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All the analysis I’ve looked at considers the consequences to the 2013 economy of changing tax rates and reduced spending that will occur if no deal is reached. But this does not include the consequences of the retroactive tax increase for 2012 that will take place.
I wrote about this on November 14 (Link). To repeat, if we go off the cliff, as many as 60 million taxpayers will be forced to file a separate Alternative Minimum Tax form (unbelievably complicated). Of the 60 million, as many as 33 million will be faced with a higher 2012 tax bill. This will result in some folks digging into their pockets to pay Uncle Sam the extra $3,000 to $4,000 this will cost (a disaster for some). Others, will get a smaller refund that they think they are due (bye-bye to that trip to Disneyland). The numbers are big. The “surprise” 2012 tax that the cliff will bring comes to a very lumpy $100-120 Billion.
ho letto adesso, aggiungo una cosa che se in partenza di cicli lasciano guuuup aperti lo fanno anche sulla parte finale del ciclo molto spesso, esempio proprio il gap sul nostro a 16400 e potrebbe essere anche per il dax questa volta lo fanno apposta per far credere che ci tornino a chiuderlo ed invece............