Ciao Roberto, dico che é bugiardo perché il rendimento del bond non é conforme al rating ... e quando vado ad investigare il perché, mi viene da pensare che le sorti di Exor sono agganciate a quelle del Gruppo Fiat, visto il peso di questo asset assolutamente prevalente nel portafoglio delle partecipazioni di Exor.
L'elevata esposizione di Exor al Gruppo Fiat induce S&P a ridurre l'outlook sul rating della finanziaria, che passa a negativo.
EXOR SpA Outlook To Negative On Heavy Exposure To Fiat; 'BBB+/A-2' Ratings Affirmed
- Several assets in the investment portfolio are facing significant market and operational challenges, in our view.
- We are revising the outlook on Italian investment holding company EXOR SpA to negative from stable and affirming the 'BBB+/A-2' long- and short-term corporate credit ratings.
- The negative outlook reflects the group's heavy exposure to, in particular, Fiat, and our opinion that Fiat's credit quality is weakening.
PARIS (Standard & Poor's) June 30, 2009--
Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said today that it revised its outlook on Italy-based investment holding company EXOR SpA to negative from stable. At the same time, we affirmed our 'BBB+/A-2' long- and short-term corporate credit ratings on the group.
The outlook revision reflects EXOR's heavy exposure to Fiat," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Xavier Buffon.
We believe that Fiat's credit quality is weakening. If it continues to fall, this could weigh on our assessment of the quality of EXOR's investment portfolio.
"We believe that several of the key industrial assets in EXOR's portfolio are currently facing operating challenges, and there could be ratings pressure in the future if this were to reduce the blended portfolio's asset quality.
In particular, this could happen if the portfolio continues to be significantly concentrated on Fiat and if Fiat's credit quality weakens further.
We also note that the recently acquired Cushman and Wakefield (C&W) is operating in a tough environment, and we are unsure at this stage of the outcome of the restructuring measures fostered by EXOR's management.
While we believe that EXOR's management will prudently strive to diversify the investment holdings in the future, we think this could take time, and that before its happens the average asset quality of EXOR's portfolio could deteriorate.
Apart from business-related matters, we think that EXOR's financial risk profile will continue to remain in line with the ratings, including an LTV ratio of less than 20% and solid financial flexibility.
We do not anticipate any further investment in existing holdings.We could revise the outlook to stable if we perceive that asset quality is stabilizing or improving, or if EXOR's portfolio becomes less dependent on assets with weaker credit quality, such as Fiat