Euronext.liffe to launch MTS govt bond index futures on Nov 13
PARIS (AFX) - Euronext.liffe, the international derivatives business of Euronext NV, announced the launch on the LIFFE market in London of a range of EuroMTS Government Bond Index Futures, on Nov 13.
EuroMTS Indices are the first independent total-return indices measuring the performance of a range of Eurozone government and non-government bonds and will be based on real-time tradable prices from the MTS system, the largest electronic marketplace for the trading of European bonds, the company said.
'In equity markets, investors have long benefited from the transparency, simplicity and efficiency offered by equity indices, and futures on those indices. Now, Euronext.liffe and EuroMTS are working together to offer similar advantages to the bond market, with the introduction of Euronext.liffe futures contracts on EuroMTS government bond indices,' Euronext.liffe said.
The initial products will be the EuroMTS Eurozone Government Broad Index, MTS France Government Index, MTS Italy Government Index and MTS Deutschland Government Index, all based on 7-10 year issues.
This launch will be followed in the first quarter of 2007 with the launch of a futures contract on an index from the EuroMTS Inflation Linked Bond Index family, the company said.
The MTS bond trading platform is jointly controlled by Euronext and Borsa Italiana.
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