Pharma e Biotech - Europa NicOx : Quelli che aspettano ,,,, ridendo !!! (13 lettori)

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Prima o becco!
Penso che una rappresentanza di compagni d'avventura nitrica per l'ultimo saluto all'amico MARCO sia un segno d'affetto e di ricordo verso una persona unica!!!!!!!!!!! Chi di noi ha avuto il privilegio di conoscerlo e frequentarlo anche saltuariamente rammenterà per sempre il tempo trascorso con lui. Il tuo sogno di una nicox grande sarà anche il nostro e lo vivremo con te e per te ed accompagneremo ogni avanzamento a suon di NO ROCK come era nel tuo stile !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:up: acquettina resterà sempre nei ns cuori! NOROCK caro Marco....... !


Prima o becco!
caro doc......anche oggi ultimo giorno di un triste Febbraio, vedo che la musica è sempre la semi-deserto con mr 2078 pezzi che si diverte (contento lui) in denaro...
ultimi quattro scambi di 39 3 14 15 pezzi..........:-o :-o

guardiamo avanti! in queste giornate acquettina avrebbe sicuramente boato , come solo lui sapeva fare! :bow: :) :( in attesa della giusta valorizzazione!.......


Forumer storico
FDA ça pourrait aller + vite que prévu

FDA, NIH partnership promises better science, faster reviews

February 25, 2010 — 9:39am ET | By John Carroll

The FDA and the NIH say they'll collaborate on a new program aimed at improving the regulatory science used to review the safety and efficacy of new drugs, promising that better science will lead to swifter decision-making.

"We have allowed the arm of regulatory science to become weak and underdeveloped," FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg told reporters. If not fixed, "instead of pulling us into an exalted future, we will row in circles."

To get the partnership up and running, the agencies agreed to form a committee of six top scientists drawn from both organizations. They will provide $6.75 million over three years to fund regulatory science research. President Obama's proposed budget also includes $25 million to improve the science in use at government agencies. The regulators even announced a few priorities, like shortening the time it takes to test the potency of flu vaccines. Instead of three or four months, the agencies believe that wait can be halved.

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius promised that "this is going to mean that new treatments are safer and available sooner."

Anyone outside the vaccine field, though, isn't likely to shorten their timelines on regulatory reviews anytime soon. If scientific committees and small budgets were all it took to transform the FDA's review record, the average cost of development would be much smaller than it is today.

Read more: aster-reviews/2010-02-25#ixzz0gcVPmcLP


Forumer storico
NicOx cité pour le glaucome !!

Auj. à 07:12 Global Market for Glaucoma Pharmaceuticals to Reach $3.35 Billion by 2015, According to New Report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc.

GIA announces the release of a comprehensive global report on Glaucoma Pharmaceuticals Market. The global glaucoma pharmaceuticals market is projected to exceed $3.35 billion by 2015. Factors driving growth include growing incidence of glaucoma, and increase in aging population.

San Jose, California (PRWEB) February 22, 2010 -- The US is the leading region for glaucoma pharmaceuticals, wherein glaucoma represents the second leading cause of blindness. Glaucoma is a progressive vision deteriorating disease, afflicting mostly aging individuals over and above the age of 40. Elevated Intraocular Pressure (IOP) is a major causative factor for the development of glaucoma. There is no prevention or cure for glaucoma, and medical management of the disease mainly revolves around its control. Vision loss stemming from glaucoma is irreversible and permanent, but medical treatment helps in preventing or slowing down the rate of vision deterioration. If untreated, the disease degenerates and progressively destroys retinal ganglion cells, resulting in a condition medically termed as "optic neuropathy".

The US dominates the world glaucoma pharmaceuticals market as stated by the new market research report on glaucoma pharmaceuticals. The US glaucoma pharmaceuticals market although trotting along at a healthy pace driven largely by rapidly aging population and emerging trend of combination medications, is however expected to invariably nose-dive with some of the market leading drugs losing patents in the next few years. Among the major drug categories of glaucoma pharmaceuticals, sales in the US are predominantly led by prostaglandin analogues, followed by Alpha Adrenergic Agonist, and combination therapies.

Glaucoma Pharmaceuticals: A Global Strategic Business Report Key players profiled in the report include Acadia Pharmaceuticals Inc., Alcon Laboratories Inc., Allergan Inc., Falcon Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Inotek Pharmaceuticals Corp., Inspire Pharmaceuticals Inc., Lexicon Pharmaceuticals Inc., Merck & Co. Inc., NicOx S.A., Novartis International AG, Pfizer Inc., and Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
The report titled "Glaucoma Pharmaceuticals: A Global Strategic Business Report" announced by Global Industry Analysts Inc., provides a comprehensive review of glaucoma pharmaceuticals/drug categories, prevalence data, growth drivers, growth inhibitors, research and development, product introductions, product approvals, and recent industry activity. The study provides market analytics for US, and Rest of World. The US market for Glaucoma Pharmaceuticals is further analyzed by different drug classes, which include Alpha Adrenergic Agonist, Beta-Blocker, Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor, Combination Therapy, Prostaglandin Analogue, and Others.

For more details about this market research report, please visit - Glaucoma Pharmaceuticals (MCP-6268) - Global Industry Analysts, Inc.

About Global Industry Analysts, Inc.
Global Industry Analysts, Inc., (GIA) is a reputed publisher of off-the-shelf market research. Founded in 1987, the company is globally recognized as one of the world's largest market research publishers. The company employs over 800 people worldwide and publishes more than 1100 full-scale research reports each year. Additionally, the company also offers thousands of smaller research products including company reports, market trend reports, and industry reports encompassing all major industries worldwide.

Global Industry Analysts, Inc.
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Forumer storico
5 types de news possibles

1) Nouvelles de Merck et des NO-antiHTA.
Passage en phase II d’un ou plusieurs produit. Arrivée de cash.
Potentiel de la nouvelle conception de la prise en charge de l’HTA
2) Partenariat pour le NO-Xalatan . Arrivée de cash.
3) publication dans le cadre du prémarketing des résultats de l’étude 302 ou 304
4) Acquisition d’une biotech aux USA
5) Acquisition d’une licence de commercialisation d’un produit aux USA

Le passage en phase I d’une molécule n’a pas déclenché de montée du cours dernièrement.
Inattendu : Signature d’un partenariat pour le NCX 6560 dans des conditions particulièrement intéressantes.


Nuovo forumer

Marco è arrivato con largo anticipo (lui aveva sempre fretta).
domani alle 15,00, partendo da casa sua in via Bonassi a Sarnico, gli daremo l'ultimo saluto.
per chi viene da fuori l'uscita autostradale più comoda è Palazzolo S/O. giunti a Sarnico seguire le indicazioni per "impianti sportivi "tennis comunale" "Carabinieri". la casa è a 50 mt. dai campi da tennis e a 100 dai carabinieri.
io sono Claudio
se avete piacere, ci scambiamo un saluto.
potete chiedere alle sorelle e nipoti , mi conoscono bene.

magolibero la sà gira..
Marco è arrivato con largo anticipo (lui aveva sempre fretta).
domani alle 15,00, partendo da casa sua in via Bonassi a Sarnico, gli daremo l'ultimo saluto.
per chi viene da fuori l'uscita autostradale più comoda è Palazzolo S/O. giunti a Sarnico seguire le indicazioni per "impianti sportivi "tennis comunale" "Carabinieri". la casa è a 50 mt. dai campi da tennis e a 100 dai carabinieri.
io sono Claudio
se avete piacere, ci scambiamo un saluto.
potete chiedere alle sorelle e nipoti , mi conoscono bene.

ti ringrazio

se non mi perdo.. sarò

Ultima modifica:


Marco è arrivato con largo anticipo (lui aveva sempre fretta).
domani alle 15,00, partendo da casa sua in via Bonassi a Sarnico, gli daremo l'ultimo saluto.
per chi viene da fuori l'uscita autostradale più comoda è Palazzolo S/O. giunti a Sarnico seguire le indicazioni per "impianti sportivi "tennis comunale" "Carabinieri". la casa è a 50 mt. dai campi da tennis e a 100 dai carabinieri.
io sono Claudio
se avete piacere, ci scambiamo un saluto.
potete chiedere alle sorelle e nipoti , mi conoscono bene.

ci saro'
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