Portafogli e Strategie (investimento) Sunset Boulevard: the Indian Summer of the debt (Vol. VI)

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iShares Markit iBoxx Euro High Yield (IHYG)

  • Please note that the data on this page uses the following information to define the results:

    As at: 03/11/10 02/11/10 01/11/10 29/10/10 28/10/10 27/10/10 26/10/10 25/10/10 22/10/10 21/10/10 20/10/10 19/10/10 18/10/10 15/10/10 14/10/10 13/10/10 12/10/10 11/10/10 08/10/10 07/10/10 06/10/10 05/10/10 04/10/10 01/10/10 30/09/10 29/09/10 28/09/10 27/09/10 24/09/10 23/09/10 22/09/10 21/09/10 20/09/10 17/09/10 16/09/10 15/09/10 14/09/10 13/09/10 10/09/10 09/09/10 08/09/10 07/09/10 06/09/10 03/09/10
  • Holdings Summary03/11/10

    Ticker IHYG Total Net Assets (000) 163,475 Number of Holdings 177 Currency EUR
  • All Holdings

    03/11/10 % Weight Security ISIN SEDOL Price Country Sector Coupon Maturity Moody's Rating 1.77 ZIGGO BOND COMPANY BV RegS 8 05/15/2018 XS0505541044 B3YW303 103.50 Netherlands Industrial 8.00 15/05/18 B2 1.56 UNITYMEDIA HESSEN / NRW RegS 8.125 12/01/2017 XS0468492219 B442PX7 105.00 Germany Industrial 8.12 01/12/17 B1 1.39 WIND ACQUISITION FINANCE RegS 11.75 07/15/2017 XS0438150160 B3LGQN2 112.50 Luxembourg Industrial 11.75 15/07/17 B2 1.36 EVONIK DEGUSSA GMBH 5.125 12/10/2013 XS0181557454 B034J01 105.92 Germany Industrial 5.12 10/12/13 NR 1.34 FCE BANK PLC MTN 7.125 01/15/2013 XS0299967413 B1WVN08 105.75 UK Industrial 7.12 15/01/13 Ba2 1.30 INEOS GROUP HOLDINGS PLC RegS 7.875 02/15/2016 XS0242945367 B0XZ3F7 88.50 UK Industrial 7.88 15/02/16 Caa2 1.29 STORA ENSO OYJ MTN 5.125 06/23/2014 XS0194948617 B01NFJ1 103.99 Finland Industrial 5.12 23/06/14 Ba2 1.27 PERNOD-RICARD SA 4.875 03/18/2016 FR0010871376 B3NBY53 102.46 France Industrial 4.88 18/03/16 Ba1 1.20 HEIDELBERGCEMENT AG RegS 8 01/31/2017 XS0458230322 B54VQQ1 106.26 Germany Industrial 8.00 31/01/17 B1 1.11 ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISES LTD RegS 5.625 01/27/2014 XS0282330868 B1P1134 101.00 Liberia Industrial 5.62 27/01/14 Ba3 1.09 FIAT FINANCE AND T MTN 6.625 02/15/2013 XS0244126107 B0YJHZ6 105.63 Luxembourg Industrial 6.62 15/02/13 Ba1 1.06 EDCON PTY LTD RegS 4.129 06/15/2014 XS0304285280 B1YSZK1 83.94 South Africa Industrial 4.13 15/06/14 B2 1.03 FIAT FINANCE AND T MTN 7.625 09/15/2014 XS0451641285 B42FSC8 109.46 Luxembourg Industrial 7.62 15/09/14 Ba1 1.02 WIND ACQUISITION FINANCE SA RegS 11 12/01/2015 XS0236096730 B0R7MJ6 105.12 Luxembourg Industrial 11.00 01/12/15 B2 1.02 CONTI-GUMMI FINANCE BV RegS 7.125 10/15/2018 DE000A1A1P25 B3VT2M2 102.38 Netherlands Industrial 7.12 15/10/18 B1 1.02 DEUTSCHE LUFTHANSA MTN 6.75 03/24/2014 XS0419185789 B65PBD1 110.44 Germany Industrial 6.75 24/03/14 Ba1 1.01 FRANZ HANIEL & CIE MTN RegS 6.75 10/23/2014 XS0459131636 B544K24 108.45 Germany Industrial 6.75 23/10/14 Ba1 0.99 GMAC INTERNATIONAL FINANCE BV 7.5 04/21/2015 XS0503684838 B5NR1P4 102.52 Netherlands Financial Institutions 7.50 21/04/15 B3 0.98 CONTI-GUMMI FINANC MTN RegS 7.5 09/15/2017 DE000A1A0U37 B675TS0 104.25 Netherlands Industrial 7.50 15/09/17 B1 0.91 BOMBARDIER INC RegS 7.25 11/15/2016 XS0273988393 B1HCJ53 105.12 Canada Industrial 7.25 15/11/16 Ba2 0.91 PEUGEOT SA 5 10/28/2016 FR0010957282 N/A 100.92 France Industrial 5.00 28/10/16 Baa3 0.91 FIAT FINANCE AND T MTN 6.875 02/13/2015 XS0465889912 B59J7F6 107.22 Luxembourg Industrial 6.88 13/02/15 Ba1 0.90 FIAT FINANCE AND TRADE LTD. RegS 9 07/30/2012 XS0442431564 N/A 108.75 Luxembourg Industrial 9.00 30/07/12 Ba1 0.89 FCE BANK PLC MTN 7.125 01/16/2012 XS0282593440 B1MY5X4 103.85 UK Industrial 7.12 16/01/12 Ba2 0.87 AMERICAN GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATI 4.125 11/29/2013 XS0276697439 B1J5F63 83.50 United States Financial Institutions 4.12 29/11/13 B3 0.86 NXP BV 3.735 10/15/2013 XS0298436436 B1YBR93 95.50 Netherlands Industrial 3.74 15/10/13 Caa1 0.85 EVONIK INDUSTRIES AG RegS 7 10/14/2014 XS0456708212 B4V68R7 108.37 Germany Industrial 7.00 14/10/14 Ba1 0.84 PERNOD RICARD FINA MTN 7 01/15/2015 FR0010766329 B4YM0R6 110.80 France Industrial 7.00 15/01/15 Ba1 0.83 FRESENIUS FINANCE BV RegS 5 01/31/2013 XS0240918218 B0WHSC6 104.96 Netherlands Industrial 5.00 31/01/13 Ba1 0.82 CONTI-GUMMI FINANCE BV 8.5 07/15/2015 DE000A1AY2A0 B3WV3T1 109.10 Netherlands Industrial 8.50 15/07/15 B1 0.82 RENAULT SA MTN 4.5 04/16/2012 FR0010459388 B1W0HW5 102.50 France Industrial 4.50 16/04/12 Ba1 0.82 DEUTSCHE LUFTHANSA MTN 6.5 07/07/2016 XS0438813536 B3LCD62 111.50 Germany Industrial 6.50 07/07/16 Ba1 0.81 UNITYMEDIA GMBH RegS 9.625 12/01/2019 XS0468466056 B43YVZ8 108.75 Germany Industrial 9.62 01/12/19 B3 0.81 HEIDELBERGCEMENT AG 6.5 08/03/2015 XS0478802548 B5ZQDM0 104.15 Germany Industrial 6.50 03/08/15 B1 0.80 BANK OF IRELAND ( MTN 10 02/12/2020 XS0487711573 B62VLB0 82.00 Ireland Financial Institutions 10.00 12/02/20 Ba1 0.80 KERLIN PLC RegS 10.625 02/01/2017 XS0480857415 N/A 106.09 UK Industrial 10.62 01/02/17 B3 0.80 HEIDELBERGERCEMENT MTN 7.625 01/25/2012 XS0342136313 B2NSTW9 105.10 Netherlands Industrial 7.62 25/01/12 B1 0.80 FCE BANK PLC MTN 9.375 01/17/2014 XS0466777223 B5BF2B3 113.30 UK Industrial 9.38 17/01/14 Ba2 0.79 ALLIED IRISH BANKS PLC 12.5 06/25/2019 XS0435953186 B61LG94 65.00 Ireland Financial Institutions 12.50 25/06/19 Ba3 0.79 MOL MAGYAR OLAJ- E MTN RegS 5.875 04/20/2017 XS0503453275 B587450 96.35 Hungary Industrial 5.88 20/04/17 NR 0.77 REXEL SA 8.25 12/15/2016 XS0473749959 B544723 108.86 France Industrial 8.25 15/12/16 B1 0.77 RENAULT SA MTN 6 10/13/2014 FR0010809236 B4T3D64 106.62 France Industrial 6.00 13/10/14 Ba1 0.77 CODERE FINANCE LUXEMBOURG SA RegS 8.25 06/15/2015 XS0222158767 B0BSD47 101.58 Luxembourg Industrial 8.25 15/06/15 B2 0.77 RENAULT SA MTN 5.625 06/30/2015 FR0010916734 B3YJB77 104.64 France Industrial 5.62 30/06/15 Ba1 0.74 GROHE HOLDING GMBH RegS 3.86 01/15/2014 XS0282457349 B1N83D1 94.78 Germany Industrial 3.86 15/01/14 B3 0.73 FIAT FINANCE NORTH MTN 5.625 06/12/2017 XS0305093311 B1YLC65 103.58 United States Industrial 5.62 12/06/17 Ba1 0.72 OBRASCON HUARTE LA MTN 7.375 04/28/2015 XS0503993627 B3WG9K9 100.11 Spain Industrial 7.38 28/04/15 Ba2 0.71 HEIDELBERGCEMENT AG RegS 7.5 10/31/2014 XS0458230082 B557185 107.30 Germany Industrial 7.50 31/10/14 B1 0.70 CEMEX FINANCE EUROPE BV 4.75 03/05/2014 XS0289333048 B1SNL71 83.75 Netherlands Industrial 4.75 05/03/14 NR 0.68 PEUGEOT SA 8.375 07/15/2014 FR0010780452 B3LMG29 113.83 France Industrial 8.38 15/07/14 Baa3 0.68 LIGHTHOUSE INTERNATIONAL CO SA RegS 8 04/30/2014 XS0190027051 B00PNM7 52.25 Luxembourg Industrial 8.00 30/04/14 Caa1 0.67 NORDIC TELEPHONE CO HOLDING APS RegS 8.25 05/01/2016 XS0252438899 B13V2C2 105.50 Denmark Industrial 8.25 01/05/16 B1 0.66 RENAULT S.A. MTN 4.375 05/24/2013 FR0010326942 B14ZS92 103.42 France Industrial 4.38 24/05/13 Ba1 0.66 RHODIA S.A. 7 05/15/2018 XS0506721827 B3QQXS1 107.00 France Industrial 7.00 15/05/18 B1 0.66 DUBAI HOLDING COMM MTN 4.75 01/30/2014 XS0285303821 B1PGYV8 84.12 Cayman Islands Non - Corporate 4.75 30/01/14 B2 0.66 CHESAPEAKE ENERGY CORPORATION 6.25 01/15/2017 XS0273933902 B1KPKD4 102.50 United States Industrial 6.25 15/01/17 Ba3 0.65 MOL MAGYAR OLAJ GAZIPARI 3.875 10/05/2015 XS0231264275 B0LLBP3 92.25 Hungary Industrial 3.88 05/10/15 NR 0.64 UPM-KYMMENE CORPOR MTN 6.125 01/23/2012 XS0142044824 7291658 104.81 Finland Industrial 6.12 23/01/12 Ba1 0.63 ISS HOLDING A/S RegS 8.875 05/15/2016 XS0253470644 B141964 103.75 Denmark Industrial 8.88 15/05/16 Caa1 0.63 FRANZ HANIEL & CIE GMBH 5.875 02/01/2017 XS0482703286 B62DF03 105.51 Germany Industrial 5.88 01/02/17 Ba1 0.62 WENDEL INVESTISSEMENT 4.875 09/21/2015 XS0290422095 B1TK1Q0 97.00 France Industrial 4.88 21/09/15 NR 0.61 PERNOD-RICARD SA 4.625 12/06/2013 FR0010398271 B1J5QB5 103.52 France Industrial 4.62 06/12/13 Ba1 0.60 IMPRESS HOLDINGS BV RegS 4.11 09/15/2013 XS0257943893 B1FH1C1 99.50 Netherlands Industrial 4.11 15/09/13 Ba3 0.60 SMURFIT KAPPA ACQUISITIONS RegS 7.75 11/15/2019 XS0467785613 B5876K9 106.50 Ireland Industrial 7.75 15/11/19 Ba2 0.59 UPCB FINANCE LTD RegS 7.625 01/15/2020 XS0479955402 B3PDYY6 104.75 Cayman Islands Industrial 7.62 15/01/20 Ba3 0.59 NEW WORLD RESOURCES NV RegS 7.875 05/01/2018 XS0504814509 B662XG8 103.89 Netherlands Industrial 7.88 01/05/18 Ba3 0.59 MONDI FINANCE LTD 5.75 04/03/2017 XS0499542396 B561KM3 102.80 UK Industrial 5.75 03/04/17 Baa3 0.58 M-REAL OYJ 8.75 04/01/2013 XS0249583377 B123WG3 106.00 Finland Industrial 8.75 01/04/13 B3 0.57 UPC HOLDING BV RegS 8.375 08/15/2020 XS0532178000 B4Z9T35 101.62 Netherlands Industrial 8.38 15/08/20 B2 0.57 HEIDELBERGCEMENT AG 7.5 04/03/2020 XS0478803355 B612G64 103.77 Germany Industrial 7.50 03/04/20 B1 0.57 FRESENIUS FINANCE BV RegS 5.5 01/31/2016 XS0240919372 B0WHV61 104.50 Netherlands Industrial 5.50 31/01/16 Ba1 0.57 ABENGOA SA MTN 8.5 03/31/2016 XS0498817542 B53Q3F5 98.85 Spain Industrial 8.50 31/03/16 NR 0.57 PROLOGIS INTERNATIONAL FUNDING SA 7.625 10/23/2014 XS0326896718 B28PFJ4 104.75 Luxembourg Financial Institutions 7.62 23/10/14 Ba1 0.56 TDC AS MTN 6.5 04/19/2012 XS0146556385 7344091 105.30 Denmark Industrial 6.50 19/04/12 Ba3 0.55 ARDAGH PACKAGING FINANCE PLC 144A 7.375 10/15/2017 XS0547007418 N/A 101.86 Ireland Industrial 7.38 15/10/17 Ba3 0.55 CLARIANT FINANCE LUXEMBOURG SA 4.375 04/05/2013 XS0249417014 B120M53 102.72 Luxembourg Industrial 4.38 05/04/13 Ba1 0.54 NARA CABLE FUNDING LIMITED RegS 8.875 12/01/2018 XS0550774870 B4PFRR3 100.13 Ireland Industrial 8.88 01/12/18 B2 0.54 VALEO MTN 3.75 06/24/2013 FR0010206334 B0BJ005 101.41 France Industrial 3.75 24/06/13 Ba1 0.54 COGNIS GMBH RegS 2.879 09/15/2013 XS0300167938 B1XBH05 99.50 Germany Industrial 2.88 15/09/13 B2 0.54 PHNIX PIB FINANCE BV RegS 9.625 07/15/2014 XS0524563128 B40FJX8 109.08 Netherlands Industrial 9.62 15/07/14 B1 0.53 TVN FINANCE CORPORATION PLC RegS 10.75 11/15/2017 XS0466451548 B5MY4N5 113.50 UK Industrial 10.75 15/11/17 B1 0.52 LECTA SA MTN RegS 3.524 02/15/2014 XS0285604863 B1QHD13 93.50 Luxembourg Industrial 3.52 15/02/14 B2 0.52 FCE BANK PLC MTN RegS 7.25 07/15/2013 XS0525912522 B44L5D4 106.27 UK Industrial 7.25 15/07/13 Ba2 0.52 REYNOLDS GROUP RegS 7.75 10/15/2016 XS0463464916 B5960Q9 104.75 United States Industrial 7.75 15/10/16 B1 0.51 CROWN EUROPEAN HOLDINGS SA RegS 7.125 08/15/2018 XS0511127689 B4VGMP3 104.50 France Industrial 7.12 15/08/18 Ba1 0.51 OI EUROPEAN GROUP BV RegS 6.75 09/15/2020 XS0542593792 B3TRYW2 101.50 Netherlands Industrial 6.75 15/09/20 Ba2 0.50 SUNRISE COMMUNICAT MTN RegS 8.5 12/31/2018 XS0548102531 B41NRW6 104.00 Luxembourg Industrial 8.50 31/12/18 NR 0.49 CENTRAL EUROPEAN MEDIA ENTERPRISES RegS 11.625 09/15/2016 XS0452168536 B4LYXV0 100.50 Bermuda Industrial 11.62 15/09/16 NR 0.49 COGNIS GMBH 9.5 05/15/2014 XS0191508281 B0124S0 103.31 Germany Industrial 9.50 15/05/14 Caa2 0.48 DEUTSCHE LUFTHANSA AG 4.625 05/06/2013 DE000A0JQA39 B13TR98 104.37 Germany Industrial 4.62 06/05/13 Ba1 0.48 SEAT PAGINE GIALLE SPA RegS 10.5 01/31/2017 XS0482702395 B3MGTJ8 90.75 Italy Industrial 10.50 31/01/17 B1 0.47 INAER AVIATION FINANCE LTD RegS 9.5 08/01/2017 XS0527885015 B408BP3 102.75 Spain Industrial 9.50 01/08/17 B2 0.47 GROHE HOLDING GMBH RegS 8.625 10/01/2014 XS0200848041 B02W0Y7 102.63 Germany Industrial 8.62 01/10/14 Caa1 0.46 REYNOLDS GROUP 8 12/15/2016 XS0307398502 B1Z6J35 99.00 United States Industrial 8.00 15/12/16 Caa1 0.46 VERSATEL AG RegS 3.629 06/15/2014 XS0306628651 B1YYP87 89.53 Germany Industrial 3.63 15/06/14 B3 0.46 CAMPOFRIO FOOD GROUP SA RegS 8.25 10/31/2016 XS0461087958 B57J1B2 105.25 Spain Industrial 8.25 31/10/16 B1 0.45 TUI AG 5.125 12/10/2012 XS0237431837 B0SV974 98.75 Germany Industrial 5.12 10/12/12 Caa2 0.45 NORSKE SKOGINDUSTRIER ASA 7 06/26/2017 XS0307552355 B1Z4GH2 78.50 Norway Industrial 7.00 26/06/17 B2 0.45 HEIDELBERGCEMENT F MTN 6.75 12/15/2015 XS0520759803 B3NHD10 104.15 Netherlands Industrial 6.75 15/12/15 B1 0.45 PEUGEOT SA MTN 5.625 06/29/2015 FR0010915116 B5QGPH8 104.42 France Industrial 5.62 29/06/15 Baa3 0.45 TEREOS EUROPE RegS 6.375 04/15/2014 XS0295632847 B1VYQW1 102.25 France Industrial 6.38 15/04/14 B1 0.44 ALCATEL LUCENT MTN 6.375 04/07/2014 FR0010070805 B00LPX0 102.00 France Industrial 6.38 07/04/14 B1 0.44 FMG FINANCE PTY LTD RegS 9.75 09/01/2013 XS0265075886 B1CD2C9 121.26 Australia Industrial 9.75 01/09/13 B1 0.44 EUROPCAR GROUPE SA RegS 8.125 05/15/2014 XS0254144115 B14X1C0 101.50 France Industrial 8.12 15/05/14 Caa1 0.44 REYNOLDS GROUP RegS 9.5 06/15/2017 XS0307399062 B1Z6JW4 101.00 Luxembourg Industrial 9.50 15/06/17 Caa1 0.44 OBRASCON HUARTE LAIN SA 6.25 05/18/2012 XS0299486745 B1WSDN2 101.51 Spain Industrial 6.25 18/05/12 Ba2 0.44 HAPAG-LLOYD AG MTN RegS 9 10/15/2015 XS0545329624 N/A 103.50 Germany Industrial 9.00 15/10/15 B3 0.44 PROSECURE FUNDING LP 4.668 06/30/2016 XS0249466730 B122XG7 89.25 Jersey Financial Institutions 4.67 30/06/16 Ba2 0.43 PEERMONT GLOBAL LTD 7.75 04/30/2014 XS0296654600 B1W6GY8 93.00 South Africa Industrial 7.75 30/04/14 B3 0.43 WENDEL 4.875 11/04/2014 XS0203831432 B039467 98.10 France Industrial 4.88 04/11/14 NR 0.42 BOMBARDIER INC. 4.024 11/15/2013 XS0273978592 B1HCJ08 99.88 Canada Industrial 4.02 15/11/13 Ba2 0.42 SMURFIT KAPPA ACQUISITIONS RegS 7.25 11/15/2017 XS0466370540 B582422 104.50 Ireland Industrial 7.25 15/11/17 Ba2 0.42 NXP BV/NXP FUNDING LLC 8.625 10/15/2015 XS0298437087 B1Y95N7 99.19 Netherlands Industrial 8.62 15/10/15 Caa3 0.41 FAIRFAX MEDIA GROUP FINANCE PTY LT 6.25 06/15/2012 XS0305837527 B1YW0D1 102.12 Australia Industrial 6.25 15/06/12 NR 0.41 KAZKOMMERTS INTERN MTN RegS 6.875 02/13/2017 XS0286431100 B1QHB97 91.50 Kazakhstan Financial Institutions 6.88 13/02/17 B2 0.40 INEOS US FINANCE LLC RegS 9.25 05/15/2015 XS0508553764 B3S36Z8 105.75 UK Industrial 9.25 15/05/15 B1 0.39 PE PAPER ESCROW GMBH RegS 11.75 08/01/2014 XS0442348073 B3V54D5 115.13 Austria Industrial 11.75 01/08/14 Ba2 0.39 CEMEX FINANCE LLC MTN RegS 9.625 12/14/2017 XS0473787884 B4YMGR8 96.00 United States Industrial 9.62 14/12/17 NA 0.38 CEDC FINANCE CORPORATION INTERNATI RegS 8.875 12/01/2016 XS0468883672 B4QN6V3 107.50 United States Industrial 8.88 01/12/16 B1 0.38 INTERNATIONAL POWER FINANCE LTD RegS 7.25 05/11/2017 XS0508517611 B42PX34 117.89 UK Utility 7.25 11/05/17 Ba3 0.37 EUROPCAR GROUPE SA RegS 4.399 05/15/2013 XS0254147480 B168800 95.00 France Industrial 4.40 15/05/13 B3 0.37 SUNRISE COMMUNICAT MTN RegS 7 12/31/2017 XS0548101723 B4LXC10 103.25 Luxembourg Industrial 7.00 31/12/17 NR 0.37 CLONDALKIN ACQUISITION BV RegS 2.879 12/15/2013 XS0305155102 B1YWX76 93.75 Netherlands Industrial 2.88 15/12/13 B1 0.37 AGROKOR DD RegS 10 12/07/2016 XS0471612076 B4XYR38 107.00 Croatia (Hrvatska Industrial 10.00 07/12/16 B2 0.36 HELLA KGAA HUECK & CO RegS 7.25 10/20/2014 XS0454794123 B512DK0 109.75 Germany Industrial 7.25 20/10/14 Ba1 0.36 CIRSA FUNDING LUXEMBOURG SA RegS 8.75 05/15/2018 XS0506591519 B467N69 105.50 Luxembourg Industrial 8.75 15/05/18 B3 0.36 KRONOS INTERNATIONAL INC 6.5 04/15/2013 XS0259658846 B19RX43 99.75 United States Industrial 6.50 15/04/13 B3 0.36 HEIDELBERGCEMENT AG RegS 8.5 10/31/2019 XS0458685913 B54QYM8 109.80 Germany Industrial 8.50 31/10/19 B1 0.36 HERTZ HOLDINGS NETHERLANDS B.V RegS 8.5 07/31/2015 XS0522343101 B3X0CG7 106.00 United States Industrial 8.50 31/07/15 B1 0.36 LOUIS NO 1 PLC 8.5 12/01/2014 XS0277864640 B1KMV43 88.50 UK Industrial 8.50 01/12/14 Caa2 0.36 BARRY CALLEBAUT SERVICES NV 6 07/13/2017 BE0933072291 B2336L2 106.50 Belgium Industrial 6.00 13/07/17 Ba1 0.36 ATU AUTO-TEILE-UNGER HANDELS-GMBH RegS 11 05/15/2014 XS0548968592 B4QYZ31 98.50 Germany Industrial 11.00 15/05/14 B3 0.36 LBI ESCROW CORP RegS 8 11/01/2017 XS0498576833 B5BQ1L9 108.12 United States Industrial 8.00 01/11/17 Ba3 0.36 TELE DANMARK AS 5.875 12/16/2015 XS0473999984 B51GRG6 108.00 Denmark Industrial 5.88 16/12/15 Ba3 0.36 RENAULT SA MTN 5.625 03/22/2017 FR0010871541 B3N18C8 104.31 France Industrial 5.62 22/03/17 Ba1 0.35 LEVI STRAUSS & CO 7.75 05/15/2018 XS0520235218 B4Z2MN5 102.75 United States Industrial 7.75 15/05/18 B2 0.35 CEGEDIM SA 7 07/27/2015 FR0010925172 B4LDYC5 104.00 France Industrial 7.00 27/07/15 NR 0.34 CONSOL SPECIALITY MTN RegS 7.625 04/15/2014 XS0294430094 B1VSJV3 99.50 South Africa Industrial 7.62 15/04/14 B1 0.34 GRUPPO EDITORIALE LESPRESSO SPA 5.125 10/27/2014 XS0203341424 B03MKJ1 102.05 Italy Industrial 5.12 27/10/14 NR 0.34 NEXANS SA 5.75 05/02/2017 FR0010465427 B1WLJ11 99.00 France Industrial 5.75 02/05/17 NR 0.33 EC FINANCE PLC RegS 9.75 08/01/2017 XS0521356567 B3TYYM3 108.00 UK Industrial 9.75 01/08/17 B2 0.32 STENA AB 6.125 02/01/2017 XS0285176458 B1QGRF2 95.75 Sweden Industrial 6.12 01/02/17 Ba3 0.32 ONO FINANCE II MTN RegS 8 05/16/2014 XS0242754850 B0Y8WM5 92.75 Ireland Industrial 8.00 16/05/14 Caa2 0.31 OI EUROPEAN GROUP BV 6.875 03/31/2017 XS0291713948 B1V25M8 104.00 Netherlands Industrial 6.88 31/03/17 Ba2 0.31 MAGYAR TELECOM BV RegS 9.5 12/15/2016 XS0473176658 B4XXNN7 100.09 Netherlands Industrial 9.50 15/12/16 B1 0.31 ARDAGH PACKAGING FINANCE PLC 144A 9.25 10/15/2020 XS0547021757 N/A 103.02 Ireland Industrial 9.25 15/10/20 B3 0.31 BANCO POPOLARE SCA MTN 4.625 03/23/2015 XS0215451559 B06KWP2 100.49 Italy Financial Institutions 4.62 23/03/15 Ba1 0.31 ARDAGH PACKAGING FINANCE PLC RegS 7.375 10/15/2017 XS0547007764 B4NJW94 102.16 Ireland Industrial 7.38 15/10/17 Ba3 0.30 OXEA (CY S.C.A.) RegS 9.625 07/15/2017 XS0523636594 B432N01 109.87 Germany Industrial 9.62 15/07/17 B2 0.30 EDCON HOLDINGS PTY LTD RegS 6.379 06/15/2015 XS0305313701 B1YN3L3 81.50 South Africa Industrial 6.38 15/06/15 Caa1 0.29 ARDAGH GLASS FINANCE BV RegS 7.125 06/15/2017 XS0304675159 B1YCS48 93.75 Ireland Industrial 7.12 15/06/17 B3 0.29 CARLSON WAGONLIT BV RegS 6.795 05/01/2015 XS0273439298 B1GGNN2 95.50 Netherlands Financial Institutions 6.80 01/05/15 Caa2 0.28 LIZ CLAIBORNE INC 5 07/08/2013 XS0260255160 B188LF4 83.00 United States Industrial 5.00 08/07/13 Caa2 0.26 ABENGOA SA 9.625 02/25/2015 XS0469316458 B4KN2B1 104.32 Spain Industrial 9.62 25/02/15 NA 0.26 NOVASEP HOLDING S.A.S. RegS 9.625 12/15/2016 XS0473821816 B52K9R2 83.00 France Industrial 9.62 15/12/16 B3 0.26 UPC HOLDING BV RegS 9.75 04/15/2018 XS0425443370 B3ZBTZ6 107.50 Netherlands Industrial 9.75 15/04/18 B2 0.25 IMPRESS HOLDINGS BV RegS 9.25 09/15/2014 XS0257947290 B1FH239 104.50 Netherlands Industrial 9.25 15/09/14 B3 0.25 WIENERBERGER AG MTN 4.875 07/07/2014 AT0000A0H999 B56PL99 102.62 Austria Industrial 4.88 07/07/14 Ba1 0.25 CABLECOM LUXEMBOURG SCA RegS 8 11/01/2016 XS0273428416 B1GCZZ6 103.00 Netherlands Industrial 8.00 01/11/16 B2 0.25 NEW WORLD RESOURCES NV RegS 7.375 05/15/2015 XS0300667408 B1XFZS1 99.50 Netherlands Industrial 7.38 15/05/15 B3 0.24 BCM IRELAND FINANCE LTD RegS 5.899 08/15/2016 XS0264261974 B1BPHP4 58.50 Cayman Islands Industrial 5.90 15/08/16 Caa2 0.24 ROHM & HAAS CO 3.5 09/19/2012 XS0230242090 B0LDCN4 99.54 United States Industrial 3.50 19/09/12 NR 0.23 WENDEL 4.875 05/26/2016 XS0253989635 B147434 95.00 France Industrial 4.88 26/05/16 NR 0.23 NORDIC TELEPHONE C MTN RegS 6.545 05/01/2016 XS0252440010 B13V222 100.00 Denmark Industrial 6.54 01/05/16 B1 0.20 ARDAGH GLASS FINANCE PLC RegS 9.25 07/01/2016 XS0435914790 B605SG8 109.25 Ireland Industrial 9.25 01/07/16 Ba3 0.20 FRESENIUS US FINANCE II INC RegS 8.75 07/15/2015 XS0390398344 B3L5048 117.15 United States Industrial 8.75 15/07/15 Ba1 0.20 HORNBACH-BAUMARKT-AG RegS 6.125 11/15/2014 XS0205954778 B0422Y9 106.25 Germany Industrial 6.12 15/11/14 Ba3 0.19 RHODIA SA RegS 3.735 10/15/2013 XS0270503369 B1FRNH0 99.88 France Industrial 3.74 15/10/13 B1 0.19 ROCKWOOD SPECIALTIES GROUP INC 7.625 11/15/2014 XS0233895415 B0PHHM6 102.38 United States Industrial 7.62 15/11/14 B3 0.19 IKB DEUTSCHE INDUS MTN 4.5 07/09/2013 XS0171797219 7624607 88.75 Germany Financial Institutions 4.50 09/07/13 Ba2 0.19 PERI GMBH RegS 5.625 12/15/2011 XS0207564385 B04SGF6 102.25 Germany Industrial 5.62 15/12/11 Ba1 0.19 FOODCORP LTD RegS 8.875 06/15/2012 XS0222871179 B0BP672 100.95 South Africa Industrial 8.88 15/06/12 B2 0.19 TRW AUTOMOTIVE INC RegS 6.375 03/15/2014 XS0292580742 B1VK4C5 102.25 United States Industrial 6.38 15/03/14 B2 0.18 FMC FINANCE VI S.A. 5.5 07/15/2016 XS0477568637 B61P566 105.88 Luxembourg Industrial 5.50 15/07/16 NR 0.12 ZIGGO FINANCE BV 144A 6.125 11/15/2017 XS0552327685 N/A 100.00 Netherlands Industrial 6.12 15/11/17 Ba2 0.09 PICARD BONDCO SA 144A 9 10/01/2018 XS0544396368 B400XD1 103.12 France Industrial 9.00 01/10/18 B3 0.09 CONTI-GUMMI FINANCE BV 6.5 01/15/2016 DE000A1A1P17 B4PHN82 102.30 Netherlands Industrial 6.50 15/01/16 B1
This file represents fund portfolio holdings. The actual holdings of the fund may differ.

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vacca boia...

(chi legge qui non avrà avuto bisogno di apprendere dal Sole 24 Ore della emissione dei bond "patriottici" di una Catalogna con un deficit/PIL attorno al 20% ed un debito lanciato verso il traguardo del 200% a fine anno prossimo) e si vedrà cosa si riesce a fare.
«Buoni patriottici», hanno commentato alcuni osservatori con un certo sarcasmo, che non hanno incontrato grandi difficoltà a essere venduti, dato che offrivano un tasso del 4,75% (più il 3% di commissioni alle banche), contro l'1,90% dei titoli annuali del Tesoro spagnolo venduti un mese fa.

Commissioni pari al 63% della cedola su un buono annuale ? :eek:
Pare di riassistere alla spirale usuraria subita dalla Parmalat , che sulle ultime emissioni di bond ha pagato costi occulti stratosferici alle banche collocatrici.
«Buoni patriottici», hanno commentato alcuni osservatori con un certo sarcasmo, che non hanno incontrato grandi difficoltà a essere venduti, dato che offrivano un tasso del 4,75% (più il 3% di commissioni alle banche), contro l'1,90% dei titoli annuali del Tesoro spagnolo venduti un mese fa.

Commissioni pari al 63% della cedola su un buono annuale ? :eek:
Pare di riassistere alla spirale usuraria subita dalla Parmalat , che sulle ultime emissioni di bond ha pagato costi occulti stratosferici alle banche collocatrici.

I bond sono "patriottici"; le banche, si sa, conoscono solo il patriottismo dei soldi... :D purtroppo o per fortuna, verrebbe da dire con Gaber... ;)

PS. pare che l'Andalusia non sia poi messa molto meglio ... :-o
Non me la fa vedere...

quando clicchi sul link che ti ho postato ti comparira' la schermata con il nav dettagliato per singolo bond.

prima pero' devi autenticarti come investitore professionale. e' sufficiente che clicchi sul riquadro che copre la visione dell'elenco dei bond

spero sia tutto chiaro
quando clicchi sul link che ti ho postato ti comparira' la schermata con il nav dettagliato per singolo bond.

prima pero' devi autenticarti come investitore professionale. e' sufficiente che clicchi sul riquadro che copre la visione dell'elenco dei bond

spero sia tutto chiaro

Fatto, non essendo investitore professionale, nella mia ingenuità avevo cliccato sul "non professionale", con il risultato che la pagina non appare visualizzabile.

In risposta alla tua domanda, ad occhio direi che quei prezzi sono aggiornati, e dunque possono essere tenuti utili per avere un prezzo indicativo di molti titoli...:up:


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(...) Ho avuto fino a poco tempo fa lo Stora Enso 2014, e reputo che questa società abbia discrete possibilità di farcela ad arrivare ad allora e ripagare il bond ... tieni conto tuttavia che qualunque evento che causasse una improvvisa chiusura dei mercati obbligazionari avrebbe effetti deteriori sull'emittente, che ha scadenze debitorie prossime e che è appena coperto (in termini di liquidità disponibile) per superarle....

Sembra che ci siano buone notizie... ;) :D

05 November 2010

Stora Enso announces early redemption of entire USD 421 million 2011 bond


5 November 2010 at 9.00 EET

Stora Enso will exercise its right to redeem all of the USD 421 million bond
maturing in May 2011 through a make whole process. The bond will be redeemed on
9 December 2010.

“The reason for the make whole is to manage cash efficiently and proactively.
Because of our strong liquidity, we are able to exercise our right to redeem the
entire bond five months prior the date on which it was due for repayment,” says
Stora Enso CFO Markus Rauramo.

For further information, please contact:
Jyrki Tammivuori, SVP, Group Treasurer, tel. +358 2046 21043
Ulla Paajanen-Sainio, Head of Investor Relations, tel. +358 2046 21242

Home | Stora Enso
Investors | Stora Enso

Stora Enso is a global paper, packaging and wood products company producing
newsprint and book paper, magazine paper, fine paper, consumer board, industrial
packaging and wood products. The Group is the world leader in forest industry
sustainability. We offer our customers solutions based on renewable raw
materials. Our products provide a climate-friendly alternative to many
non-renewable materials, and have a smaller carbon footprint. Stora Enso is
listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and the FTSE4Good Index. Stora Enso
employs some 27 000 people worldwide, and our sales in 2009 amounted to EUR 8.9
billion. Stora Enso shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki (STEAV, STERV) and
Stockholm (STE A, STE R). In addition, the shares are traded in the USA as ADRs
(SEOAY) in the International OTCQX over-the-counter market.

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