic feet in the week ended May 13 to 1.919 trillion cubic feet, the Energy Department said last week.
Storage levels were down 11 percent from a year earlier, narrowing from 12 percent the previous week, department data showed.
Gas futures volume in electronic trading on the Nymex was 268,936 as of 2:36 p.m., compared with the three-month average of 307,000. Volume was 275,548 on May 20. Open interest was 935,423 contracts. The three-month average open interest is 945,000.
The exchange has a one-business-day delay in reporting open interest and full volume data.


Forumer storico
U.S. corn futures ended mixed Monday, as the market was torn between the conflicting influences of broader commodity weakness and the threat of weather problems trimming production and acreage prospects.
The nearby July futures stumbled, succumbing to investor selling after the U.S. dollar bounced on worries about the European debt crisis. Meanwhile, the dominant issue for deferred contracts that represent crops to be harvested in the fall was weather, as unfavorable conditions for seeding corn in the eastern Midwest and northern plains continued to raise the threat of smaller-yield potential.
Chicago Board of Trade July corn settled 5 1/2 cents or 0.7% lower at $7.54 a bushel, and December corn ended up 4 cents or 0.6% at $6.70 1/2.
A tight supply scenario in the U.S. places increased pressure on U.S. farmers to produce bumper crops in 2011, with federal forecasters already projecting supply tightness despite farmers planting more acres than a year ago.
Further support was generated for deferred contracts from exporters inspecting 4.6 million bushels of U.S. corn for shipment to China from the Louisiana Gulf in the week ended May 19, according to federal data. Confirmation of the inspections from the U.S. Department of Agriculture follows recent talk of export sales to China.
A larger-than-expected increase in the number of cattle added to U.S. feedlots fueled ongoing concerns about strong demand for corn, used to feed livestock. The USDA on Friday reported cattle placed into feedlots in April jumped 10% from a year earlier while analysts were looking for a 4.3% increase. Grain users are nervous because corn inventories are projected to drop to a 15-year low this year.
The market managed to bounce off initial lows, managing to stabilize once selling in outside energy markets cooled down. "Basically I think they just woke up and smelled the roses. We have to be worried about our own fundamentals," said Jerry Gidel, analyst with North America Risk Management Services in Chicago.
U.S. wheat futures finished mixed, as a rising U.S. dollar weighed on nearby CBOT wheat. Worries about tightening supplies of high-quality grain due to unfavorable weather in U.S. and Europe helped support deferred contracts and other markets, analysts said. Excessive rains delaying planting of spring wheat in the northern U.S. Plains was a boost for Minneapolis spring wheat. CBOT July wheat fell 3 1/2 cents to $8.03 a bushel, KCBT July slumped 2 1/4 cents to $9.31, and MGE July added 1 1/4 cents to $10.01.
U.S. soybean futures ended mostly lower, under pressure from broader-based commodity weakness amid a rising U.S. dollar. A strengthening dollar is a negative influence on price as most raw materials are dollar-denominated, making it more expensive for foreign buyers to import. CBOT July soy settled down 6 1/2 cents at $13.73 3/4 a bushel while November ended up 1/4 cent at $13.50 3/4 a bushel.
Other MarketsCBOT soyoil settled 0.24 cent or 0.4% lower at 57.22 cent/pound, and July soymeal ended $1.80 or 0.5% lower at $358.80/short ton. U.S. rice futures ended weaker in a slight pullback from three-month highs. CBOT July rice slipped two cents to $15.08/hundredweight.
U.S. oat futures stumbled on profit-taking and pressure from the firm dollar. Oats for July delivery dropped 3 cents, or 0.8%, to $3.61 a bushel. Ethanol futures pulled back on profit-taking, with the July contract dropping 2.1 cents, or 0.8%, to 2.645 per gallon.

foo fighter

Forumer storico
sta recuperando la mediana della BB e la riba che pareva superata di slancio. Se non sfonda al ribasso la rialzista di breve periodo è un buon punto di ingresso per domani.


Nuovo forumer
ciao Acetrato.

per me c'è n'è ancora per un 7 giorni e fino a 4,7 o 4,8 dollari. Non direi che hai perso il treno almeno non del tutto.

Potresti entrare con un primo lotto sul minimo di domani.
E se dovesse ritracciare un po (mi aspetterei un 1 o 2 giorni di ritracciamento, dato che siamo andati su veloci) compri il secondo e ultimo e aspetti mettendo delle stop sempre più alte
Buona sera a tutti
venduto oggi le mie 10000 quote,ma penso che sia possibile sfruttare qualche ritracciamento per rientrare, nella prospettiva di continuare a salire almeno fino a 4,70.
lascio un articolo ......
Natural Gas : si salta? - Mobile


ma come ? a 4.1 ti avevo detto che un primo cippo ci stava tutto...
mi sa che siamo in tanti ad aver perso sto balzello...:specchio:

in tanti si....mannaggia...
l altro giorno avevo impostato un acquisto sul lev quando stava a 4,07 e rotti....era circa mezzogiorno, da li in avanti è iniziato il rimbalzo, io sono uscito di casa e la sera mi vedo l ordine non eseguito ed il gas sparato in su......
.....a volte penso sia una brutta vita star dietro al gas...., spesso ti rovina le giornate:-?

foo fighter

Forumer storico
si va a chiudere il primo settimanale. Probabile discesa per 2 gg, ma non è detto. La correzione potrebbe essere poca cosa. Ad ogni modo potrebbe essere una opportunità per rientrare..

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