Pharma e Biotech - Europa NicOx : Quelli che aspettano ,,,, ridendo !!! (7 lettori)

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magolibero la sà gira..

che forse da Vancouver ci potranno dire qualcosa una volta finite le Olimpiadi ?

QLT Inc. - INVESTMENT - Calendar of Events

01/07/10 QLT Corporate Presentation

"..another molecule.." :cool:


la ulteriore molecola con L-PPDS , non avrà a che fare con NicOx

QLT Announces Fourth Quarter and Year End 2009 Results (Nasdaq:QLTI)

"..Announced results from clinical trials on the punctal plug delivery system, including device retention studies on third-generation plug designs and the Phase II clinical dosing trials using the latanoprost punctal plug delivery system.
Announced future expansion of the punctal plug program to evaluate
olopatadine for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis.."


Encoxé à fond
NiCox, Bausch&Lomb Ink $179.5M Deal in Glaucoma

mars, 10, 2010 12:01 - BioWorld International
Shares in NiCox SA gained almost 11 percent during trading on news that privately held eyecare firm Bausch & Lomb Inc. is stepping in to fill the gap created by the departure of its former partner Pfizer Inc. on the development of the glaucoma and ocular hypertension drug NCX 116 (previously PF-03187207).

NiCox, of Sophia Antipolis, France, is banking an initial license payment of $10 million, and it could eventually earn up to $169.5 million more in development, regulatory and commercial milestones. Should the drug reach the market, NicOx would also receive tiered double-digit royalties on sales, and it retains an option to co-promote the product in the U.S.

NiCox regained control over NCX 116, a nitric-oxide-donating prostaglandin F2a analogue, last year, after Pfizer Inc., of New York, decided to opt out, following the failure of the drug to meet the primary endpoint of two Phase II trials. Pfizer retains a residual interest in NCX116, however. It will receive regulatory and commercial milestone payments, as well as undisclosed royalties on product sales. (See BioWorld International, Aug. 12, 2009.)

NiCox always has maintained that the drug was clinically effective, with a more prolonged effect on lowering intraocular pressure (IOP) than Xalatan (latanoprost), Pfizer's existing glaucoma drug, which is coming off patent a year from now.

The apparent superiority of NCX116 wasn't sufficient to sustain Pfizer's interest, however. "They were looking for a replacement for a blockbuster, essentially," Karl Hanks, director of investor relations and corporate communications at NiCox, told BioWorld International. Xalatan was Pfizer's sixth biggest seller last year, with sales in excess of of $1.7 billion.

Subsequent to the Pfizer withdrawal, several parties expressed interest in partnering NCX116, Gavin Spencer, NiCox vice president of business development, told BioWorld International.

Bausch & Lomb, now owned by New York-based private equity group Warburg Pincus LLC, offered the most immediate means of resuming clinical trials, he said.

"At this time, Bausch & Lomb is not a major player in glaucoma, so this represents their first opportunity to have a global product in that area," Spencer said.

A joint steering committee will guide future development of the compound, which will compete not only with generic latanoprost, but also with Saflutan (tafluprost), which Merck & Co. Inc., of Whitehouse Station, N.J., has launched in Europe, following a licensing deal last year with Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., of Osaka, Japan. The same drug is undergoing Phase III trials in the U.S.

Saflutan is part of the same prostaglandin analogue drug class as Xalatan and several other products, including Travatan (travoprost), marketed by Huenenberg, Switzerland-based Alcon Inc., and Lumigan (bimatoprost), marketed by Irvine, Calif.-based Allergan Inc. Those act by lowering IOP by promoting fluid drainage from the eye.

NCX116 has an additional nitric-oxide-donating moiety, which, it hopes, could provide a point of differentiation. "Mechanistically you would expect nitric oxide to improve the intraocular-pressure-lowering effect of a prostaglandin," Hanks said.

The gas relaxes the eye's ciliary muscles, leading, he said, to greater drainage of fluid from the eye.

In a head-to-head comparison with latanoprost, it showed a statistically significant improvement in lowering IOP at hour 20 of a 24-hour dosing cycle.

Although that effect needs to be confirmed in additional studies, it could be clinically relevant.

"If you can control IOP for a longer portion of the day, you can slow damage to the optic nerve and slow progression to blindness," Hanks said.

Partnering the drug will enable NiCox to focus its attention - and its resources - on its lead drug, Naproxcinod, a first-in-class nitric oxide-donating cyclooxygenase inhibitor, which is undergoing regulatory review in the U.S. and the European Union as a treatment for osteoarthritis.

The FDA has set a PDUFA date for July 24, and the company said on Monday that the FDA's Arthritis Drugs Advisory Committee and the Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee would meet to consider the application on May 12.

(c) 2010 Thomson BioWorld, All Rights Reserved.
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ABBOTT s'empare de la société de biotechnologie Facet Biotech :

(AOF) - Le groupe pharmaceutique américain Abbott Laboratories a annoncé l'acquisition de la société de biotechnologie Facet Biotech pour 772 millions de dollars, dettes comprises. Le prix payé par Abbott est estimé à 450 millions de dollars, dont 272 millions de dollars en cash, le solde en actions. La transaction valorise Facet à 27 dollars par action, un montant bien supérieur au prix de 17,50 dollars proposé par Biogen dans son offre hostile. Abbott souligne que ce rachat lui permet de renforcer son portefeuille de produits dans des domaines-clé que sont l'immunologie et l'oncologie.


classico esempio di un'OPA ostile andata male!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cavaliere bianco con OPA a prezzo superiore!!!!!!!!!!!​

doctor NO

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Pharmacie - Santé
L'institut IMS Health a revu à la hausse ses estimations pour le marché mondial du médicament cette année. Après avoir prévu une progression comprise entre 2,5% et 3,5% il anticipe désormais une croissance du secteur entre 5,5% et 6,5% en 2009. Cette révision des perspectives intervient alors que le marché américain devrait croître cette année d'environ 5% et de 4% l'an prochain. Il y a quelques mois, IMS Health estimait que les ventes sur ce marché devaient décliner de 1% à 2% en 2009. Ce sont des hausses de prix et une meilleure gestion des stocks qui ont permis d'inverser la tendance. Les géants du secteur poursuivent la rationalisation de leur recherche. Le leader mondial de la pharmacie, Pfizer, qui a acquis son compatriote Wyeth, a récemment annoncé que six sites sur onze vont être supprimés. Le budget de R&D du nouvel ensemble sera inférieur à la somme des dépenses investies dans les deux groupes réunis (11,5 milliards). Pour Sanofi-Aventis la réorganisation consiste également à s'ouvrir à l'extérieur à travers des partenariats avec des sociétés de biotechnologies.


Nuovo forumer
la Società deve arrivare........

................ deve arrivare ad ottenere una licenza e NON un opzione di licenza.......... questo forse il vistoso calo di Transgene:

Auj. à 15:50
C'est déjà mieux qu'AGSmall Caps...

Le spécialiste de biotechnologie a annoncé ce mercredi avoir accordé à Novartis une option de licence exclusive pour un traitement du cancer du poumon. Le marché n'a pas apprécié et le titre chute en Bourse.

Transgene, le spécialiste de biotchnologie, a annoncé ce mercredi avoir accordé à Novartis une option de licence exclusive pour le développement et la commercialisation du TG4010, son traitement du cancer du poumon "non à petites cellules".

Pour cette opération, Transgene va recevoir un montant non remboursable de 10 millions de dollars. La société pourra recevoir ensuite des paiements pouvant atteindre un total de 700 millions d'euros en fonction de l'exercice de l'option par Novartis et notamment du franchissement d'étapes de développement.

Les analystes estiment toutefois trop faible le montant initial de 10 millions de dollars non remboursable que doit recevoir la société française aux termes de l'accord. Selon Pierre Corby, analyste chez Aurel, "le marché attendait que le groupe conclue une licence et non une option de licence, ce qui en termes financiers est moins avantageux à court terme".

Du coup, en Bourse, l'action s'effondre de 10,8% à 19,89 euros. Pour Philippe Archinard, le directeur général de Transgene, l'accord conclu avec Novartis est néanmoins plus important que son aspect financier car il va permettre de mener à bien la phase III du TG4010 en s'entourant du savoir-faire de Novartis notamment en ce qui concerne la commercialisation.

A noter que Transgène publiera ces résultats annuels le 22 mars prochain.


Visto quello che è successo a Transgene possiamo essere contenti di quello che è capitato a noi con Bausch + Lomb; ora speriamo che non perdano troppo tempo e si lancino a capofitto nella fase clinica III del NO-latanoprost.

doctor NO

NO nel DNA
Visto quello che è successo a Transgene possiamo essere contenti di quello che è capitato a noi con Bausch + Lomb; ora speriamo che non perdano troppo tempo e si lancino a capofitto nella fase clinica III del NO-latanoprost.

era pompato all'ennesima potenza:D aveva una K superiore a nicox normale che corregga di parecchi punti % :p:p:p e chissà che quelli usciti da tng non entrino su cox:up:


Prima o becco!
Visto quello che è successo a Transgene possiamo essere contenti di quello che è capitato a noi con Bausch + Lomb; ora speriamo che non perdano troppo tempo e si lancino a capofitto nella fase clinica III del NO-latanoprost.

:D l'accordo è attivo dal 29 marzo.......:cool: tempo qualche settimana dopo dovrebbero annuniciare l'inizio della fase III
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