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l'ho scaricata, e quando ho lanciato l'eseguibile si poteva scegliere se aggiornare quella gia installata o installare in un altra cartella, ho aggiornato quella vecchia e va bene
sarebbe ideale che tutto il mondo che usa Opera 9 passi subito alla 10
2009-09-01 Description:
Some vulnerabilities and security issues have been reported in Opera, which can be exploited by malicious people to conduct spoofing attacks.
1) An error in the handling of intermediate certificates can result in a revoked certificate being shown as secure.
2) An error related to the collapsed address bar can result in the previous domain being shown in the address bar instead of the domain of the present site.
3) An error in the handling of certain unicode characters in the address bar can be exploited to conduct limited spoofing attacks via International Domain Names (IDN).
4) An error in the handling of certificates, which use a wild card immediately before the top level domain, or nulls in the domain name can be exploited to bypass validation checks and incorrectly present a certificate as secure