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Forumer storico
gestione liquidità

Bce e Fed ora più simili in gestione liquidità -Papadia (Bce)

STRESA, 19 aprile (Reuters) - Se sul piano della conduzione della politica monetaria le
strategie di Fed e Bce restano diverse, sul piano invece della gestione della liquidità,
proprio nel corso dell'attuale crisi internazionale, ci sono stati
notevoli avvicinamenti.
Lo ha detto Francesco Papadia, direttore generale della Banca centrale europea,
responsabile delle operazioni di finanziamento, partecipando a 'Liquidity 2008', il meeting
annuale dei professionisti dei mercati monetari
"Le differenze tra la politica monetaria della Federal Reserve e quella della Banca
Centrale Europea sono fondamentali, in relazione soprattutto al controllo dell'inflazione.
Tuttavia, proprio durante questa crisi, nella gestione della
liquidità, c'e' stata molta
collaborazione e avvicinamento", ha detto Papadia.
"Prima della crisi, per esempio, c'era una diversa frequenza di intervento sui mercati tra
le due banche centrali - spiega Papadia - La Fed interveniva praticamente ogni
giorno, la
Bce molto più di rado: ora invece noi ci siamo avvicinanti a loro in quanto alla frequenza".
"Al contrario la Fed ultimamente si è avvicinata alla Bce ampliando, in occasione delle
sue operazioni di finanziamento, il numero delle
controparti e anche la gamma dei
collaterali", aggiunge Papadia.
"Infine - sottolinea Papadia - la collaborazione è anche operativa, in occasione
soprattutto delle operazioni in dollari".
La Bce e la Fed dall'inizio di dicembre scorso hanno
condotto, in un'azione coordinata,
una serie di finanziamenti straordinari denominati 'Taf' in dollari.
Uno dei pilastri fondamentali della Bce nella conduzione di politica monetaria e' il
controllo dell'inflazione. E' questo il motivo per cui ha
lasciato fermo il tasso di riferimento
al 4% dal giugno scorso, a fronte di un'inflazione nella zona euro salita a marzo fino al
livello record del 3,6%, mentre il target della Bce è al 2%.
La Fed invece ha ridotto drasticamente il costo del
credito. Il mese scorso ha tagliato il
tasso di riferimento di 75 punti base portandolo al 2,25%, il minimo da febbraio 2005,
dopo che da metà settembre lo aveva già ridotto di 3 punti percentuali e dall'inizio
dell'anno di 2 punti.


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appuntamenti domenica e lunedì

AGENDA- Appuntamenti di domenica 20 e di lunedì 21 aprile

ROMA - Inizia riunione Stati membri Opec; termina il 22/4

ITALIA - Stacco cedola dividendo di:
Banca Ifis, Credito Artigiano, Espresso, Fiat,
IWBank, Lottomatica,
Navigazione Montanari,
Parmalat, Pirelli RE, Pop.Intra, Prysmian,
Recordati, Telecom Italia
ROMA - Tesoro, annuncio quantitativi Bot e Ctz in asta
il 24 aprile
- Tesoro, annuncio tipologia titoli a
termine in asta il 29 aprile
- Continua riunione Stati membri Opec; termina domani
- Bonifiche Ferraresi, assemblea ordinaria (11,00)
- Vianini Lavori, assemblea ordinaria (12,00)
MILANO - Borsa
Italiana, assemblea ordinaria su modifiche ai
regolamenti dei mercati (10,00)
- Milano Ass., assemblea ordinaria (11,00)
- Mediolanum Market Forum con Galateri, Tronchetti
Provera, Scaroni, Doris,
Scimia,Spallanzani (11,00)
- Juventus, Blanc presenta accordo per realizzazione
nuovo stadio (11,30)
- CdC invita a cocktail per festeggiare "Milano città
Expo 2015" con L. Moratti e Bracco (18,30)

COCCAGLIO (BS) - Bialetti, assemblea ordinaria (11,00)
CORSICO (MI) - Omnia Network, Cda su risultati di bilancio
TORINO - Ipi, assemblea ordinaria (10,00)
FRANCOFORTE - Trichet (11,00) e Tumpel-Gugerell (11,45) a

conferenza post-trading arrangement in Europe
STRASBURGO - Papademos presenta rapporto annuale Bce a
comitato economia e affari monetari del
Parlamento Europeo (19,00)
VIENNA - Intervento Liebscher (9,30)

WASHINGTON - Tesoro annuncia asta notes a 2 e a 5 anni
CHICAGO - Intervento Evans, Fed (15,00)
TOKYO - Revisione leading indicator febbraio (7,00)


Forumer storico

UPDATE 2-Bush: North Korea must declare nuclear programs

(Recasts, updates with additional comments)
By Jeremy Pelofsky
CAMP DAVID, Md., April 19 (Reuters) - The United States and
South Korea on Saturday demanded North Korea submit its long
overdue accounting of its nuclear weapons programs but
no clues about how long they would be willing to wait for it.
Meeting for the first time at the secluded U.S.
presidential retreat, President George W. Bush and South Korean
President Lee Myung-bak also warned that once the declaration

had been made, the information would have to be verified.
They appeared to back away from a reported proposal under
which, according to sources familiar with the matter,
Washington would list its concerns about the nuclear programs
which Pyongyang
would then acknowledge.
Some U.S. conservatives have criticized that idea as giving
in to North Korea and aimed at getting a deal before Bush
leaves office in early 2009.
"You know, there's all kinds of rumors about what is
happening and
what's not happening," Bush said at a news joint
conference with Lee. "Obviously I'm not going to accept a deal
that doesn't advance the interests of the region."
North Korea, which tested a nuclear device in 2006, failed
to meet a Dec. 31, 2007
deadline to reveal its nuclear weapons
programs, a deal struck with the United States, China, South
Korea, Japan and Russia.
"So we'll wait and see what he says, and then we'll make a
decision about our obligations, depending upon whether or not

we're convinced that there is a solid and full declaration,"
Bush said.
If Pyongyang makes the statement, the United States is
expected to ease some sanctions imposed under the U.S. state
sponsors of terrorism list and the U.S. Trading With the

In addition to seeking details about North Korea's nuclear
programs, the United States is concerned it may have shared
nuclear technology with U.S. political foes like Syria. Bush
questioned why the North Korean leader
was delaying.
"They may be trying to stall," Bush said. "He's testing the
relationship. He's wondering whether or not the five of us will
stay unified, and the only thing I know to do is to continue
pressing forward within the six-party
However, Bush and Lee did not say how long they were
willing to wait for the information. A team of U.S. experts
will be in North Korea next week to see if they can make any
progress on completing the declaration.
White House
spokesman Gordon Johndroe declined to put a
timetable for the declaration and said the administration first
wanted to see what the team accomplished.
Lee, the first South Korean president invited to Camp
David, also expressed concerns about North
Korea's nuclear
program. His predecessor, Roh Moo-hyun, sometimes frustrated
U.S. efforts with his accommodating policies toward Pyongyang.
"We are still waiting for North Korea to declare their full
program," he said through a translator. "They
should not get
away with this temporary measure."
"It's difficult to convince North Korea to give up their
nuclear weapons program but it's not impossible," Lee said.
Separately, Bush and Lee agreed during their meeting to
keep the current
number of U.S. troops in South Korea and Bush
said he would ask Congress to permit Seoul to buy the full
complement of U.S. military hardware like NATO allies.
The United States has about 28,000 troops stationed in
South Korea to help it defend
against invasion by the communist
Bush also called on Congress to approve a free trade
agreement with South Korea, but Democrats who control the House
of Representatives and Senate have expressed concerns that it
does not provide adequate
access to the Korean auto market.
Congress "must reject protectionism, must not turn its back
on a friend and ally like Korea, must approve the free trade
agreement with Korea this year," Bush said.


Forumer storico
city group

Citigroup CEO says may cut 20 pct of costs -FT

NEW YORK, April 17 (Reuters) - Citigroup Inc <C> Chief
Executive Vikram Pandit vowed to slash the largest U.S. bank's
cost base by as much as 20 percent, the Financial Times said on
Thursday, in a decision that could result in tens of thousands

of job cuts.
In an interview with the newspaper, Pandit indicated that
cuts could also come from improvements in computer systems and
the divestment of businesses that don't fit. This, he said,
would allow Citigroup to focus on its strengths.

"It is clearly feasible for us to take 10, 15, 20 percent
off our cost base, especially in information technology and
operations," Pandit said in the interview. "Anything that
smells like a conglomerate is going to be gone. We are getting
out of all
our hobbies and focusing on our core competencies."
Pandit became chief executive in December, replacing
Charles Prince, who resigned the previous month after failing
to keep a lid on costs, and overseeing mounting losses from
subprime mortgages
and other debt.
New York-based Citigroup is expected on Friday to report
its second straight multibillion-dollar quarterly loss.


Forumer storico
MORTGAGES/AGENCIES - FHLB meets strong demand

MORTGAGES/AGENCIES - FHLB meets strong demand

By Al Yoon
NEW YORK, April 17 (Reuters) - Prices of corporate debt
obligations of U.S. government-sponsored enterprises held
ground or gained relative to U.S. Treasuries, even after the
sale of $6 billion in new supply on Thursday.
of the demand for the new issue came from investors
outside the U.S., with central banks responsible for about half
of the three- and five-year issues sold by the Federal Home
Loan Bank system, the FHLB Office of Finance said.
The demand suggests
the rise in purchases by foreign
investors in February continues. Net foreign purchases of the
"federal agency" debt and the mortgage-backed securities issued
by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac soared 91 percent to $36.9
billion in February, according to
the latest data available
from the U.S. Treasury.
Agency debt "is still very attractive," said Rajiv Setia, a
strategist at Barclays Capital, which helped manage the FHLB
two-year sale. But "it's an open-ended question as to whether
it can
sustain these valuations ... as the floodgates open."
For pricing on the FHLB bonds, see: [ID:nN17466180]. Yields
on outstanding two- to five-year agency debt narrowed as much
as 5 basis points relative to Treasury securities on Thursday,

according to GovPX/Garban-ICAP.
Yield spreads on some agency securities have tightened
about 40 basis points to Treasuries and the London interbank
offered rate since early March, analysts said. Many bonds have
improved relative to Treasuries
after the Federal Reserve took
unprecedented steps to encourage lending.
Supply in the $2.95 trillion agency debt market is expected
to climb as the GSEs remain the major sources of funding for
the U.S. housing market. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
may grow
their debt-funded portfolios by as much as $200 billion by year
end after their regulator took steps to free them from capital
contstraints, according to Lehman Brothers.
The FHLBs are refinancing billions in debt maturing in a
year or
less into longer-term maturities meantime.
Mortgage-backed securities issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac gained relative to government debt for the first day in
five. Fannie Mae MBS paying 5.5 percent interest yielded 1.79
percentage points more
than benchmark Treasury 10-year notes,
compared with 1.77 points on Wednesday, according to Reuters
Pricing Service data.


Forumer storico

Lehman sued for charging minority homeowners more

NEW YORK, April 17 (Reuters) - A Hispanic homeowner sued
Lehman Brothers Bank on Thursday, accusing the lender of
charging minority mortgage applicants higher fees and interest
rates than white customers.
Pedro Rivas, who described himself as
a Latino homeowner
living in Pecoima, California, filed suit in U.S. District
Court in Manhattan, charging the wholly owned unit of Lehman
Brothers Holdings Inc <LEH> with implementing a policy that
causes "minority borrowers to pay subjective fees
such as yield
spread premiums and other mortgage-related finance charges at
higher rates than similarly situated non-minority borrowers."
Rivas said Lehman's "pattern of discrimination is not the
result of random or non-discriminatory factors.
Rather it is
the direct and intended result of defendants' business model
and loan-funding practices."
Lehman Brothers spokesman Brian Finnegan declined to
Rivas, who is seeking class-action status for the lawsuit,
said in the
filing that "minorities who borrowed from
defendants between 2004 and 2006 were nearly 50 percent more
likely than Caucasian borrowers to have received a high-APR
(annual percentage rate) loan to purchase or refinance their
Rivas said that
while Lehman's initial risk analysis
applied objective criteria to set a loan's rate, its
"discretionary pricing policy authorizes and provides
incentives to their loan officers, mortgage brokers and
correspondent lenders to mark up that rate later
Last June, Rivas received two loans from Lehman totaling
$435,000 to buy his home. He paid origination fees totaling
$6,525 and other feels totaling $1,250.
"These fees were higher than fees charged by Lehman
Brothers Bank to
non-minority borrowers with objective credit
risk factors similar to Plaintiff Rivas," the suit said.
(Editing by Jeffrey Benkoe)


Forumer storico
intesa san paolo

Bank Intesa denies report of role in bid for Alitalia

ROME, April 19 (Reuters) - Italian bank Intesa Sanpaolo
<ISP> denied a newspaper report on Saturday that it was part
of a consortium ready to bid for airline Alitalia <AZPIa>.
Il Messaggero daily reported that Intesa was the leading
in a consortium which comprised 40 percent banks, 20
percent other businesses and 40 percent Italian airline Air One.
A statement from the bank said the report of its involvement
in a bid to counter one Alitalia has agreed with Air France-KLM

<AIRF> was "devoid of any basis".
"As for the Alitalia affair, Intesa has nothing to add to
what it has repeatedly declared," it said.
Chief Executive Corrado Passera has consistently denied it
is involved in a bid. "There is zero, nothing
on the table," he
Intesa and Air One had bid for Alitalia but Air France-KLM
was selected for exclusive talks. The agreed Franco-Dutch
takeover is now in question as prime minister-elect Silvio
Berlusconi has said he was working for a
consortium to come
forward to ensure the flag carrier remains Italian.
The centre-right leader, who won a general election on
Monday and should take office early next month has said he might
accept a modified Air France-KLM bid.
"We have
nothing against Air France-KLM, but we would like
it to give birth to an international group with equal dignity,"
he said on Friday at a news conference with Russian President
Vladimir Putin who said Aeroflot <AFLT> was also ready to
talk to


Forumer storico

è una forza autentica questo grafico, incredibile!!
Cmq, in ipercomprato assoluto su ogni frame ha serie necessità di scaricare, ma non è detto che lo faccia!! Qualora dovesse decidersi ha come primo traget di arrivo posto a 107,3 e i 108 dove incrocierebbe la 10 weekly in assetto rialzista e da li potrebbe riaprtire. Target rialzista lo spostiamo a 120, visto i 117 li ha ricoperti tutti. ma che forza!!

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