Obbligazioni valute high yield Obbligazioni in reais brasiliani

SELIC aumentato al 9,50%

April 30 (Bloomberg) -- Brazil’s real rose 0.3 percent to 1.7222 per U.S. dollar at 8:04 a.m. New York time, from 1.7277 yesterday. The real gained 3.3 percent in April, its third straight monthly gain, outperforming all major currencies tracked by Bloomberg against the dollar. In the overnight interest-rate futures market, the yield on the contract due in January rose three basis points, or 0.03 percentage point, to 11.03 percent. Policy makers on April 28 increased the nation’s benchmark lending rate 75 basis points to 9.50 percent.

A seguito del rialzo del tasso di riferimento della banca centrale dall'8,75% al 9,50% il real si apprezza contro $ portandosi a 1,7290 , a ridosso della resistenza a 1,70 .


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in leggero calo , ma tuttosommato composto l'andamento del Brazil 2028 10,25% (evidentemente l'aumento del SELIC era in larga parte scontato)


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Rimettiamoli in pista

Brazil’s Real Falls for a Second Day on European Debt Concern
By Alexander Cuadros and Ye Xie
May 14 (Bloomberg) -- Brazil’s real fell the most in more than a week on concern Europe’s debt crisis will limit economic growth, prompting investors to sell higher-yielding, emerging- market assets tied to the global economy.
The real slid 1.3 percent to 1.7993 per dollar, from 1.7756 yesterday. The drop pared the currency’s gain this week to 2.2 percent.
European policy makers announced a $1 trillion bailout plan on May 9 to stop a sovereign-debt crisis in the region. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker said he’s concerned the euro area may break up. Stocks tumbled worldwide and oil fell to a three-month low as Deutsche Bank AG Chief Executive Officer Josef Ackermann said Greece may not be able to repay its debt in full.
“You have a lot of negative headlines out of Europe,” said Italo Lombardi, a Latin America economist and strategist at BNP Paribas in New York. “Europe is addressing the liquidity problem, but not the insolvency problem. The initial euphoria after the bailout package has started to evaporate.”
Brazil’s IGP-10 inflation index rose 1.1 percent in the month through mid-May, following an increase of 0.6 percent in the previous period, according to the Getulio Vargas Foundation in Rio de Janeiro. Raw material prices jumped 3.8 percent, after falling 0.4 percent in the previous period.
“The key is whether there’s going to be pass through from price increases at the production level to the final goods,” said Fabio Akira Hashizume, an economist at JPMorgan Chase & Co. in Sao Paulo.
Consumer Prices
Consumer prices, as measured by the benchmark IPCA index, rose 5.26 percent in April from a year earlier, the highest level in a year. The central bank targets inflation at 4.5 percent, with a two percentage-point band above and below that goal.
Hashizume said inflation will accelerate to 5.9 percent this year and the central bank will raise borrowing costs to 12.5 percent by year-end, from 9.5 percent.
In the overnight interest-rate futures market, the yield on contracts due in January fell four basis points, or 0.04 percentage point, to 11.08 percent.
To contact the reporters on this story: Alexander Cuadros in Sao Paulo at [email protected]; Ye Xie in New York at [email protected]

Tensioni sui tassi in Brasile

Brazil Canceling Debt Auctions Delays Longest Bond (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

Brazil Canceling Debt Auctions Delays Longest Bond (Update2)

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By Paulo Winterstein and Tal Barak Harif

June 2 (Bloomberg) -- Brazil has canceled the sale of its longest fixed-rate local bonds three times in the past month after Europe’s debt crisis eroded demand for less-traded assets.
The government received no bids it found acceptable for the 150 million reais ($81 million) of 10 percent notes due in 2021 offered yesterday. There’s 6 billion reais of the securities outstanding, less than 20 percent of the 34 billion-real average for the country’s six other fixed-rate notes, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
Brazil’s decision to drop three of the past five auctions is slowing its push to make the maturity a benchmark bond in the local market, said Diego Donadio, a senior analyst at Banco BNP Paribas in Sao Paulo. The government began selling the bonds in February, replacing notes due in 2017 in the auction schedule.
“The goal is to create a benchmark,” Donadio said in a telephone interview. “The speed is another issue. It can take months, years.”
While yields on the so-called NTN-Fs have fallen to 12.54 percent after rising to a two-month high of 13.20 percent on May 7, bids were “too disperse” in the auction, Fernando Garrido, the Treasury’s debt operations coordinator, said in an e-mail yesterday. Investors are avoiding little-traded securities in developing countries after Greece, Spain and Portugal had their credit ratings cut last month, according to David Spegel, head of emerging-market strategy at ING Groep NV.
More Sales
“Investors are playing it very safe,” Spegel said in a telephone interview from New York. “In Brazil, the long-dated NTN-Fs aren’t as liquid as the shorter ones.”
The auctions are the only ones that the Treasury has canceled in the past month. The government issued 360 million reais of fixed-rate bonds due in 2014 to yield 12.34 percent yesterday. The Treasury said May 28 it plans to increase local issuance to as much as 45 billion reais in June after 12.5 billion reais last month, the smallest amount since December 2008.
Demand for the longest-maturity U.S. debt has picked up while that for Brazil’s slumped. At the last auction of 30-year Treasuries on May 13, investors bid for 2.6 times the amount of securities sold, compared with the average of 2.36 times since February 2006, when sales of the bonds resumed after a five-year hiatus, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
Real Weakens
The extra yield investors demand to own Brazilian government dollar bonds instead of Treasuries fell 5 basis points to 230 basis points, or 2.30 percentage points, by 5:30 p.m. in New York. The gap has swelled by 63 since touching a 2 1/2-year low of 167 on April 15 on concern the global economic recovery will slow as Europe’s most-indebted countries struggle to finance their budget deficits.
The cost of protecting Brazilian debt against non-payment for five years with credit-default swaps fell two basis points today to 135, according to data compiled by CMA DataVision. Credit-default swaps pay the buyer face value in exchange for the underlying securities or the cash equivalent should a government or company fail to adhere to its debt agreements.
The real rose 1.7 percent to 1.8176 per dollar today, paring its loss this year to 4 percent. The yield on Brazil’s interest-rate futures contract due in January rose two basis points to 10.98 percent.
Yield Gap Widens
Yields on the 2021 bonds rose one basis point today, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The rate dropped to a record low 12.49 percent on April 29. Since then, the yield gap between the 2017 and 2021 notes almost tripled to 10 basis points.
There’s 40 billion reais of 2017 bonds and 80 billion reais of 2012 notes outstanding, making them the two biggest fixed- rate securities in the local market.
Foreign investors have disappeared from debt auctions, adding to the Treasury’s struggles, said Paribas’s Donadio and Tony Volpon, Latin America strategist at Nomura Holdings Inc. in New York. International money managers have backed off amid concern Europe’s debt crisis will spread, said Volpon.
Deputy Treasury Secretary Paulo Valle said “volatility” in global markets has created a yield premium that Brazil “won’t sanction.” The government doesn’t release average yields bid at failed auctions.
“The market understands and even supports this refusal by the Treasury,” Valle said in a telephone interview from London. “The increase in volatility in the last two weeks is temporary.”
To contact the reporters on this story: Paulo Winterstein in Sao Paulo at [email protected]; Tal Barak Harif in New York at [email protected]
Last Updated: June 2, 2010 17:57 EDT

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Riassunto per i non anglofoni

Il governo brasiliano sta cercando di creare un benchmark domestico per il tasso fisso a lunga scadenza (2021) ma i rendimenti troppo elevati richiesti dal mercato gli hanno imposto di ritirare l'offerta per ben tre volte consecutive.
Nel confrontare i tassi dei titoli domestici (nell'articolo si citano rendimenti tra il 12,50% ed il 13%) con quelli internazionali occorre pero' considerare che i primi sono soggetti all'imposta de renda (che oscilla tra il 22,50% ed il 15% a seconda delle scadenze) mentre i secondi sono esentasse.
Questo spiega perche' il 2028 Global 10,25% tutto sommato tenga a quota 97,50-99,75 nonostante i corrispondenti titoli domestici abbiano rendimenti in apparenza superiori di circa il 2%
zero coupon KFW

Segnalo questo bond (in origine segnalatomi da Cangiante) come possibile strumento per investire in BRL.
Il principale problema dei bond in BRL e' che sono strumenti indicizzati al BRL ma regolati in $ , spesso poco liquidi, il che rende il reinvestimento delle cedole un vero e proprio incubo tra commissioni di cambio , ordini da piazzare con limite e da ripetere per settimane, ecc.
Con uno zero coupon ci sono solo due transazioni, l'acquisto e la vendita o il rimborso, e tutto diventa piu' facile e meno dispendioso.
Il bond e' il seguente KFW 25.09.2017 0% BRL XS0268300281
Deutsche Börse Group quota 52,15 (qualcuno e' appena andato a prendere la lettera), suggerisco pero' di provare a limitare l'eventuale ordine di acquisto a 51 per poi alzarlo progressivamente qualora non si venga serviti.
A 52,15 il bond rende il 9,38% , un rendimento non esaltante nonche' a rischio se l'attuale trend di rialzo dei tassi in Brasile dovesse continuare, pero' nell'ottica di un investimento settennale a scadenza a mio avviso non e' male.
Cangiante aveva chiesto il mio parere su questo bond lo scorso 22 aprile , se l'ha acquistato non ha perso un centesimo sul corso nonostante la banca centrale brasiliana abbia nel frattempo deliberato ben due rialzi dei tassi, e ha invece lucrato una buona plusvalenza sul cambio EUR/BRL.


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ciao Gaudente,

innanzitutto grazie per i tuoi post ed i tuoi aggiornamenti su questo tema che leggo sempre con grande interesse

purtroppo la banca mi ha chiesto un minimo di 100.000 euro per questo zc e quindi ho dovuto soprassedere

mi sono dovuto accontentare di una bei 2012 9% in brl che pero' è scambiata in euro ed ho potuto acquistarla senza grandi restrizioni.

al momento non ho sottomano l'isin, pero' mi riprometto di recuperarlo e di postarlo nel giro di qualche giorno

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